Load Multiple (Increment After, Full Descending) loads multiple registers from consecutive memory locations using an address from a base register. The consecutive memory locations start at this address, and the address just above the highest of those locations can optionally be written back to the base register.

The lowest-numbered register is loaded from the lowest memory address, through to the highest-numbered register from the highest memory address. See also Encoding of lists of general-purpose registers and the PC.

Armv8.2 permits the deprecation of some Load Multiple ordering behaviors in AArch32 state, for more information see FEAT_LSMAOC. The registers loaded can include the PC, causing a branch to a loaded address. This is an interworking branch, see Pseudocode description of operations on the AArch32 general-purpose registers and the PC. Related system instructions are LDM (User registers) and LDM (exception return).

This instruction is used by the alias POP (multiple registers).

It has encodings from the following instruction sets: A32 ( A1 ) and T32 ( T1 and T2 ) .


!= 1111100010W1Rnregister_list


LDM{IA}{<c>}{<q>} <Rn>{!}, <registers> // (Preferred syntax)

LDMFD{<c>}{<q>} <Rn>{!}, <registers> // (Alternate syntax, Full Descending stack)

constant n = UInt(Rn); constant registers = register_list; constant wback = (W == '1'); if n == 15 || BitCount(registers) < 1 then UNPREDICTABLE; if wback && registers<n> == '1' then UNPREDICTABLE;


If BitCount(registers) < 1, then one of the following behaviors must occur:

If wback && registers<n> == '1', then one of the following behaviors must occur:




LDM{IA}{<c>}{<q>} <Rn>{!}, <registers> // (Preferred syntax)

LDMFD{<c>}{<q>} <Rn>{!}, <registers> // (Alternate syntax, Full Descending stack)

constant n = UInt(Rn); constant registers = '00000000':register_list; constant wback = (registers<n> == '0'); if BitCount(registers) < 1 then UNPREDICTABLE;


If BitCount(registers) < 1, then one of the following behaviors must occur:




LDM{IA}{<c>}.W <Rn>{!}, <registers> // (Preferred syntax, if <Rn>, '!' and <registers> can be represented in T1)

LDMFD{<c>}.W <Rn>{!}, <registers> // (Alternate syntax, Full Descending stack, if <Rn>, '!' and <registers> can be represented in T1)

LDM{IA}{<c>}{<q>} <Rn>{!}, <registers> // (Preferred syntax)

LDMFD{<c>}{<q>} <Rn>{!}, <registers> // (Alternate syntax, Full Descending stack)

constant n = UInt(Rn); constant registers = P:M:register_list; constant wback = (W == '1'); if n == 15 || BitCount(registers) < 2 || (P == '1' && M == '1') then UNPREDICTABLE; if wback && registers<n> == '1' then UNPREDICTABLE; if registers<13> == '1' then UNPREDICTABLE; if registers<15> == '1' && InITBlock() && !LastInITBlock() then UNPREDICTABLE;


If BitCount(registers) < 1, then one of the following behaviors must occur:

If wback && registers<n> == '1', then one of the following behaviors must occur:

If BitCount(registers) == 1, then one of the following behaviors must occur:

If registers<13> == '1', then one of the following behaviors must occur:

If P == '1' && M == '1', then one of the following behaviors must occur:

For more information about the constrained unpredictable behavior of this instruction, see Architectural Constraints on UNPREDICTABLE behaviors.

Assembler Symbols


Is an optional suffix for the Increment After form.


See Standard assembler syntax fields.


See Standard assembler syntax fields.


Is the general-purpose base register, encoded in the "Rn" field.


For encoding A1 and T2: the address adjusted by the size of the data loaded is written back to the base register. If specified, it is encoded in the "W" field as 1, otherwise this field defaults to 0.

For encoding T1: the address adjusted by the size of the data loaded is written back to the base register. It is omitted if <Rn> is included in <registers>, otherwise it must be present.


For encoding A1: is a list of one or more registers to be loaded, separated by commas and surrounded by { and }.

The PC can be in the list.

Arm deprecates using these instructions with both the LR and the PC in the list.

For encoding T1: is a list of one or more registers to be loaded, separated by commas and surrounded by { and }. The registers in the list must be in the range R0-R7, encoded in the "register_list" field.

For encoding T2: is a list of one or more registers to be loaded, separated by commas and surrounded by { and }. The registers in the list must be in the range R0-R12, encoded in the "register_list" field, and can optionally contain one of the LR or the PC. If the LR is in the list, the "M" field is set to 1, otherwise it defaults to 0. If the PC is in the list, the "P" field is set to 1, otherwise it defaults to 0.

If the PC is in the list:

  • The LR must not be in the list.
  • The instruction must be either outside any IT block, or the last instruction in an IT block.

Alias Conditions

AliasOf variantIs preferred when
POP (multiple registers)T2W == '1' && Rn == '1101' && BitCount(P:M:register_list) > 1
POP (multiple registers)A1W == '1' && Rn == '1101' && BitCount(register_list) > 1


if ConditionPassed() then EncodingSpecificOperations(); address = R[n]; for i = 0 to 14 if registers<i> == '1' then R[i] = MemS[address,4]; address = address + 4; if registers<15> == '1' then LoadWritePC(MemS[address,4]); if wback && registers<n> == '0' then R[n] = R[n] + 4*BitCount(registers); if wback && registers<n> == '1' then R[n] = bits(32) UNKNOWN;

Operational information

If CPSR.DIT is 1, the timing of this instruction is insensitive to the value of the data being loaded or stored.

Internal version only: isa v01_31, pseudocode v2024-03_rel ; Build timestamp: 2024-03-25T10:05

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