GICR_IIDR, Redistributor Implementer Identification Register

The GICR_IIDR characteristics are:


Provides information about the implementer and revision of the Redistributor.


This register is available in all configurations of the GIC. If the GIC implementation supports two Security states, this register is Common.


GICR_IIDR is a 32-bit register.

Field descriptions


ProductID, bits [31:24]

Product Identifier.

This field has an IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED value.

Access to this field is RO.

Bits [23:20]

Reserved, RES0.

Variant, bits [19:16]

Variant number. Typically, this field is used to distinguish product variants, or major revisions of a product.

This field has an IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED value.

Access to this field is RO.

Revision, bits [15:12]

Revision number. Typically, this field is used to distinguish minor revisions of a product.

This field has an IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED value.

Access to this field is RO.

Implementer, bits [11:0]

Contains the JEP106 code of the company that implemented the Redistributor:

This field has an IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED value.

Access to this field is RO.

Accessing GICR_IIDR

GICR_IIDR can be accessed through the memory-mapped interfaces:

GIC RedistributorRD_base0x0004GICR_IIDR

Accesses on this interface are RO.

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