v=4.1 ov=4.0 * make branch in qemu-iwj.git git-branch $v-testing master # make branches in xenbits.xen.org qemus ssh xen@xenbits.xen.org cd ~/git/qemu-xen.git git branch staging-$v staging git branch stable-$v master cd ~/git/qemu-xen-traditional.git git branch stable-$v master # make branch in libvirt ssh xen@xenbits.xen.org cd ~/git/libvirt.git/ git branch osstest/frozen/xen-$v-testing xen-tested-master # make branches in xenbits.xen.org xen.git ssh xen@xenbits.xen.org cd ~/git/xen.git git branch staging-$v staging git branch stable-$v master # update xendocs@xenbits docs generator to generate new stable branch # docs too. commit to git. * make 13:37 https://xenbits.xen.org/docs/4.2-testing/ is now live true #14:17 HOWTO: login to xenbits. become "xendocs" . cd cronjobs . edit # xenbits-docs-all.sh in the obvious way. git commit ssh root@xenbits.xen.org su - xendocs cd cronjobs ed xenbits-docs-all.sh /for branch s/$/ 4.6-testing # ^ OR SIMILAR w q git add -p git commit -m "Branch for $v" * make branches etc. in osstest ssh osstest@osstest.test-lab cd testing.git OSSTEST_CONFIG=production-config ./mg-branch-setup xen-$v-testing bisect OSSTEST_CONFIG=production-config ./mg-branch-setup qemu-upstream-$v-testing bisect # make branches etc. in Cambridge osstest ssh osstest@osstest.xs.citrite.net cd testing.git OSSTEST_CONFIG=production-config-cambridge ./mg-branch-setup xen-$v-testing bisect OSSTEST_CONFIG=production-config-cambridge ./mg-branch-setup qemu-upstream-$v-testing bisect * add branch to osstest ie add both eg qemu-upstream-4.2-testing and xen-4.2-testing to BRANCHES in cr-for-branches * add to patchbot on xenbits cd ~/HG/patchbot/ cp xen--master.patchbot-reported-heads xen--stable-$v.patchbot-reported-heads cp xen--staging.patchbot-reported-heads xen--staging-$v.patchbot-reported-heads cp qemu-xen--master.patchbot-reported-heads qemu-xen--stable-$v.patchbot-reported-heads cp qemu-xen--staging.patchbot-reported-heads qemu-xen--staging-$v.patchbot-reported-heads cp qemu-xen-traditional--master.patchbot-reported-heads qemu-xen-traditional--stable-$v.patchbot-reported-heads #emacs versions perl -i~ -pe 'next unless m/\b\Q'$ov'\E\b/; $x=$_; $x=~ s/\b\Q'$ov'\E\b/'$v'/g; print $x;' versions git diff git add versions git commit -m "Branch for $v" Ensure references to qemu trees in xen.git's Config.mk are updated. Check this with grep unstable Config.mk which should produce no output. Replace as necessary. (There may well be none.) Update newly diverging staging (unstable) according to release-technician-checklist.txt section re README etc. Update newly diverging staging-$v according to release-technician-checklist.txt section re README etc., including turning off debug. Set off a manual osstest run, since the osstest cr-for-branches change will take a while to take effect: ssh osstest.test-lab cd branches/for-xen-$v-testing.git screen -S $v BRANCHES=xen-$v-testing ./cr-for-branches branches -w "./cr-daily-branch --real" Send message to committers and RM. Use previous mail as a template.