libxl IDL --------- Each type in the libxl interface is represented by an object of type idl.Type (or a subclass thereof). Every local variable defined by the .idl file must be an instance of idl.Type (e.g. you may not define Python functions or any other construct other than defining variables) The name of the type must be passed as the first argument to the constructor when defining a new type. The name given should not contain the initial namespace element (e.g. "libxl_"). See below for how to specify a namespace. The Type.typename contains the C name of the type _including_ the namespace element while Type.rawname is always set to the 'base' name of the type. The idl.Type base class has several other properties which apply to all types. The properties are set by passing a named parameter to the constructor. Type.namespace: (default: "libxl_") The namespace in which the type resides. Usually this is "libxl_" but system defined and builtin types may differ. If the typename is not None then the namespace is prepended to the type. Type.passby: (default: idl.PASS_BY_VALUE) Defines the manner in which a type should be passed to C functions. Valid values for this fields are: idl.PASS_BY_VALUE idl.PASS_BY_REFERENCE Type.dispose_fn: (default: typename + "_dispose" or None if type == None) The name of the C function which will free all dynamically allocated memory contained within this type (but not the type itself). Type.autogenerate_dispose_fn: (default: True) Indicates if the above named Type.dispose_fn should be autogenerated. Type.copy_fn: (default: typename + "_copy" or None if type == None) The name of the C function which will deep copy all fields within this type. Type.autogenerate_copy_fn: (default: True) Indicates if the above named Type.copy_fn should be autogenerated. Type.autogenerate_copy_fn Type.init_val: (default: None) C expression for the value to initialise instances of this type to. If present takes precendence over init_fn (see below). Type.init_fn: (default: typename + "_init" if dir in [IN, BOTH] and type != None) The name of the C function which will initialist Type. Type.autogenerate_init_fn: (default: True if dir in [IN, BOTH]) Indicates if the above named Type.init_fn should be autogenerated. Type.json_gen_fn: (default: typename + "_gen_json" or None if type == None) The name of the C function which will generate a YAJL data structure representing this type. Type.json_parse_fn: (default: typename + "_parse_json" or None if type == None) The name of the C function which will parse a libxl JSON structure representing this type to C type. Type.autogenerate_json: (default: True) Indicates if the above named Type.json_*_fn should be autogenerated. Type.check_default_fn: If it's set then calling this function shall return true if this type has been set to default value (internal libxl implementation). If this is not set, that means we can check the type against init_val (if it has one) or zero to determine whether the value is default value. Other simple type-Classes ------------------------- idl.Builtin Instances of this class represent types which are predefined within the system. idl.UInt Instances of this class represent the standard uint_t types. The for a given instance must be passed to the constructor and is then available in UInt.width Complex type-Classes -------------------- idl.Enumeration A class representing an enumeration (named integer values). This class has one property besides the ones defined for the Type class: Enumeration.value_namespace: (default: namespace) The namespace in which the values of the Enumeration (see below) reside. This prefix is prepended to the name of the value. The values are available in the list Enumeration.values. Each element in the list is of type idl.EnumerationValue. Each EnumerationValue has the following properties: EnumerationValue.enum Reference to containing Enumeration The C name of this value, including the namespace and typename of the containing Enumeration (e.g. "LIBXL_FOOENUM_VALUE") EnumerationValue.rawname The C name of this value, excluding the namespace but including the typename of the containing Enumeration (e.g. "FOOENUM_VALUE") EnumerationValue.valuename The name of this value, excluding the name of the containing Enumeration and any namespace (e.g. "VALUE") EnumerationValue.value The integer value associated with this name. idl.Aggregate Base class for type-Classes which contain a number of other types (e.g. structs and unions). The contained types are available in the list Aggregate.fields. Each element in the list is of type idl.Field representing a member of the aggregate. Each field has the following properties: Field.type The type of the member (a idl.Type). The name of the member (can be None for anonymous fields). Field.const Boolean, true if the member is const. Field.init_val The initialisation value for this field. Takes precendence over both Field.type.init_val and Field.type.init_fn. idl.Struct A subclass of idl.Aggregate representing the C struct type. Struct.kind == "struct" idl.Union A subclass of idl.Aggregate representing the C union type. Union.kind == "union" idl.KeyedUnion A subclass of idl.Aggregate which represents the C union type where the currently valid member of the union can be determined based upon another member in the containing type. An idl.KeyedUnion must always be a member of a containing idl.Aggregate type. The KeyedUnion.keyvar contains an idl.Field, this is the member of the containing type which determines the valid member of the union. The idl.Field.type of the keyvar must be an Enumeration type. idl.Array A class representing an array of similar elements. An idl.Array must always be an idl.Field of a containing idl.Aggregate. idl.Array.elem_type contains an idl.Type which is the type of each element of the array. idl.Array.len_var contains an idl.Field which is added to the parent idl.Aggregate and will contain the length of the array. The field MUST be named num_ARRAYNAME. Standard Types -------------- Several standard types a predefined. They are void (void pointer type) bool size_t integer 24 bit signed integer. uint{8,16,32,64} uint{8,16,32,64}_t domid Domain ID string NULL terminated string