Lines Matching refs:poly

117 ## poly = x^128 + x^127 + x^126 + x^121 + 1
192 HashKey = 16*6 # store HashKey <<1 mod poly here
193 HashKey_2 = 16*7 # store HashKey^2 <<1 mod poly here
194 HashKey_3 = 16*8 # store HashKey^3 <<1 mod poly here
195 HashKey_4 = 16*9 # store HashKey^4 <<1 mod poly here
196 HashKey_5 = 16*10 # store HashKey^5 <<1 mod poly here
197 HashKey_6 = 16*11 # store HashKey^6 <<1 mod poly here
198 HashKey_7 = 16*12 # store HashKey^7 <<1 mod poly here
199 HashKey_8 = 16*13 # store HashKey^8 <<1 mod poly here
200 HashKey_k = 16*14 # store XOR of HashKey <<1 mod poly here (for Karatsuba purposes)
201 HashKey_2_k = 16*15 # store XOR of HashKey^2 <<1 mod poly here (for Karatsuba purposes)
202 HashKey_3_k = 16*16 # store XOR of HashKey^3 <<1 mod poly here (for Karatsuba purposes)
203 HashKey_4_k = 16*17 # store XOR of HashKey^4 <<1 mod poly here (for Karatsuba purposes)
204 HashKey_5_k = 16*18 # store XOR of HashKey^5 <<1 mod poly here (for Karatsuba purposes)
205 HashKey_6_k = 16*19 # store XOR of HashKey^6 <<1 mod poly here (for Karatsuba purposes)
206 HashKey_7_k = 16*20 # store XOR of HashKey^7 <<1 mod poly here (for Karatsuba purposes)
207 HashKey_8_k = 16*21 # store XOR of HashKey^8 <<1 mod poly here (for Karatsuba purposes)
681 ############### PRECOMPUTATION of HashKey<<1 mod poly from the HashKey
693 vpxor %xmm2, %xmm6, %xmm6 # xmm6 holds the HashKey<<1 mod poly
695 vmovdqu %xmm6, HashKey(arg2) # store HashKey<<1 mod poly
881 # Output: C = A*B*x mod poly, (i.e. >>1 )
882 # To compute GH = GH*HashKey mod poly, give HK = HashKey<<1 mod poly as input
883 # GH = GH * HK * x mod poly which is equivalent to GH*HashKey mod poly.
940 GHASH_MUL_AVX \T5, \HK, \T1, \T3, \T4, \T6, \T2 # T5 = HashKey^2<<1 mod poly
941 vmovdqu \T5, HashKey_2(arg2) # [HashKey_2] = HashKey^2<<1 mod poly
946 GHASH_MUL_AVX \T5, \HK, \T1, \T3, \T4, \T6, \T2 # T5 = HashKey^3<<1 mod poly
952 GHASH_MUL_AVX \T5, \HK, \T1, \T3, \T4, \T6, \T2 # T5 = HashKey^4<<1 mod poly
958 GHASH_MUL_AVX \T5, \HK, \T1, \T3, \T4, \T6, \T2 # T5 = HashKey^5<<1 mod poly
964 GHASH_MUL_AVX \T5, \HK, \T1, \T3, \T4, \T6, \T2 # T5 = HashKey^6<<1 mod poly
970 GHASH_MUL_AVX \T5, \HK, \T1, \T3, \T4, \T6, \T2 # T5 = HashKey^7<<1 mod poly
976 GHASH_MUL_AVX \T5, \HK, \T1, \T3, \T4, \T6, \T2 # T5 = HashKey^8<<1 mod poly
1863 # Output: C = A*B*x mod poly, (i.e. >>1 )
1864 # To compute GH = GH*HashKey mod poly, give HK = HashKey<<1 mod poly as input
1865 # GH = GH * HK * x mod poly which is equivalent to GH*HashKey mod poly.
1909 GHASH_MUL_AVX2 \T5, \HK, \T1, \T3, \T4, \T6, \T2 # T5 = HashKey^2<<1 mod poly
1910 vmovdqu \T5, HashKey_2(arg2) # [HashKey_2] = HashKey^2<<1 mod poly
1912 GHASH_MUL_AVX2 \T5, \HK, \T1, \T3, \T4, \T6, \T2 # T5 = HashKey^3<<1 mod poly
1915 GHASH_MUL_AVX2 \T5, \HK, \T1, \T3, \T4, \T6, \T2 # T5 = HashKey^4<<1 mod poly
1918 GHASH_MUL_AVX2 \T5, \HK, \T1, \T3, \T4, \T6, \T2 # T5 = HashKey^5<<1 mod poly
1921 GHASH_MUL_AVX2 \T5, \HK, \T1, \T3, \T4, \T6, \T2 # T5 = HashKey^6<<1 mod poly
1924 GHASH_MUL_AVX2 \T5, \HK, \T1, \T3, \T4, \T6, \T2 # T5 = HashKey^7<<1 mod poly
1927 GHASH_MUL_AVX2 \T5, \HK, \T1, \T3, \T4, \T6, \T2 # T5 = HashKey^8<<1 mod poly