Lines Matching refs:level
36 let prefix log_destination ?level ?key date = match log_destination with
38 let level = match level with
44 Printf.sprintf "[%s%s%s] " date level key
49 (* Syslog handles the date and level internally *)
52 type level = Debug | Info | Warn | Error | Null type
58 write: ?level:level -> string -> unit }
101 let write ?level:_ s =
145 let write ?level s =
146 let level = match level with
153 (* Syslog handles the date and level internally *)
154 Syslog.log facility level s in
171 logger.write ~level:Info (Printf.sprintf "Xen Storage Daemon, version %d.%d"
187 let xenstored_logging level key (fmt: (_,_,_,_) format4) =
189 | Some logger when int_of_level level >= int_of_level !xenstored_log_level ->
191 let level' = string_of_level level in
192 let prefix = prefix !xenstored_log_destination ~level:level' ~key date in
193 Printf.ksprintf (fun s -> logger.write ~level (prefix ^ s)) fmt
289 let access_logging ~con ~tid ?(data="") ~level access_type =
299 logger.write ~level msg)
303 let new_connection = access_logging ~level:Debug Newconn
304 let end_connection = access_logging ~level:Debug Endconn
307 then access_logging Coalesce ~tid ~con ~data:("read "^data) ~level:Debug
308 let write_coalesce data = access_logging Coalesce ~data:("write "^data) ~level:Debug
309 let conflict = access_logging Conflict ~level:Debug
310 let commit = access_logging Commit ~level:Debug
320 if print then access_logging ~tid ~con ~data (XbOp ty) ~level:Info
324 then access_logging ~tid ~con (XbOp Xenbus.Xb.Op.Transaction_start) ~level:Debug
328 then access_logging ~tid ~con (XbOp Xenbus.Xb.Op.Transaction_end) ~level:Debug
331 let print, level = match ty with
337 if print then access_logging ~tid ~con ~data (XbOp ty) ~level
341 access_logging ~tid:0 ~con ~data Watch_not_fired ~level:Info