/* * Copyright 2009-2017 Citrix Ltd and other contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special * exception on linking described in file LICENSE. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */ #include "libxl_osdeps.h" #include "libxl_internal.h" int libxl__console_tty_path(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t domid, int cons_num, libxl_console_type type, char **tty_path) { int rc; char *dom_path; dom_path = libxl__xs_get_dompath(gc, domid); if (!dom_path) { rc = ERROR_FAIL; goto out; } switch (type) { case LIBXL_CONSOLE_TYPE_SERIAL: *tty_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/serial/%d/tty", dom_path, cons_num); rc = 0; break; case LIBXL_CONSOLE_TYPE_PV: if (cons_num == 0) *tty_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/console/tty", dom_path); else *tty_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/tty", libxl__domain_device_frontend_path(gc, domid, cons_num, LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_CONSOLE)); rc = 0; break; default: rc = ERROR_INVAL; goto out; } out: return rc; } int libxl_console_exec(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid, int cons_num, libxl_console_type type, int notify_fd) { GC_INIT(ctx); char *p = GCSPRINTF("%s/xenconsole", libxl__private_bindir_path()); char *domid_s = GCSPRINTF("%d", domid); char *cons_num_s = GCSPRINTF("%d", cons_num); char *notify_fd_s; char *cons_type_s; switch (type) { case LIBXL_CONSOLE_TYPE_PV: cons_type_s = "pv"; break; case LIBXL_CONSOLE_TYPE_SERIAL: cons_type_s = "serial"; break; case LIBXL_CONSOLE_TYPE_VUART: cons_type_s = "vuart"; break; default: goto out; } if (notify_fd != -1) { notify_fd_s = GCSPRINTF("%d", notify_fd); execl(p, p, domid_s, "--num", cons_num_s, "--type", cons_type_s, "--start-notify-fd", notify_fd_s, (void *)NULL); } else { execl(p, p, domid_s, "--num", cons_num_s, "--type", cons_type_s, (void *)NULL); } out: GC_FREE; return ERROR_FAIL; } int libxl_console_get_tty(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid, int cons_num, libxl_console_type type, char **path) { GC_INIT(ctx); char *tty_path; char *tty; int rc; rc = libxl__console_tty_path(gc, domid, cons_num, type, &tty_path); if (rc) { LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Failed to get tty path\n"); goto out; } tty = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, tty_path); if (!tty || tty[0] == '\0') { LOGED(ERROR, domid, "Unable to read console tty path `%s'", tty_path); rc = ERROR_FAIL; goto out; } *path = libxl__strdup(NOGC, tty); rc = 0; out: GC_FREE; return rc; } static int libxl__primary_console_find(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid_vm, uint32_t *domid, int *cons_num, libxl_console_type *type) { GC_INIT(ctx); uint32_t stubdomid = libxl_get_stubdom_id(ctx, domid_vm); int rc; if (stubdomid) { *domid = stubdomid; *cons_num = STUBDOM_CONSOLE_SERIAL; *type = LIBXL_CONSOLE_TYPE_PV; } else { switch (libxl__domain_type(gc, domid_vm)) { case LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_HVM: *domid = domid_vm; *cons_num = 0; *type = LIBXL_CONSOLE_TYPE_SERIAL; break; case LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_PVH: case LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_PV: *domid = domid_vm; *cons_num = 0; *type = LIBXL_CONSOLE_TYPE_PV; break; case LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_INVALID: rc = ERROR_INVAL; goto out; default: abort(); } } rc = 0; out: GC_FREE; return rc; } int libxl_primary_console_exec(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid_vm, int notify_fd) { uint32_t domid; int cons_num; libxl_console_type type; int rc; rc = libxl__primary_console_find(ctx, domid_vm, &domid, &cons_num, &type); if ( rc ) return rc; return libxl_console_exec(ctx, domid, cons_num, type, notify_fd); } int libxl_primary_console_get_tty(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid_vm, char **path) { uint32_t domid; int cons_num; libxl_console_type type; int rc; rc = libxl__primary_console_find(ctx, domid_vm, &domid, &cons_num, &type); if ( rc ) return rc; return libxl_console_get_tty(ctx, domid, cons_num, type, path); } int libxl_vncviewer_exec(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid, int autopass) { GC_INIT(ctx); const char *vnc_port; const char *vnc_listen = NULL, *vnc_pass = NULL; int port = 0, autopass_fd = -1; char *vnc_bin, *args[] = { "vncviewer", NULL, /* hostname:display */ NULL, /* -autopass */ NULL, }; vnc_port = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF( "/local/domain/%d/console/vnc-port", domid)); if (!vnc_port) { LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Cannot get vnc-port"); goto x_fail; } port = atoi(vnc_port) - 5900; vnc_listen = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("/local/domain/%d/console/vnc-listen", domid)); if ( autopass ) vnc_pass = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("/local/domain/%d/console/vnc-pass", domid)); if ( NULL == vnc_listen ) vnc_listen = "localhost"; if ( (vnc_bin = getenv("VNCVIEWER")) ) args[0] = vnc_bin; args[1] = GCSPRINTF("%s:%d", vnc_listen, port); if ( vnc_pass ) { char tmpname[] = "/tmp/vncautopass.XXXXXX"; autopass_fd = mkstemp(tmpname); if ( autopass_fd < 0 ) { LOGED(ERROR, domid, "mkstemp %s failed", tmpname); goto x_fail; } if ( unlink(tmpname) ) { /* should never happen */ LOGED(ERROR, domid, "unlink %s failed", tmpname); goto x_fail; } if ( libxl_write_exactly(ctx, autopass_fd, vnc_pass, strlen(vnc_pass), tmpname, "vnc password") ) goto x_fail; if ( lseek(autopass_fd, SEEK_SET, 0) ) { LOGED(ERROR, domid, "rewind %s (autopass) failed", tmpname); goto x_fail; } args[2] = "-autopass"; } libxl__exec(gc, autopass_fd, -1, -1, args[0], args, NULL); x_fail: GC_FREE; return ERROR_FAIL; } int libxl__device_console_add(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t domid, libxl__device_console *console, libxl__domain_build_state *state, libxl__device *device) { flexarray_t *front, *ro_front; flexarray_t *back; int rc; if (console->devid && state) { rc = ERROR_INVAL; goto out; } if (!console->devid && (console->name || console->path)) { LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Primary console has invalid configuration"); rc = ERROR_INVAL; goto out; } front = flexarray_make(gc, 16, 1); ro_front = flexarray_make(gc, 16, 1); back = flexarray_make(gc, 16, 1); device->backend_devid = console->devid; device->backend_domid = console->backend_domid; device->backend_kind = LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_CONSOLE; device->devid = console->devid; device->domid = domid; device->kind = LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_CONSOLE; flexarray_append(back, "frontend-id"); flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%d", domid)); flexarray_append(back, "online"); flexarray_append(back, "1"); flexarray_append(back, "state"); flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%d", XenbusStateInitialising)); flexarray_append(back, "protocol"); flexarray_append(back, LIBXL_XENCONSOLE_PROTOCOL); if (console->name) { flexarray_append(ro_front, "name"); flexarray_append(ro_front, console->name); flexarray_append(back, "name"); flexarray_append(back, console->name); } if (console->connection) { flexarray_append(back, "connection"); flexarray_append(back, console->connection); } if (console->path) { flexarray_append(back, "path"); flexarray_append(back, console->path); } flexarray_append(front, "backend-id"); flexarray_append(front, GCSPRINTF("%d", console->backend_domid)); flexarray_append(ro_front, "limit"); flexarray_append(ro_front, GCSPRINTF("%d", LIBXL_XENCONSOLE_LIMIT)); flexarray_append(ro_front, "type"); if (console->consback == LIBXL__CONSOLE_BACKEND_XENCONSOLED) flexarray_append(ro_front, "xenconsoled"); else flexarray_append(ro_front, "ioemu"); flexarray_append(ro_front, "output"); flexarray_append(ro_front, console->output); flexarray_append(ro_front, "tty"); if (state && state->console_tty) flexarray_append(ro_front, state->console_tty); else flexarray_append(ro_front, ""); if (state) { flexarray_append(ro_front, "port"); flexarray_append(ro_front, GCSPRINTF("%"PRIu32, state->console_port)); flexarray_append(ro_front, "ring-ref"); flexarray_append(ro_front, GCSPRINTF("%lu", state->console_mfn)); } else { flexarray_append(front, "state"); flexarray_append(front, GCSPRINTF("%d", XenbusStateInitialising)); flexarray_append(front, "protocol"); flexarray_append(front, LIBXL_XENCONSOLE_PROTOCOL); } libxl__device_generic_add(gc, XBT_NULL, device, libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, back), libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, front), libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, ro_front)); rc = 0; out: return rc; } int libxl__device_vuart_add(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t domid, libxl__device_console *console, libxl__domain_build_state *state) { libxl__device device; flexarray_t *ro_front; flexarray_t *back; int rc; ro_front = flexarray_make(gc, 16, 1); back = flexarray_make(gc, 16, 1); device.backend_devid = console->devid; device.backend_domid = console->backend_domid; device.backend_kind = LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_VUART; device.devid = console->devid; device.domid = domid; device.kind = LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_VUART; flexarray_append(back, "frontend-id"); flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%d", domid)); flexarray_append(back, "online"); flexarray_append(back, "1"); flexarray_append(back, "state"); flexarray_append(back, GCSPRINTF("%d", XenbusStateInitialising)); flexarray_append(back, "protocol"); flexarray_append(back, LIBXL_XENCONSOLE_PROTOCOL); flexarray_append(ro_front, "port"); flexarray_append(ro_front, GCSPRINTF("%"PRIu32, state->vuart_port)); flexarray_append(ro_front, "ring-ref"); flexarray_append(ro_front, GCSPRINTF("%"PRIu_xen_pfn, state->vuart_gfn)); flexarray_append(ro_front, "limit"); flexarray_append(ro_front, GCSPRINTF("%d", LIBXL_XENCONSOLE_LIMIT)); flexarray_append(ro_front, "type"); flexarray_append(ro_front, "xenconsoled"); rc = libxl__device_generic_add(gc, XBT_NULL, &device, libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, back), NULL, libxl__xs_kvs_of_flexarray(gc, ro_front)); return rc; } int libxl__init_console_from_channel(libxl__gc *gc, libxl__device_console *console, int dev_num, libxl_device_channel *channel) { int rc; libxl__device_console_init(console); /* Perform validation first, allocate second. */ if (channel->devid == -1) channel->devid = dev_num; if (!channel->name) { LOG(ERROR, "channel %d has no name", channel->devid); return ERROR_INVAL; } if (channel->backend_domname) { rc = libxl_domain_qualifier_to_domid(CTX, channel->backend_domname, &channel->backend_domid); if (rc < 0) return rc; } /* The xenstore 'output' node tells the backend what to connect the console to. If the channel has "connection = pty" then the "output" node will be set to "pty". If the channel has "connection = socket" then the "output" node will be set to "chardev:libxl-channel%d". This tells the qemu backend to proxy data between the console ring and the character device with id "libxl-channel%d". These character devices are currently defined on the qemu command-line via "-chardev" options in libxl_dm.c */ switch (channel->connection) { case LIBXL_CHANNEL_CONNECTION_UNKNOWN: LOG(ERROR, "channel %d has no defined connection; " "to where should it be connected?", channel->devid); return ERROR_INVAL; case LIBXL_CHANNEL_CONNECTION_PTY: console->connection = libxl__strdup(NOGC, "pty"); console->output = libxl__sprintf(NOGC, "pty"); break; case LIBXL_CHANNEL_CONNECTION_SOCKET: if (!channel->u.socket.path) { LOG(ERROR, "channel %d has no path", channel->devid); return ERROR_INVAL; } console->connection = libxl__strdup(NOGC, "socket"); console->path = libxl__strdup(NOGC, channel->u.socket.path); console->output = libxl__sprintf(NOGC, "chardev:libxl-channel%d", channel->devid); break; default: /* We've forgotten to add the clause */ LOG(ERROR, "%s: missing implementation for channel connection %d", __func__, channel->connection); abort(); } console->devid = channel->devid; console->consback = LIBXL__CONSOLE_BACKEND_IOEMU; console->backend_domid = channel->backend_domid; console->name = libxl__strdup(NOGC, channel->name); return 0; } static int libxl__device_channel_from_xenstore(libxl__gc *gc, const char *libxl_path, libxl_device_channel *channel) { const char *tmp; int rc; libxl_device_channel_init(channel); rc = libxl__xs_read_checked(NOGC, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/name", libxl_path), (const char **)(&channel->name)); if (rc) goto out; rc = libxl__xs_read_checked(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/connection", libxl_path), &tmp); if (rc) goto out; if (!strcmp(tmp, "pty")) { channel->connection = LIBXL_CHANNEL_CONNECTION_PTY; } else if (!strcmp(tmp, "socket")) { channel->connection = LIBXL_CHANNEL_CONNECTION_SOCKET; rc = libxl__xs_read_checked(NOGC, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/path", libxl_path), (const char **)(&channel->u.socket.path)); if (rc) goto out; } else { rc = ERROR_INVAL; goto out; } rc = 0; out: return rc; } static int libxl__append_channel_list(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t domid, libxl_device_channel **channels, int *nchannels) { char *libxl_dir_path = NULL; char **dir = NULL; unsigned int n = 0, devid = 0; libxl_device_channel *next = NULL; int rc = 0, i; libxl_dir_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/device/%s", libxl__xs_libxl_path(gc, domid), libxl__device_kind_to_string( LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_CONSOLE)); dir = libxl__xs_directory(gc, XBT_NULL, libxl_dir_path, &n); if (!dir || !n) goto out; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { const char *libxl_path, *name; libxl_device_channel *tmp; libxl_path = GCSPRINTF("%s/%s", libxl_dir_path, dir[i]); name = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/name", libxl_path)); /* 'channels' are consoles with names, so ignore all consoles without names */ if (!name) continue; tmp = realloc(*channels, sizeof(libxl_device_channel) * (*nchannels + devid + 1)); if (!tmp) { rc = ERROR_NOMEM; goto out; } *channels = tmp; next = *channels + *nchannels + devid; rc = libxl__device_channel_from_xenstore(gc, libxl_path, next); if (rc) goto out; next->devid = devid; devid++; } *nchannels += devid; return 0; out: return rc; } libxl_device_channel *libxl_device_channel_list(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid, int *num) { GC_INIT(ctx); libxl_device_channel *channels = NULL; int rc; *num = 0; rc = libxl__append_channel_list(gc, domid, &channels, num); if (rc) goto out_err; GC_FREE; return channels; out_err: LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Unable to list channels"); while (*num) { (*num)--; libxl_device_channel_dispose(&channels[*num]); } free(channels); return NULL; } int libxl_device_channel_getinfo(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid, const libxl_device_channel *channel, libxl_channelinfo *channelinfo) { GC_INIT(ctx); char *fe_path, *libxl_path; char *val; int rc; channelinfo->devid = channel->devid; fe_path = libxl__domain_device_frontend_path(gc, domid, channelinfo->devid + 1, LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_CONSOLE); libxl_path = libxl__domain_device_libxl_path(gc, domid, channelinfo->devid + 1, LIBXL__DEVICE_KIND_CONSOLE); channelinfo->backend = xs_read(ctx->xsh, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/backend", libxl_path), NULL); if (!channelinfo->backend) { GC_FREE; return ERROR_FAIL; } rc = libxl__backendpath_parse_domid(gc, channelinfo->backend, &channelinfo->backend_id); if (rc) goto out; val = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/state", fe_path)); channelinfo->state = val ? strtoul(val, NULL, 10) : -1; channelinfo->frontend = libxl__strdup(NOGC, fe_path); channelinfo->frontend_id = domid; val = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/ring-ref", fe_path)); channelinfo->rref = val ? strtoul(val, NULL, 10) : -1; val = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/port", fe_path)); channelinfo->evtch = val ? strtoul(val, NULL, 10) : -1; channelinfo->connection = channel->connection; switch (channel->connection) { case LIBXL_CHANNEL_CONNECTION_PTY: val = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, GCSPRINTF("%s/tty", fe_path)); /* * It is obviously very wrong for this value to be in the * frontend. But in XSA-175 we don't want to re-engineer * this because other xenconsole code elsewhere (some * even out of tree, perhaps) expects this node to be * here. * * FE/pty is readonly for the guest. It always exists if * FE does because libxl__device_console_add * unconditionally creates it and nothing deletes it. * * The guest can delete the whole FE (which it has write * privilege on) but the containing directories * /local/GUEST[/device[/console]] are also RO for the * guest. So if the guest deletes FE it cannot recreate * it. * * Therefore the guest cannot cause FE/pty to contain bad * data, although it can cause it to not exist. */ if (!val) val = "/NO-SUCH-PATH"; channelinfo->u.pty.path = strdup(val); break; default: break; } rc = 0; out: GC_FREE; return rc; } static int libxl__device_vfb_setdefault(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t domid, libxl_device_vfb *vfb, bool hotplug) { int rc; libxl_defbool_setdefault(&vfb->vnc.enable, true); if (libxl_defbool_val(vfb->vnc.enable)) { if (!vfb->vnc.listen) { vfb->vnc.listen = strdup(""); if (!vfb->vnc.listen) return ERROR_NOMEM; } libxl_defbool_setdefault(&vfb->vnc.findunused, true); } else { libxl_defbool_setdefault(&vfb->vnc.findunused, false); } libxl_defbool_setdefault(&vfb->sdl.enable, false); libxl_defbool_setdefault(&vfb->sdl.opengl, false); rc = libxl__resolve_domid(gc, vfb->backend_domname, &vfb->backend_domid); return rc; } int libxl_device_vfb_add(libxl_ctx *ctx, uint32_t domid, libxl_device_vfb *vfb, const libxl_asyncop_how *ao_how) { AO_CREATE(ctx, domid, ao_how); int rc; rc = libxl__device_add(gc, domid, &libxl__vfb_devtype, vfb); if (rc) { LOGD(ERROR, domid, "Unable to add vfb device"); goto out; } out: libxl__ao_complete(egc, ao, rc); return AO_INPROGRESS; } static int libxl__set_xenstore_vfb(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t domid, libxl_device_vfb *vfb, flexarray_t *back, flexarray_t *front, flexarray_t *ro_front) { flexarray_append_pair(back, "vnc", libxl_defbool_val(vfb->vnc.enable) ? "1" : "0"); flexarray_append_pair(back, "vnclisten", vfb->vnc.listen); flexarray_append_pair(back, "vncpasswd", vfb->vnc.passwd); flexarray_append_pair(back, "vncdisplay", GCSPRINTF("%d", vfb->vnc.display)); flexarray_append_pair(back, "vncunused", libxl_defbool_val(vfb->vnc.findunused) ? "1" : "0"); flexarray_append_pair(back, "sdl", libxl_defbool_val(vfb->sdl.enable) ? "1" : "0"); flexarray_append_pair(back, "opengl", libxl_defbool_val(vfb->sdl.opengl) ? "1" : "0"); if (vfb->sdl.xauthority) { flexarray_append_pair(back, "xauthority", vfb->sdl.xauthority); } if (vfb->sdl.display) { flexarray_append_pair(back, "display", vfb->sdl.display); } return 0; } /* The following functions are defined: * libxl_device_vfb_remove * libxl_device_vfb_destroy */ /* channel/console hotunplug is not implemented. There are 2 possibilities: * 1. add support for secondary consoles to xenconsoled * 2. dynamically add/remove qemu chardevs via qmp messages. */ #define libxl__add_vfbs NULL #define libxl_device_vfb_list NULL #define libxl_device_vfb_compare NULL static LIBXL_DEFINE_UPDATE_DEVID(vfb) static LIBXL_DEFINE_DEVICE_FROM_TYPE(vfb) /* vfb */ LIBXL_DEFINE_DEVICE_REMOVE(vfb) DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE_STRUCT(vfb, VFB, .skip_attach = 1, .set_xenstore_config = (device_set_xenstore_config_fn_t) libxl__set_xenstore_vfb, ); libxl_xen_console_reader * libxl_xen_console_read_start(libxl_ctx *ctx, int clear) { GC_INIT(ctx); libxl_xen_console_reader *cr; unsigned int size = 16384; cr = libxl__zalloc(NOGC, sizeof(libxl_xen_console_reader)); cr->buffer = libxl__zalloc(NOGC, size); cr->size = size; cr->count = size; cr->clear = clear; cr->incremental = 1; GC_FREE; return cr; } /* return values: *line_r * 1 success, whole line obtained from buffer non-0 * 0 no more lines available right now 0 * negative error code ERROR_* 0 * On success *line_r is updated to point to a nul-terminated * string which is valid until the next call on the same console * reader. The libxl caller may overwrite parts of the string * if it wishes. */ int libxl_xen_console_read_line(libxl_ctx *ctx, libxl_xen_console_reader *cr, char **line_r) { int ret; GC_INIT(ctx); memset(cr->buffer, 0, cr->size); ret = xc_readconsolering(ctx->xch, cr->buffer, &cr->count, cr->clear, cr->incremental, &cr->index); if (ret < 0) { LOGE(ERROR, "reading console ring buffer"); GC_FREE; return ERROR_FAIL; } if (!ret) { if (cr->count) { *line_r = cr->buffer; ret = 1; } else { *line_r = NULL; ret = 0; } } GC_FREE; return ret; } void libxl_xen_console_read_finish(libxl_ctx *ctx, libxl_xen_console_reader *cr) { free(cr->buffer); free(cr); } /* * Local variables: * mode: C * c-basic-offset: 4 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */