(* * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Citrix Ltd. * Author Vincent Hanquez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special * exception on linking described in file LICENSE. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *) type ctx type domid = int type devid = int (* @@LIBXL_TYPES@@ *) exception Error of (error * string) external ctx_alloc: Xentoollog.handle -> ctx = "stub_libxl_ctx_alloc" external test_raise_exception: unit -> unit = "stub_raise_exception" type event = | POLLIN (* There is data to read *) | POLLPRI (* There is urgent data to read *) | POLLOUT (* Writing now will not block *) | POLLERR (* Error condition (revents only) *) | POLLHUP (* Device has been disconnected (revents only) *) | POLLNVAL (* Invalid request: fd not open (revents only). *) module Domain = struct external create_new : ctx -> Domain_config.t -> ?async:'a -> unit -> domid = "stub_libxl_domain_create_new" external create_restore : ctx -> Domain_config.t -> (Unix.file_descr * Domain_restore_params.t) -> ?async:'a -> unit -> domid = "stub_libxl_domain_create_restore" external shutdown : ctx -> domid -> ?async:'a -> unit -> unit = "stub_libxl_domain_shutdown" external reboot : ctx -> domid -> ?async:'a -> unit -> unit = "stub_libxl_domain_reboot" external destroy : ctx -> domid -> ?async:'a -> unit -> unit = "stub_libxl_domain_destroy" external suspend : ctx -> domid -> Unix.file_descr -> ?async:'a -> unit -> unit = "stub_libxl_domain_suspend" external pause : ctx -> domid -> ?async:'a -> unit = "stub_libxl_domain_pause" external unpause : ctx -> domid -> ?async:'a -> unit = "stub_libxl_domain_unpause" external send_trigger : ctx -> domid -> trigger -> int -> ?async:'a -> unit = "stub_xl_send_trigger" external send_sysrq : ctx -> domid -> char -> unit = "stub_xl_send_sysrq" end module Host = struct type console_reader exception End_of_file external xen_console_read_start : ctx -> int -> console_reader = "stub_libxl_xen_console_read_start" external xen_console_read_line : ctx -> console_reader -> string = "stub_libxl_xen_console_read_line" external xen_console_read_finish : ctx -> console_reader -> unit = "stub_libxl_xen_console_read_finish" external send_debug_keys : ctx -> string -> unit = "stub_xl_send_debug_keys" end module Async = struct type for_libxl type event_hooks type osevent_hooks external osevent_register_hooks' : ctx -> 'a -> osevent_hooks = "stub_libxl_osevent_register_hooks" external osevent_occurred_fd : ctx -> for_libxl -> Unix.file_descr -> event list -> event list -> unit = "stub_libxl_osevent_occurred_fd" external osevent_occurred_timeout : ctx -> for_libxl -> unit = "stub_libxl_osevent_occurred_timeout" let osevent_register_hooks ctx ~user ~fd_register ~fd_modify ~fd_deregister ~timeout_register ~timeout_fire_now = Callback.register "libxl_fd_register" fd_register; Callback.register "libxl_fd_modify" fd_modify; Callback.register "libxl_fd_deregister" fd_deregister; Callback.register "libxl_timeout_register" timeout_register; Callback.register "libxl_timeout_fire_now" timeout_fire_now; osevent_register_hooks' ctx user let async_register_callback ~async_callback = Callback.register "libxl_async_callback" async_callback external evenable_domain_death : ctx -> domid -> int -> unit = "stub_libxl_evenable_domain_death" external event_register_callbacks' : ctx -> 'a -> event_hooks = "stub_libxl_event_register_callbacks" let event_register_callbacks ctx ~user ~event_occurs_callback ~event_disaster_callback = Callback.register "libxl_event_occurs_callback" event_occurs_callback; Callback.register "libxl_event_disaster_callback" event_disaster_callback; event_register_callbacks' ctx user end let register_exceptions () = Callback.register_exception "Xenlight.Error" (Error(ERROR_FAIL, "")); Callback.register_exception "Xenlight.Host.End_of_file" (Host.End_of_file)