1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Marek Vasut <marex@denx.de>
4  */
8 #include <asm/arch/base_addr_ac5.h>
10 /* Memory configurations */
11 #define PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE		0x40000000	/* 1GiB on VINING_FPGA */
13 /* Booting Linux */
14 #define CONFIG_BOOTFILE		"fitImage"
15 #define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND	"run selboot"
16 #define CONFIG_SYS_BOOTM_LEN	0x2000000	/* 32 MiB */
17 #define CONFIG_LOADADDR		0x01000000
20 /* Ethernet on SoC (EMAC) */
22 /* Extra Environment */
23 #define CONFIG_HOSTNAME			"socfpga_vining_fpga"
25 /*
26  * Active LOW GPIO buttons:
27  * A: GPIO 77 ... the button between USB B and ethernet
28  * B: GPIO 78 ... the button between USB A ports
29  *
30  * The logic:
31  *  if button B is pressed, boot recovery system after 10 seconds
32  *  if force_boottype is set, boot system depending on the value in the
33  *                            $force_boottype variable after 1 second
34  *  if button B is not pressed and force_boottype is not set, boot normal
35  *                            Linux system after 5 seconds
36  */
39 	"verify=n\0" \
40 	"consdev=ttyS0\0"						\
41 	"baudrate=115200\0"						\
42 	"bootscript=boot.scr\0"						\
43 	"ubimtdnr=5\0"							\
44 	"ubimtd=rootfs\0"						\
45 	"ubipart=ubi0:vining-fpga-rootfs\0"						\
46 	"ubisfcs=1\0"		/* Default is flash at CS#1 */		\
47 	"netdev=eth0\0"							\
48 	"hostname=vining_fpga\0"					\
49 	"kernel_addr_r=0x10000000\0"					\
50 	"fdt_addr_r=0x20000000\0"					\
51 	"fdt_high=0xffffffff\0"						\
52 	"initrd_high=0xffffffff\0"					\
53 	"dfu_alt_info=qspi0 sf 0:0;qspi1 sf 0:1\0"			\
54 	"mtdparts_0_16m=ff705000.spi.0:" /* 16MiB+128MiB SF config */	\
55 		"1m(u-boot),"						\
56 		"64k(env1),"						\
57 		"64k(env2),"						\
58 		"256k(softing1),"					\
59 		"256k(softing2),"					\
60 		"-(rcvrfs)\0"	/* Recovery */				\
61 	"mtdparts_0_256m=ff705000.spi.0:" /* 256MiB(+256MiB) config */	\
62 		"1m(u-boot),"						\
63 		"64k(env1),"						\
64 		"64k(env2),"						\
65 		"256k(softing1),"					\
66 		"256k(softing2),"					\
67 		"14720k(rcvrfs),"	/* Recovery */			\
68 		"64m(rootfs),"		/* Root */			\
69 		"-(userfs)\0"		/* User */			\
70 	"mtdparts_1_128m=ff705000.spi.1:" /* 16MiB+128MiB SF config */	\
71 		"64m(rootfs),"						\
72 		"-(userfs)\0"						\
73 	"mtdparts_1_256m=ff705000.spi.1:" /* 256MiB+256MiB SF config */	\
74 		"-(userfs2)\0"						\
75 	"update_filename=u-boot-with-spl-dtb.sfp\0"			\
76 	"update_qspi_offset=0x0\0"					\
77 	"update_qspi="		/* Update the QSPI firmware */		\
78 		"if sf probe ; then "					\
79 		"if tftp ${update_filename} ; then "			\
80 		"sf update ${loadaddr} ${update_qspi_offset} ${filesize} ; " \
81 		"fi ; "							\
82 		"fi\0"							\
83 	"sf_identify="							\
84 		"setenv sf_size_0 ; setenv sf_size_1 ; "		\
85 		"sf probe 0:0 && setenv sf_size_0 ${sf_size} ; "	\
86 		"sf probe 0:1 && setenv sf_size_1 ${sf_size} ; "	\
87 		"if test -z \"${sf_size_1}\" ; then "			\
88 			/* 1x256MiB SF */				\
89 			"setenv mtdparts_0 ${mtdparts_0_256m} ; "	\
90 			"setenv mtdparts_1 ; "				\
91 		"elif test \"${sf_size_0}\" = \"1000000\" ; then "	\
92 			/* 16MiB+128MiB SF */				\
93 			"setenv mtdparts_0 ${mtdparts_0_16m} ; "	\
94 			"setenv mtdparts_1 ${mtdparts_1_128m} ; "	\
95 		"else "							\
96 			/* 256MiB+256MiB SF */				\
97 			"setenv mtdparts_0 ${mtdparts_0_256m} ; "	\
98 			"setenv mtdparts_1 ${mtdparts_1_256m} ; "	\
99 		"fi\0"							\
100 	"fpga_filename=output_file.rbf\0"				\
101 	"load_fpga="		/* Load FPGA bitstream */		\
102 		"if tftp ${fpga_filename} ; then "			\
103 		"fpga load 0 $loadaddr $filesize ; "			\
104 		"bridge enable ; "					\
105 		"fi\0"							\
106 	"addcons="							\
107 		"setenv bootargs ${bootargs} "				\
108 		"console=${consdev},${baudrate}\0"			\
109 	"addip="							\
110 		"setenv bootargs ${bootargs} "				\
111 		"ip=${ipaddr}:${serverip}:${gatewayip}:"		\
112 			"${netmask}:${hostname}:${netdev}:off\0"	\
113 	"addmisc="							\
114 		"setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${miscargs}\0"		\
115 	"addmtd="							\
116 		"if test -z \"${sf_size_1}\" ; then "			\
117 			"setenv mtdparts \"${mtdparts_0}\" ; "		\
118 		"else "							\
119 			"setenv mtdparts \"${mtdparts_0};${mtdparts_1}\" ; "	\
120 		"fi ; "							\
121 		"setenv bootargs ${bootargs} mtdparts=${mtdparts}\0"	\
122 	"addargs=run addcons addmtd addmisc\0"				\
123 	"ubiload="							\
124 		"ubi part ${ubimtd} ; ubifsmount ${ubipart} ; "		\
125 		"ubifsload ${kernel_addr_r} /boot/${bootfile}\0"	\
126 	"netload="							\
127 		"tftp ${kernel_addr_r} ${hostname}/${bootfile}\0"	\
128 	"miscargs=nohlt panic=1\0"					\
129 	"ubiargs="							\
130 		"setenv bootargs ubi.mtd=${ubimtdnr} "			\
131 		"root=${ubipart} rootfstype=ubifs\0"			\
132 	"nfsargs="							\
133 		"setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw "			\
134 			"nfsroot=${serverip}:${rootpath},v3,tcp\0"	\
135 	"ubi_sfsel="							\
136 		"if test \"${boottype}\" = \"rcvr\" ; then "		\
137 			"setenv ubisfcs 0 ; "				\
138 			"setenv ubimtd rcvrfs ; "			\
139 			"setenv ubimtdnr 5 ; "				\
140 			"setenv mtdparts mtdparts=${mtdparts_0} ; "	\
141 			"setenv mtdids nor0=ff705000.spi.0 ; "		\
142 			"setenv ubipart ubi0:vining-fpga-rootfs ; "	\
143 		"else "							\
144 			"if test \"${sf_size_0}\" = \"1000000\" ; then "\
145 				/* 16MiB+128MiB SF */			\
146 				"setenv ubisfcs 1 ; "			\
147 				"setenv ubimtd rootfs ; "		\
148 				"setenv ubimtdnr 6 ; "			\
149 				"setenv mtdparts mtdparts=${mtdparts_1} ; "	\
150 				"setenv mtdids nor0=ff705000.spi.1 ; "	\
151 				"setenv ubipart ubi0:vining-fpga-rootfs ; "	\
152 			"else "						\
153 				/* 256MiB(+256MiB) SF */		\
154 				"setenv ubisfcs 0 ; "			\
155 				"setenv ubimtd rootfs ; "		\
156 				"setenv ubimtdnr 6 ; "			\
157 				"setenv mtdparts mtdparts=${mtdparts_0} ; "	\
158 				"setenv mtdids nor0=ff705000.spi.0 ; "	\
159 				"setenv ubipart ubi0:vining-fpga-rootfs ; "	\
160 			"fi ; "						\
161 		"fi ; "							\
162 		"sf probe 0:${ubisfcs}\0"				\
163 	"boot_kernel="							\
164 		"if test -z \"${sf_size_1}\" ; then " /* 1x256MiB SF */	\
165 			"imxtract ${kernel_addr_r} fdt@1 ${fdt_addr_r} && " \
166 			"fdt addr ${fdt_addr_r} && "			\
167 			"fdt resize && "				\
168 			"fdt set /soc/spi@ff705000/n25q00@1 status disabled && " \
169 			"bootm ${kernel_addr_r}:kernel@1 - ${fdt_addr_r} ; "	\
170 		"else "							\
171 			"bootm ${kernel_addr_r} ; "			\
172 		"fi\0"							\
173 	"ubi_ubi="							\
174 		"run ubi_sfsel ubiload ubiargs addargs boot_kernel\0"	\
175 	"ubi_nfs="							\
176 		"run ubiload nfsargs addip addargs boot_kernel\0"	\
177 	"net_ubi="							\
178 		"run netload ubiargs addargs boot_kernel\0"		\
179 	"net_nfs="							\
180 		"run netload nfsargs addip addargs boot_kernel\0"	\
181 	"selboot="	/* Select from where to boot. */		\
182 		"run sf_identify ; "					\
183 		"if test \"${bootmode}\" = \"qspi\" ; then "		\
184 			"led all off ; "				\
185 			"if test \"${boottype}\" = \"rcvr\" ; then "	\
186 				"echo \"Booting recovery system\" ; "	\
187 				"led 3 on ; "	/* Bottom RED */	\
188 			"fi ; "						\
189 			"led 1 on ; "		/* Top RED */		\
190 			"run ubi_ubi ; "				\
191 		"else echo \"Unsupported boot mode: \"${bootmode} ; "	\
192 		"fi\0"							\
193 		"socfpga_legacy_reset_compat=1\0"
195 /* Support changing the prompt string */
198 /* The rest of the configuration is shared */
199 #include <configs/socfpga_common.h>
201 #endif	/* __CONFIG_SOFTING_VINING_FPGA_H__ */