3box "BL1 common code"
4	participant bl1_main
5	participant bl_common
6end box
8box "arm platform code" #LightBlue
9	participant fvp_bl1_setup
10	participant arm_bl1_setup
11	participant arm_io_storage
12end box
14box "platform common code"
15	participant plat_bl1_common
16	participant fconf_dyn_cfg_getter
17	participant fconf
18end box
20bl1_main -> fvp_bl1_setup : bl1_platform_setup()
21fvp_bl1_setup -> arm_bl1_setup : arm_bl1_platform_setup()
22arm_bl1_setup -> arm_io_storage : plat_arm_io_setup()
23note over arm_io_storage : register and setup fip
24arm_bl1_setup -> fconf : set_fw_config_info(fw_config_base, max_size)
25note over fconf
26	set fw_config information
27	(address, size, image_id)
28	in global dtb_infos array.
29end note
30activate fconf
31	arm_bl1_setup -> fconf : fconf_load_config(FW_CONFIG_ID)
32	fconf -> fconf : FCONF_GET_PROPERTY(dyn_cfg, dtb, FW_CONFIG_ID)
33	fconf -> fconf_dyn_cfg_getter: dyn_cfg_dtb_info_getter(FW_CONFIG_ID)
34	fconf_dyn_cfg_getter -> fconf: fw_config_info
35	fconf -> bl_common : load_auth_image(FW_CONFIG_ID, &image_info)
36	activate bl_common
37	note over bl_common
38		load and auth image from fip
39		with info from plat_io_policy
40	end note
41	bl_common -> arm_io_storage
42	arm_io_storage -> fconf: FCONF_GET_PROPERTY(arm, arm_io_policies, FW_CONFIG_ID)
43	note over fconf: use statically defined policies in bl1
44	fconf <- bl_common : image_info
45	deactivate bl_common
46	note over fconf : get fw_config_dtb from image_info
47	arm_bl1_setup -> fconf: FCONF_GET_PROPERTY(dyn_cfg, dtb, FW_CONFIG_ID)
48	fconf -> fconf_dyn_cfg_getter: dyn_cfg_dtb_info_getter(FW_CONFIG_ID)
49	fconf_dyn_cfg_getter -> arm_bl1_setup: fw_config_info
50	arm_bl1_setup -> fconf_dyn_cfg_getter: populate_dtb_registry(uintptr_t dtb)
51	arm_bl1_setup -> fconf: fconf_load_config(TB_FW_CONFIG_ID)
52	fconf -> fconf : FCONF_GET_PROPERTY(dyn_cfg, dtb, TB_FW_CONFIG_ID)
53	fconf -> fconf_dyn_cfg_getter: dyn_cfg_dtb_info_getter(TB_FW_CONFIG_ID)
54	fconf_dyn_cfg_getter -> fconf: tb_fw_config_info
55	fconf -> bl_common : load_auth_image(TB_FW_CONFIG_ID, &image_info)
56	activate bl_common
57	note over bl_common
58		load and auth image from fip
59		with info from plat_io_policy
60	end note
61	bl_common -> arm_io_storage
62	arm_io_storage -> fconf: FCONF_GET_PROPERTY(arm, arm_io_policies, TB_FW_CONFIG_ID)
63	note over fconf: use statically defined policies in bl1
64	fconf <- bl_common : image_info
65	deactivate bl_common
66	note over fconf : get tb_fw_config_dtb from image_info
67	fconf -> arm_bl1_setup
68	arm_bl1_setup -> plat_bl1_common : bl1_plat_get_image_desc(BL2_IMAGE_ID)
69	arm_bl1_setup <- plat_bl1_common : BL2_IMAGE_DESC
70	note over arm_bl1_setup
71	set ep_info.args.arg0 of BL2_IMAGE_DESC
72	to FW_CONFIG base address
73	end note
74deactivate fconf
76== load & auth, prepare and jump to BL2 ==