1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2017-2019 NXP
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
6  */
8 /*!
9  * Header file containing the public API for the System Controller (SC)
10  * Miscellaneous (MISC) function.
11  *
12  * @addtogroup MISC_SVC (SVC) Miscellaneous Service
13  *
14  * Module for the Miscellaneous (MISC) service.
15  *
16  * @{
17  */
19 #ifndef SC_MISC_API_H
20 #define SC_MISC_API_H
22 /* Includes */
24 #include <sci/svc/rm/sci_rm_api.h>
25 #include <sci/sci_types.h>
27 /* Defines */
29 /*!
30  * @name Defines for type widths
31  */
32 /*@{*/
33 #define SC_MISC_DMA_GRP_W       5U	/* Width of sc_misc_dma_group_t */
34 /*@}*/
36 /*! Max DMA channel priority group */
37 #define SC_MISC_DMA_GRP_MAX     31U
39 /*!
40  * @name Defines for sc_misc_boot_status_t
41  */
42 /*@{*/
43 #define SC_MISC_BOOT_STATUS_SUCCESS     0U	/* Success */
44 #define SC_MISC_BOOT_STATUS_SECURITY    1U	/* Security violation */
45 /*@}*/
47 /*!
48  * @name Defines for sc_misc_seco_auth_cmd_t
49  */
50 /*@{*/
51 #define SC_MISC_SECO_AUTH_SECO_FW       0U	/* SECO Firmware */
52 #define SC_MISC_SECO_AUTH_HDMI_TX_FW    1U	/* HDMI TX Firmware */
53 #define SC_MISC_SECO_AUTH_HDMI_RX_FW    2U	/* HDMI RX Firmware */
54 /*@}*/
56 /*!
57  * @name Defines for sc_misc_temp_t
58  */
59 /*@{*/
60 #define SC_MISC_TEMP                    0U	/* Temp sensor */
61 #define SC_MISC_TEMP_HIGH               1U	/* Temp high alarm */
62 #define SC_MISC_TEMP_LOW                2U	/* Temp low alarm */
63 /*@}*/
65 /*!
66  * @name Defines for sc_misc_seco_auth_cmd_t
67  */
68 /*@{*/
69 #define SC_MISC_AUTH_CONTAINER          0U	/* Authenticate container */
70 #define SC_MISC_VERIFY_IMAGE            1U	/* Verify image */
71 #define SC_MISC_REL_CONTAINER           2U	/* Release container */
72 /*@}*/
74 /* Types */
76 /*!
77  * This type is used to store a DMA channel priority group.
78  */
79 typedef uint8_t sc_misc_dma_group_t;
81 /*!
82  * This type is used report boot status.
83  */
84 typedef uint8_t sc_misc_boot_status_t;
86 /*!
87  * This type is used to issue SECO authenticate commands.
88  */
89 typedef uint8_t sc_misc_seco_auth_cmd_t;
91 /*!
92  * This type is used report boot status.
93  */
94 typedef uint8_t sc_misc_temp_t;
96 /* Functions */
98 /*!
99  * @name Control Functions
100  * @{
101  */
103 /*!
104  * This function sets a miscellaneous control value.
105  *
106  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
107  * @param[in]     resource    resource the control is associated with
108  * @param[in]     ctrl        control to change
109  * @param[in]     val         value to apply to the control
110  *
111  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
112  *
113  * Return errors:
114  * - SC_PARM if arguments out of range or invalid,
115  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller's partition is not the resource owner or parent
116  *   of the owner
117  *
118  * Refer to the [Control List](@ref CONTROLS) for valid control values.
119  */
120 sc_err_t sc_misc_set_control(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
121 			     sc_ctrl_t ctrl, uint32_t val);
123 /*!
124  * This function gets a miscellaneous control value.
125  *
126  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
127  * @param[in]     resource    resource the control is associated with
128  * @param[in]     ctrl        control to get
129  * @param[out]    val         pointer to return the control value
130  *
131  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
132  *
133  * Return errors:
134  * - SC_PARM if arguments out of range or invalid,
135  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller's partition is not the resource owner or parent
136  *   of the owner
137  *
138  * Refer to the [Control List](@ref CONTROLS) for valid control values.
139  */
140 sc_err_t sc_misc_get_control(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
141 			     sc_ctrl_t ctrl, uint32_t *val);
143 /* @} */
145 /*!
146  * @name DMA Functions
147  * @{
148  */
150 /*!
151  * This function configures the max DMA channel priority group for a
152  * partition.
153  *
154  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
155  * @param[in]     pt          handle of partition to assign \a max
156  * @param[in]     max         max priority group (0-31)
157  *
158  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
159  *
160  * Return errors:
161  * - SC_PARM if arguments out of range or invalid,
162  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller's partition is not the parent
163  *   of the affected partition
164  *
165  * Valid \a max range is 0-31 with 0 being the lowest and 31 the highest.
166  * Default is the max priority group for the parent partition of \a pt.
167  */
168 sc_err_t sc_misc_set_max_dma_group(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rm_pt_t pt,
169 				   sc_misc_dma_group_t max);
171 /*!
172  * This function configures the priority group for a DMA channel.
173  *
174  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
175  * @param[in]     resource    DMA channel resource
176  * @param[in]     group       priority group (0-31)
177  *
178  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
179  *
180  * Return errors:
181  * - SC_PARM if arguments out of range or invalid,
182  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller's partition is not the owner or parent
183  *   of the owner of the DMA channel
184  *
185  * Valid \a group range is 0-31 with 0 being the lowest and 31 the highest.
186  * The max value of \a group is limited by the partition max set using
187  * sc_misc_set_max_dma_group().
188  */
189 sc_err_t sc_misc_set_dma_group(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
190 			       sc_misc_dma_group_t group);
192 /* @} */
194 /*!
195  * @name Security Functions
196  * @{
197  */
199 /*!
200  * This function loads a SECO image.
201  *
202  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
203  * @param[in]     addr_src    address of image source
204  * @param[in]     addr_dst    address of image destination
205  * @param[in]     len         length of image to load
206  * @param[in]     fw          SC_TRUE = firmware load
207  *
208  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
209  *
210  * Return errors codes:
211  * - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid
212  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available
213  *
214  * This is used to load images via the SECO. Examples include SECO
215  * Firmware and IVT/CSF data used for authentication. These are usually
216  * loaded into SECO TCM. \a addr_src is in secure memory.
217  *
218  * See the Security Reference Manual (SRM) for more info.
219  */
220 sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_image_load(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr_src,
221 				 sc_faddr_t addr_dst, uint32_t len,
222 				 sc_bool_t fw);
224 /*!
225  * This function is used to authenticate a SECO image or command.
226  *
227  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
228  * @param[in]     cmd         authenticate command
229  * @param[in]     addr        address of/or metadata
230  *
231  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
232  *
233  * Return errors codes:
234  * - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid
235  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available
236  *
237  * This is used to authenticate a SECO image or issue a security
238  * command. \a addr often points to an container. It is also
239  * just data (or even unused) for some commands.
240  *
241  * See the Security Reference Manual (SRM) for more info.
242  */
243 sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_authenticate(sc_ipc_t ipc,
244 				   sc_misc_seco_auth_cmd_t cmd,
245 				   sc_faddr_t addr);
247 /*!
248  * This function securely writes a group of fuse words.
249  *
250  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
251  * @param[in]     addr        address of message block
252  *
253  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
254  *
255  * Return errors codes:
256  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available
257  *
258  * Note \a addr must be a pointer to a signed message block.
259  *
260  * See the Security Reference Manual (SRM) for more info.
261  */
262 sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_fuse_write(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr);
264 /*!
265  * This function securely enables debug.
266  *
267  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
268  * @param[in]     addr        address of message block
269  *
270  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
271  *
272  * Return errors codes:
273  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available
274  *
275  * Note \a addr must be a pointer to a signed message block.
276  *
277  * See the Security Reference Manual (SRM) for more info.
278  */
279 sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_enable_debug(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr);
281 /*!
282  * This function updates the lifecycle of the device.
283  *
284  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
285  * @param[in]     lifecycle   new lifecycle
286  *
287  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
288  *
289  * Return errors codes:
290  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available
291  *
292  * This message is used for going from Open to NXP Closed to OEM Closed.
293  *
294  * See the Security Reference Manual (SRM) for more info.
295  */
296 sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_forward_lifecycle(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t lifecycle);
298 /*!
299  * This function updates the lifecycle to one of the return lifecycles.
300  *
301  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
302  * @param[in]     addr        address of message block
303  *
304  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
305  *
306  * Return errors codes:
307  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available
308  *
309  * Note \a addr must be a pointer to a signed message block.
310  *
311  * To switch back to NXP states (Full Field Return), message must be signed
312  * by NXP SRK. For OEM States (Partial Field Return), must be signed by OEM
313  * SRK.
314  *
315  * See the Security Reference Manual (SRM) for more info.
316  */
317 sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_return_lifecycle(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr);
319 /*!
320  * This function is used to return the SECO FW build info.
321  *
322  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
323  * @param[out]    version     pointer to return build number
324  * @param[out]    commit      pointer to return commit ID (git SHA-1)
325  */
326 void sc_misc_seco_build_info(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t *version, uint32_t *commit);
328 /*!
329  * This function is used to return SECO chip info.
330  *
331  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
332  * @param[out]    lc          pointer to return lifecycle
333  * @param[out]    monotonic   pointer to return monotonic counter
334  * @param[out]    uid_l       pointer to return UID (lower 32 bits)
335  * @param[out]    uid_h       pointer to return UID (upper 32 bits)
336  */
337 sc_err_t sc_misc_seco_chip_info(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint16_t *lc,
338 				uint16_t *monotonic, uint32_t *uid_l,
339 				uint32_t *uid_h);
341 /* @} */
343 /*!
344  * @name Debug Functions
345  * @{
346  */
348 /*!
349  * This function is used output a debug character from the SCU UART.
350  *
351  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
352  * @param[in]     ch          character to output
353  */
354 void sc_misc_debug_out(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint8_t ch);
356 /*!
357  * This function starts/stops emulation waveform capture.
358  *
359  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
360  * @param[in]     enable      flag to enable/disable capture
361  *
362  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
363  *
364  * Return errors:
365  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if not running on emulation
366  */
367 sc_err_t sc_misc_waveform_capture(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_bool_t enable);
369 /*!
370  * This function is used to return the SCFW build info.
371  *
372  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
373  * @param[out]    build       pointer to return build number
374  * @param[out]    commit      pointer to return commit ID (git SHA-1)
375  */
376 void sc_misc_build_info(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t *build, uint32_t *commit);
378 /*!
379  * This function is used to return the device's unique ID.
380  *
381  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
382  * @param[out]    id_l        pointer to return lower 32-bit of ID [31:0]
383  * @param[out]    id_h        pointer to return upper 32-bits of ID [63:32]
384  */
385 void sc_misc_unique_id(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t *id_l, uint32_t *id_h);
387 /* @} */
389 /*!
390  * @name Other Functions
391  * @{
392  */
394 /*!
395  * This function configures the ARI match value for PCIe/SATA resources.
396  *
397  * @param[in]     ipc          IPC handle
398  * @param[in]     resource     match resource
399  * @param[in]     resource_mst PCIe/SATA master to match
400  * @param[in]     ari          ARI to match
401  * @param[in]     enable       enable match or not
402  *
403  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
404  *
405  * Return errors:
406  * - SC_PARM if arguments out of range or invalid,
407  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller's partition is not the owner or parent
408  *   of the owner of the resource and translation
409  *
410  * For PCIe, the ARI is the 16-bit value that includes the bus number,
411  * device number, and function number. For SATA, this value includes the
412  * FISType and PM_Port.
413  */
414 sc_err_t sc_misc_set_ari(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
415 			 sc_rsrc_t resource_mst, uint16_t ari,
416 			 sc_bool_t enable);
418 /*!
419  * This function reports boot status.
420  *
421  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
422  * @param[in]     status      boot status
423  *
424  * This is used by SW partitions to report status of boot. This is
425  * normally used to report a boot failure.
426  */
427 void sc_misc_boot_status(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_misc_boot_status_t status);
429 /*!
430  * This function tells the SCFW that a CPU is done booting.
431  *
432  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
433  * @param[in]     cpu         CPU that is done booting
434  *
435  * This is called by early booting CPUs to report they are done with
436  * initialization. After starting early CPUs, the SCFW halts the
437  * booting process until they are done. During this time, early
438  * CPUs can call the SCFW with lower latency as the SCFW is idle.
439  *
440  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
441  *
442  * Return errors:
443  * - SC_PARM if arguments out of range or invalid,
444  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller's partition is not the CPU owner
445  */
446 sc_err_t sc_misc_boot_done(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t cpu);
448 /*!
449  * This function reads a given fuse word index.
450  *
451  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
452  * @param[in]     word        fuse word index
453  * @param[out]    val         fuse read value
454  *
455  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
456  *
457  * Return errors codes:
458  * - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid
459  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if read operation failed
460  * - SC_ERR_LOCKED if read operation is locked
461  */
462 sc_err_t sc_misc_otp_fuse_read(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t word, uint32_t *val);
464 /*!
465  * This function writes a given fuse word index.
466  *
467  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
468  * @param[in]     word        fuse word index
469  * @param[in]     val         fuse write value
470  *
471  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
472  *
473  * Return errors codes:
474  * - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid
475  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if write operation failed
476  * - SC_ERR_LOCKED if write operation is locked
477  */
478 sc_err_t sc_misc_otp_fuse_write(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t word, uint32_t val);
480 /*!
481  * This function sets a temp sensor alarm.
482  *
483  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
484  * @param[in]     resource    resource with sensor
485  * @param[in]     temp        alarm to set
486  * @param[in]     celsius     whole part of temp to set
487  * @param[in]     tenths      fractional part of temp to set
488  *
489  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
490  *
491  * This function will enable the alarm interrupt if the temp requested is
492  * not the min/max temp. This enable automatically clears when the alarm
493  * occurs and this function has to be called again to re-enable.
494  *
495  * Return errors codes:
496  * - SC_ERR_PARM if parameters invalid
497  */
498 sc_err_t sc_misc_set_temp(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
499 			  sc_misc_temp_t temp, int16_t celsius, int8_t tenths);
501 /*!
502  * This function gets a temp sensor value.
503  *
504  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
505  * @param[in]     resource    resource with sensor
506  * @param[in]     temp        value to get (sensor or alarm)
507  * @param[out]    celsius     whole part of temp to get
508  * @param[out]    tenths      fractional part of temp to get
509  *
510  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
511  *
512  * Return errors codes:
513  * - SC_ERR_PARM if parameters invalid
514  */
515 sc_err_t sc_misc_get_temp(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t resource,
516 			  sc_misc_temp_t temp, int16_t *celsius,
517 			  int8_t *tenths);
519 /*!
520  * This function returns the boot device.
521  *
522  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
523  * @param[out]    dev         pointer to return boot device
524  */
525 void sc_misc_get_boot_dev(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_rsrc_t *dev);
527 /*!
528  * This function returns the current status of the ON/OFF button.
529  *
530  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
531  * @param[out]    status      pointer to return button status
532  */
533 void sc_misc_get_button_status(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_bool_t *status);
535 /* @} */
537 #endif				/* SC_MISC_API_H */
539 /**@}*/