Searched refs:COPYING (Results 1 – 25 of 54) sorted by relevance
15 描述了例外的系统调用,如COPYING文件中所述。20 内核源代码作为一个整体适用于COPYING文件中描述的许可证,但是单个源文件可以34 根据内核COPYING文件中的注释,syscall接口是一个明确的边界,它不会将GPL要求262 包含Linux内核的COPYING文件中记录的Linux系统调用例外,该文件用于UAPI
65 的细节请查看源代码主目录下的COPYING文件。Linux内核许可准则和如何使用
18 描述了例外的系統調用,如COPYING文件中所述。23 內核原始碼作爲一個整體適用於COPYING文件中描述的許可證,但是單個源文件可以37 根據內核COPYING文件中的注釋,syscall接口是一個明確的邊界,它不會將GPL要求265 包含Linux內核的COPYING文件中記錄的Linux系統調用例外,該文件用於UAPI
68 的細節請查看原始碼主目錄下的COPYING文件。Linux內核許可準則和如何使用
20 All contributions to the Linux Kernel are subject to this COPYING file.
7 * Licensed under the GNU/GPL. See COPYING for details.
6 * Licensed under the GNU/GPL. See COPYING for details.
22 For more details see the file COPYING in the source distribution of Linux.
59 For more details see the file COPYING in the source distribution of Linux.
63 For more details see the file COPYING in the source distribution of Linux.
9 * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the
72 For more details see the file COPYING in the source distribution of Linux.
33 Kbuild Kconfig COPYING $(wildcard localversion*)
11 LICENSES/exceptions/Linux-syscall-note, as described in the COPYING file.17 The license described in the COPYING file applies to the kernel source34 note in the kernel COPYING file, the syscall interface is a clear boundary,348 Contains the Linux syscall exception as documented in the COPYING
7 eCryptfs is free software. Please see the file COPYING for details.
19 See the file COPYING for the complete text of the license.
17 LICENSES/exceptions/Linux-syscall-note; tutto ciò è descritto nel file COPYING.23 La licenza descritta nel file COPYING si applica ai sorgenti del kernel nella40 Secondo le note nel file COPYING, le chiamate di sistema sono un chiaro361 così come documentato nel file COPYING del kernel Linux; questo viene usato
15 # COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the
110 filename COPYING. If you don't have it, please ask me to send you one by
26 Linux在GNU通用公共许可证,版本2(GNU GPLv2)下分发,详见随附的COPYING文件。
29 Linux在GNU通用公共許可證,版本2(GNU GPLv2)下分發,詳見隨附的COPYING文件。
53 has written is provided under the GNU GPL. See the file COPYING for copying
25 # along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
87 디렉토리에 있는 라이센스에 관하여 상세하게 쓰여 있는 COPYING이라는
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