1IDE-CD driver documentation
4:Originally by: scott snyder  <snyder@fnald0.fnal.gov> (19 May 1996)
5:Carrying on the torch is: Erik Andersen <andersee@debian.org>
6:New maintainers (19 Oct 1998): Jens Axboe <axboe@image.dk>
81. Introduction
11The ide-cd driver should work with all ATAPI ver 1.2 to ATAPI 2.6 compliant
12CDROM drives which attach to an IDE interface.  Note that some CDROM vendors
13(including Mitsumi, Sony, Creative, Aztech, and Goldstar) have made
14both ATAPI-compliant drives and drives which use a proprietary
15interface.  If your drive uses one of those proprietary interfaces,
16this driver will not work with it (but one of the other CDROM drivers
17probably will).  This driver will not work with `ATAPI` drives which
18attach to the parallel port.  In addition, there is at least one drive
19(CyCDROM CR520ie) which attaches to the IDE port but is not ATAPI;
20this driver will not work with drives like that either (but see the
21aztcd driver).
23This driver provides the following features:
25 - Reading from data tracks, and mounting ISO 9660 filesystems.
27 - Playing audio tracks.  Most of the CDROM player programs floating
28   around should work; I usually use Workman.
30 - Multisession support.
32 - On drives which support it, reading digital audio data directly
33   from audio tracks.  The program cdda2wav can be used for this.
34   Note, however, that only some drives actually support this.
36 - There is now support for CDROM changers which comply with the
37   ATAPI 2.6 draft standard (such as the NEC CDR-251).  This additional
38   functionality includes a function call to query which slot is the
39   currently selected slot, a function call to query which slots contain
40   CDs, etc. A sample program which demonstrates this functionality is
41   appended to the end of this file.  The Sanyo 3-disc changer
42   (which does not conform to the standard) is also now supported.
43   Please note the driver refers to the first CD as slot # 0.
462. Installation
490. The ide-cd relies on the ide disk driver.  See
50   Documentation/ide/ide.rst for up-to-date information on the ide
51   driver.
531. Make sure that the ide and ide-cd drivers are compiled into the
54   kernel you're using.  When configuring the kernel, in the section
55   entitled "Floppy, IDE, and other block devices", say either `Y`
56   (which will compile the support directly into the kernel) or `M`
57   (to compile support as a module which can be loaded and unloaded)
58   to the options::
60      ATA/ATAPI/MFM/RLL support
61      Include IDE/ATAPI CDROM support
63   Depending on what type of IDE interface you have, you may need to
64   specify additional configuration options.  See
65   Documentation/ide/ide.rst.
672. You should also ensure that the iso9660 filesystem is either
68   compiled into the kernel or available as a loadable module.  You
69   can see if a filesystem is known to the kernel by catting
70   /proc/filesystems.
723. The CDROM drive should be connected to the host on an IDE
73   interface.  Each interface on a system is defined by an I/O port
74   address and an IRQ number, the standard assignments being
75   0x1f0 and 14 for the primary interface and 0x170 and 15 for the
76   secondary interface.  Each interface can control up to two devices,
77   where each device can be a hard drive, a CDROM drive, a floppy drive,
78   or a tape drive.  The two devices on an interface are called `master`
79   and `slave`; this is usually selectable via a jumper on the drive.
81   Linux names these devices as follows.  The master and slave devices
82   on the primary IDE interface are called `hda` and `hdb`,
83   respectively.  The drives on the secondary interface are called
84   `hdc` and `hdd`.  (Interfaces at other locations get other letters
85   in the third position; see Documentation/ide/ide.rst.)
87   If you want your CDROM drive to be found automatically by the
88   driver, you should make sure your IDE interface uses either the
89   primary or secondary addresses mentioned above.  In addition, if
90   the CDROM drive is the only device on the IDE interface, it should
91   be jumpered as `master`.  (If for some reason you cannot configure
92   your system in this manner, you can probably still use the driver.
93   You may have to pass extra configuration information to the kernel
94   when you boot, however.  See Documentation/ide/ide.rst for more
95   information.)
974. Boot the system.  If the drive is recognized, you should see a
98   message which looks like::
100     hdb: NEC CD-ROM DRIVE:260, ATAPI CDROM drive
102   If you do not see this, see section 5 below.
1045. You may want to create a symbolic link /dev/cdrom pointing to the
105   actual device.  You can do this with the command::
107     ln -s  /dev/hdX  /dev/cdrom
109   where X should be replaced by the letter indicating where your
110   drive is installed.
1126. You should be able to see any error messages from the driver with
113   the `dmesg` command.
1163. Basic usage
119An ISO 9660 CDROM can be mounted by putting the disc in the drive and
120typing (as root)::
122  mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
124where it is assumed that /dev/cdrom is a link pointing to the actual
125device (as described in step 5 of the last section) and /mnt/cdrom is
126an empty directory.  You should now be able to see the contents of the
127CDROM under the /mnt/cdrom directory.  If you want to eject the CDROM,
128you must first dismount it with a command like::
130  umount /mnt/cdrom
132Note that audio CDs cannot be mounted.
134Some distributions set up /etc/fstab to always try to mount a CDROM
135filesystem on bootup.  It is not required to mount the CDROM in this
136manner, though, and it may be a nuisance if you change CDROMs often.
137You should feel free to remove the cdrom line from /etc/fstab and
138mount CDROMs manually if that suits you better.
140Multisession and photocd discs should work with no special handling.
141The hpcdtoppm package (ftp.gwdg.de:/pub/linux/hpcdtoppm/) may be
142useful for reading photocds.
144To play an audio CD, you should first unmount and remove any data
145CDROM.  Any of the CDROM player programs should then work (workman,
146workbone, cdplayer, etc.).
148On a few drives, you can read digital audio directly using a program
149such as cdda2wav.  The only types of drive which I've heard support
150this are Sony and Toshiba drives.  You will get errors if you try to
151use this function on a drive which does not support it.
153For supported changers, you can use the `cdchange` program (appended to
154the end of this file) to switch between changer slots.  Note that the
155drive should be unmounted before attempting this.  The program takes
156two arguments:  the CDROM device, and the slot number to which you wish
157to change.  If the slot number is -1, the drive is unloaded.
1604. Common problems
163This section discusses some common problems encountered when trying to
164use the driver, and some possible solutions.  Note that if you are
165experiencing problems, you should probably also review
166Documentation/ide/ide.rst for current information about the underlying
167IDE support code.  Some of these items apply only to earlier versions
168of the driver, but are mentioned here for completeness.
170In most cases, you should probably check with `dmesg` for any errors
171from the driver.
173a. Drive is not detected during booting.
175   - Review the configuration instructions above and in
176     Documentation/ide/ide.rst, and check how your hardware is
177     configured.
179   - If your drive is the only device on an IDE interface, it should
180     be jumpered as master, if at all possible.
182   - If your IDE interface is not at the standard addresses of 0x170
183     or 0x1f0, you'll need to explicitly inform the driver using a
184     lilo option.  See Documentation/ide/ide.rst.  (This feature was
185     added around kernel version 1.3.30.)
187   - If the autoprobing is not finding your drive, you can tell the
188     driver to assume that one exists by using a lilo option of the
189     form `hdX=cdrom`, where X is the drive letter corresponding to
190     where your drive is installed.  Note that if you do this and you
191     see a boot message like::
193       hdX: ATAPI cdrom (?)
195     this does _not_ mean that the driver has successfully detected
196     the drive; rather, it means that the driver has not detected a
197     drive, but is assuming there's one there anyway because you told
198     it so.  If you actually try to do I/O to a drive defined at a
199     nonexistent or nonresponding I/O address, you'll probably get
200     errors with a status value of 0xff.
202   - Some IDE adapters require a nonstandard initialization sequence
203     before they'll function properly.  (If this is the case, there
204     will often be a separate MS-DOS driver just for the controller.)
205     IDE interfaces on sound cards often fall into this category.
207     Support for some interfaces needing extra initialization is
208     provided in later 1.3.x kernels.  You may need to turn on
209     additional kernel configuration options to get them to work;
210     see Documentation/ide/ide.rst.
212     Even if support is not available for your interface, you may be
213     able to get it to work with the following procedure.  First boot
214     MS-DOS and load the appropriate drivers.  Then warm-boot linux
215     (i.e., without powering off).  If this works, it can be automated
216     by running loadlin from the MS-DOS autoexec.
219b. Timeout/IRQ errors.
221  - If you always get timeout errors, interrupts from the drive are
222    probably not making it to the host.
224  - IRQ problems may also be indicated by the message
225    `IRQ probe failed (<n>)` while booting.  If <n> is zero, that
226    means that the system did not see an interrupt from the drive when
227    it was expecting one (on any feasible IRQ).  If <n> is negative,
228    that means the system saw interrupts on multiple IRQ lines, when
229    it was expecting to receive just one from the CDROM drive.
231  - Double-check your hardware configuration to make sure that the IRQ
232    number of your IDE interface matches what the driver expects.
233    (The usual assignments are 14 for the primary (0x1f0) interface
234    and 15 for the secondary (0x170) interface.)  Also be sure that
235    you don't have some other hardware which might be conflicting with
236    the IRQ you're using.  Also check the BIOS setup for your system;
237    some have the ability to disable individual IRQ levels, and I've
238    had one report of a system which was shipped with IRQ 15 disabled
239    by default.
241  - Note that many MS-DOS CDROM drivers will still function even if
242    there are hardware problems with the interrupt setup; they
243    apparently don't use interrupts.
245  - If you own a Pioneer DR-A24X, you _will_ get nasty error messages
246    on boot such as "irq timeout: status=0x50 { DriveReady SeekComplete }"
247    The Pioneer DR-A24X CDROM drives are fairly popular these days.
248    Unfortunately, these drives seem to become very confused when we perform
249    the standard Linux ATA disk drive probe. If you own one of these drives,
250    you can bypass the ATA probing which confuses these CDROM drives, by
251    adding `append="hdX=noprobe hdX=cdrom"` to your lilo.conf file and running
252    lilo (again where X is the drive letter corresponding to where your drive
253    is installed.)
255c. System hangups.
257  - If the system locks up when you try to access the CDROM, the most
258    likely cause is that you have a buggy IDE adapter which doesn't
259    properly handle simultaneous transactions on multiple interfaces.
260    The most notorious of these is the CMD640B chip.  This problem can
261    be worked around by specifying the `serialize` option when
262    booting.  Recent kernels should be able to detect the need for
263    this automatically in most cases, but the detection is not
264    foolproof.  See Documentation/ide/ide.rst for more information
265    about the `serialize` option and the CMD640B.
267  - Note that many MS-DOS CDROM drivers will work with such buggy
268    hardware, apparently because they never attempt to overlap CDROM
269    operations with other disk activity.
272d. Can't mount a CDROM.
274  - If you get errors from mount, it may help to check `dmesg` to see
275    if there are any more specific errors from the driver or from the
276    filesystem.
278  - Make sure there's a CDROM loaded in the drive, and that's it's an
279    ISO 9660 disc.  You can't mount an audio CD.
281  - With the CDROM in the drive and unmounted, try something like::
283      cat /dev/cdrom | od | more
285    If you see a dump, then the drive and driver are probably working
286    OK, and the problem is at the filesystem level (i.e., the CDROM is
287    not ISO 9660 or has errors in the filesystem structure).
289  - If you see `not a block device` errors, check that the definitions
290    of the device special files are correct.  They should be as
291    follows::
293      brw-rw----   1 root     disk       3,   0 Nov 11 18:48 /dev/hda
294      brw-rw----   1 root     disk       3,  64 Nov 11 18:48 /dev/hdb
295      brw-rw----   1 root     disk      22,   0 Nov 11 18:48 /dev/hdc
296      brw-rw----   1 root     disk      22,  64 Nov 11 18:48 /dev/hdd
298    Some early Slackware releases had these defined incorrectly.  If
299    these are wrong, you can remake them by running the script
300    scripts/MAKEDEV.ide.  (You may have to make it executable
301    with chmod first.)
303    If you have a /dev/cdrom symbolic link, check that it is pointing
304    to the correct device file.
306    If you hear people talking of the devices `hd1a` and `hd1b`, these
307    were old names for what are now called hdc and hdd.  Those names
308    should be considered obsolete.
310  - If mount is complaining that the iso9660 filesystem is not
311    available, but you know it is (check /proc/filesystems), you
312    probably need a newer version of mount.  Early versions would not
313    always give meaningful error messages.
316e. Directory listings are unpredictably truncated, and `dmesg` shows
317   `buffer botch` error messages from the driver.
319  - There was a bug in the version of the driver in 1.2.x kernels
320    which could cause this.  It was fixed in 1.3.0.  If you can't
321    upgrade, you can probably work around the problem by specifying a
322    blocksize of 2048 when mounting.  (Note that you won't be able to
323    directly execute binaries off the CDROM in that case.)
325    If you see this in kernels later than 1.3.0, please report it as a
326    bug.
329f. Data corruption.
331  - Random data corruption was occasionally observed with the Hitachi
332    CDR-7730 CDROM. If you experience data corruption, using "hdx=slow"
333    as a command line parameter may work around the problem, at the
334    expense of low system performance.
3375. cdchange.c
342  /*
343   * cdchange.c  [-v]  <device>  [<slot>]
344   *
345   * This loads a CDROM from a specified slot in a changer, and displays
346   * information about the changer status.  The drive should be unmounted before
347   * using this program.
348   *
349   * Changer information is displayed if either the -v flag is specified
350   * or no slot was specified.
351   *
352   * Based on code originally from Gerhard Zuber <zuber@berlin.snafu.de>.
353   * Changer status information, and rewrite for the new Uniform CDROM driver
354   * interface by Erik Andersen <andersee@debian.org>.
355   */
357  #include <stdio.h>
358  #include <stdlib.h>
359  #include <errno.h>
360  #include <string.h>
361  #include <unistd.h>
362  #include <fcntl.h>
363  #include <sys/ioctl.h>
364  #include <linux/cdrom.h>
367  int
368  main (int argc, char **argv)
369  {
370	char *program;
371	char *device;
372	int fd;           /* file descriptor for CD-ROM device */
373	int status;       /* return status for system calls */
374	int verbose = 0;
375	int slot=-1, x_slot;
376	int total_slots_available;
378	program = argv[0];
380	++argv;
381	--argc;
383	if (argc < 1 || argc > 3) {
384		fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-v] <device> [<slot>]\n",
385			 program);
386		fprintf (stderr, "       Slots are numbered 1 -- n.\n");
387		exit (1);
388	}
390       if (strcmp (argv[0], "-v") == 0) {
391                verbose = 1;
392                ++argv;
393                --argc;
394        }
396	device = argv[0];
398	if (argc == 2)
399		slot = atoi (argv[1]) - 1;
401	/* open device */
402	fd = open(device, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
403	if (fd < 0) {
404		fprintf (stderr, "%s: open failed for `%s`: %s\n",
405			 program, device, strerror (errno));
406		exit (1);
407	}
409	/* Check CD player status */
410	total_slots_available = ioctl (fd, CDROM_CHANGER_NSLOTS);
411	if (total_slots_available <= 1 ) {
412		fprintf (stderr, "%s: Device `%s` is not an ATAPI "
413			"compliant CD changer.\n", program, device);
414		exit (1);
415	}
417	if (slot >= 0) {
418		if (slot >= total_slots_available) {
419			fprintf (stderr, "Bad slot number.  "
420				 "Should be 1 -- %d.\n",
421				 total_slots_available);
422			exit (1);
423		}
425		/* load */
426		slot=ioctl (fd, CDROM_SELECT_DISC, slot);
427		if (slot<0) {
428			fflush(stdout);
429				perror ("CDROM_SELECT_DISC ");
430			exit(1);
431		}
432	}
434	if (slot < 0 || verbose) {
436		status=ioctl (fd, CDROM_SELECT_DISC, CDSL_CURRENT);
437		if (status<0) {
438			fflush(stdout);
439			perror (" CDROM_SELECT_DISC");
440			exit(1);
441		}
442		slot=status;
444		printf ("Current slot: %d\n", slot+1);
445		printf ("Total slots available: %d\n",
446			total_slots_available);
448		printf ("Drive status: ");
449                status = ioctl (fd, CDROM_DRIVE_STATUS, CDSL_CURRENT);
450                if (status<0) {
451                  perror(" CDROM_DRIVE_STATUS");
452                } else switch(status) {
453		case CDS_DISC_OK:
454			printf ("Ready.\n");
455			break;
456		case CDS_TRAY_OPEN:
457			printf ("Tray Open.\n");
458			break;
460			printf ("Drive Not Ready.\n");
461			break;
462		default:
463			printf ("This Should not happen!\n");
464			break;
465		}
467		for (x_slot=0; x_slot<total_slots_available; x_slot++) {
468			printf ("Slot %2d: ", x_slot+1);
469			status = ioctl (fd, CDROM_DRIVE_STATUS, x_slot);
470			if (status<0) {
471			     perror(" CDROM_DRIVE_STATUS");
472			} else switch(status) {
473			case CDS_DISC_OK:
474				printf ("Disc present.");
475				break;
476			case CDS_NO_DISC:
477				printf ("Empty slot.");
478				break;
479			case CDS_TRAY_OPEN:
480				printf ("CD-ROM tray open.\n");
481				break;
483				printf ("CD-ROM drive not ready.\n");
484				break;
485			case CDS_NO_INFO:
486				printf ("No Information available.");
487				break;
488			default:
489				printf ("This Should not happen!\n");
490				break;
491			}
492		  if (slot == x_slot) {
493                  status = ioctl (fd, CDROM_DISC_STATUS);
494                  if (status<0) {
495			perror(" CDROM_DISC_STATUS");
496                  }
497		  switch (status) {
498			case CDS_AUDIO:
499				printf ("\tAudio disc.\t");
500				break;
501			case CDS_DATA_1:
502			case CDS_DATA_2:
503				printf ("\tData disc type %d.\t", status-CDS_DATA_1+1);
504				break;
505			case CDS_XA_2_1:
506			case CDS_XA_2_2:
507				printf ("\tXA data disc type %d.\t", status-CDS_XA_2_1+1);
508				break;
509			default:
510				printf ("\tUnknown disc type 0x%x!\t", status);
511				break;
512			}
513			}
514			status = ioctl (fd, CDROM_MEDIA_CHANGED, x_slot);
515			if (status<0) {
516				perror(" CDROM_MEDIA_CHANGED");
517			}
518			switch (status) {
519			case 1:
520				printf ("Changed.\n");
521				break;
522			default:
523				printf ("\n");
524				break;
525			}
526		}
527	}
529	/* close device */
530	status = close (fd);
531	if (status != 0) {
532		fprintf (stderr, "%s: close failed for `%s`: %s\n",
533			 program, device, strerror (errno));
534		exit (1);
535	}
537	exit (0);
538  }