1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2014, STMicroelectronics International N.V.
4  */
6 /* Based on GP TEE Internal API Specification Version 0.22 */
7 #ifndef TEE_TA_API_H
8 #define TEE_TA_API_H
10 #include <tee_api_defines.h>
11 #include <tee_api_types.h>
13 /* This is a null define in STE TEE environment */
14 #define TA_EXPORT
16 /*
17  * TA Interface
18  *
19  * Each Trusted Application must provide the Implementation with a number
20  * of functions, collectively called the “TA interface”. These functions
21  * are the entry points called by the Trusted Core Framework to create the
22  * instance, notify the instance that a new client is connecting, notify
23  * the instance when the client invokes a command, etc.
24  *
25  * Trusted Application Entry Points:
26  */
28 /*
29  * The function TA_CreateEntryPoint is the Trusted Application's
30  * constructor, which the Framework calls when it creates a new instance of
31  * the Trusted Application. To register instance data, the implementation
32  * of this constructor can use either global variables or the function
33  * TEE_InstanceSetData.
34  *
35  * Return Value:
36  * - TEE_SUCCESS: if the instance is successfully created, the function
37  *   must return TEE_SUCCESS.
38  * - Any other value: if any other code is returned the instance is not
39  *   created, and no other entry points of this instance will be called.
40  *   The Framework MUST reclaim all resources and dereference all objects
41  *   related to the creation of the instance.
42  *
43  *   If this entry point was called as a result of a client opening a
44  *   session, the error code is returned to the client and the session is
45  *   not opened.
46  */
47 TEE_Result TA_EXPORT TA_CreateEntryPoint(void);
49 /*
50  * The function TA_DestroyEntryPoint is the Trusted Application‟s
51  * destructor, which the Framework calls when the instance is being
52  * destroyed.
53  *
54  * When the function TA_DestroyEntryPoint is called, the Framework
55  * guarantees that no client session is currently open. Once the call to
56  * TA_DestroyEntryPoint has been completed, no other entry point of this
57  * instance will ever be called.
58  *
59  * Note that when this function is called, all resources opened by the
60  * instance are still available. It is only after the function returns that
61  * the Implementation MUST start automatically reclaiming resources left
62  * opened.
63  *
64  * Return Value:
65  * This function can return no success or error code. After this function
66  * returns the Implementation MUST consider the instance destroyed and
67  * reclaims all resources left open by the instance.
68  */
69 void TA_EXPORT TA_DestroyEntryPoint(void);
71 /*
72  * The Framework calls the function TA_OpenSessionEntryPoint when a client
73  * requests to open a session with the Trusted Application. The open
74  * session request may result in a new Trusted Application instance being
75  * created as defined in section 4.5.
76  *
77  * The client can specify parameters in an open operation which are passed
78  * to the Trusted Application instance in the arguments paramTypes and
79  * params. These arguments can also be used by the Trusted Application
80  * instance to transfer response data back to the client. See section 4.3.6
81  * for a specification of how to handle the operation parameters.
82  *
83  * If this function returns TEE_SUCCESS, the client is connected to a
84  * Trusted Application instance and can invoke Trusted Application
85  * commands. When the client disconnects, the Framework will eventually
86  * call the TA_CloseSessionEntryPoint entry point.
87  *
88  * If the function returns any error, the Framework rejects the connection
89  * and returns the error code and the current content of the parameters the
90  * client. The return origin is then set to TEE_ORIGIN_TRUSTED_APP.
91  *
92  * The Trusted Application instance can register a session data pointer by
93  * setting *psessionContext. The value of this pointer is not interpreted
94  * by the Framework, and is simply passed back to other TA_ functions
95  * within this session. Note that *sessionContext may be set with a pointer
96  * to a memory allocated by the Trusted Application instance or with
97  * anything else, like an integer, a handle etc. The Framework will not
98  * automatically free *sessionContext when the session is closed; the
99  * Trusted Application instance is responsible for freeing memory if
100  * required.
101  *
102  * During the call to TA_OpenSessionEntryPoint the client may request to
103  * cancel the operation. See section 4.10 for more details on
104  * cancellations. If the call to TA_OpenSessionEntryPoint returns
105  * TEE_SUCCESS, the client must consider the session as successfully opened
106  * and explicitly close it if necessary.
107  *
108  * Parameters:
109  * - paramTypes: the types of the four parameters.
110  * - params: a pointer to an array of four parameters.
111  * - sessionContext: A pointer to a variable that can be filled by the
112  *   Trusted Application instance with an opaque void* data pointer
113  *
114  * Return Value:
115  * - TEE_SUCCESS if the session is successfully opened.
116  * - Any other value if the session could not be open.
117  *   o The error code may be one of the pre-defined codes, or may be a new
118  *     error code defined by the Trusted Application implementation itself.
119  */
120 TEE_Result TA_EXPORT TA_OpenSessionEntryPoint(uint32_t paramTypes,
121 				TEE_Param params[TEE_NUM_PARAMS],
122 				void **sessionContext);
124 /*
125  * The Framework calls this function to close a client session. During the
126  * call to this function the implementation can use any session functions.
127  *
128  * The Trusted Application implementation is responsible for freeing any
129  * resources consumed by the session being closed. Note that the Trusted
130  * Application cannot refuse to close a session, but can hold the closing
131  * until it returns from TA_CloseSessionEntryPoint. This is why this
132  * function cannot return an error code.
133  *
134  * Parameters:
135  * - sessionContext: The value of the void* opaque data pointer set by the
136  *   Trusted Application in the function TA_OpenSessionEntryPoint for this
137  *   session.
138  */
139 void TA_EXPORT TA_CloseSessionEntryPoint(void *sessionContext);
141 /*
142  * The Framework calls this function when the client invokes a command
143  * within the given session.
144  *
145  * The Trusted Application can access the parameters sent by the client
146  * through the paramTypes and params arguments. It can also use these
147  * arguments to transfer response data back to the client.
148  *
149  * During the call to TA_InvokeCommandEntryPoint the client may request to
150  * cancel the operation.
151  *
152  * A command is always invoked within the context of a client session.
153  * Thus, any session function  can be called by the command implementation.
154  *
155  * Parameter:
156  * - sessionContext: The value of the void* opaque data pointer set by the
157  *   Trusted Application in the function TA_OpenSessionEntryPoint.
158  * - commandID: A Trusted Application-specific code that identifies the
159  *   command to be invoked.
160  * - paramTypes: the types of the four parameters.
161  * - params: a pointer to an array of four parameters.
162  *
163  * Return Value:
164  * - TEE_SUCCESS: if the command is successfully executed, the function
165  *   must return this value.
166  * - Any other value: if the invocation of the command fails for any
167  *   reason.
168  *   o The error code may be one of the pre-defined codes, or may be a new
169  *     error code defined by the Trusted Application implementation itself.
170  */
172 TEE_Result TA_EXPORT TA_InvokeCommandEntryPoint(void *sessionContext,
173 			uint32_t commandID,
174 			uint32_t paramTypes,
175 			TEE_Param params[TEE_NUM_PARAMS]);
177 /*
178  * Correspondance Client Functions <--> TA Functions
179  *
180  * TEE_OpenSession or TEE_OpenTASession:
181  * If a new Trusted Application instance is needed to handle the session,
182  * TA_CreateEntryPoint is called.
183  * Then, TA_OpenSessionEntryPoint is called.
184  *
185  *
186  * TEE_InvokeCommand or TEE_InvokeTACommand:
187  * TA_InvokeCommandEntryPoint is called.
188  *
189  *
190  * TEE_CloseSession or TEE_CloseTASession:
191  * TA_CloseSessionEntryPoint is called.
192  * For a multi-instance TA or for a single-instance, non keep-alive TA, if
193  * the session closed was the last session on the instance, then
194  * TA_DestroyEntryPoint is called. Otherwise, the instance is kept until
195  * the TEE shuts down.
196  *
197  */
199 #endif