1 /**
2  * \file asn1.h
3  *
4  * \brief Generic ASN.1 parsing
5  */
6 /*
7  *  Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors
8  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
9  *
10  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
11  *  not use this file except in compliance with the License.
12  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
13  *
14  *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
15  *
16  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
17  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
18  *  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
19  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
20  *  limitations under the License.
21  */
22 #ifndef MBEDTLS_ASN1_H
23 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_H
25 #if !defined(MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE)
26 #include "mbedtls/config.h"
27 #else
29 #endif
31 #include <stddef.h>
33 #if defined(MBEDTLS_BIGNUM_C)
34 #include "mbedtls/bignum.h"
35 #endif
37 /**
38  * \addtogroup asn1_module
39  * \{
40  */
42 /**
43  * \name ASN1 Error codes
44  * These error codes are OR'ed to X509 error codes for
45  * higher error granularity.
46  * ASN1 is a standard to specify data structures.
47  * \{
48  */
49 #define MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_OUT_OF_DATA                      -0x0060  /**< Out of data when parsing an ASN1 data structure. */
50 #define MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_UNEXPECTED_TAG                   -0x0062  /**< ASN1 tag was of an unexpected value. */
51 #define MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_INVALID_LENGTH                   -0x0064  /**< Error when trying to determine the length or invalid length. */
52 #define MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_LENGTH_MISMATCH                  -0x0066  /**< Actual length differs from expected length. */
53 #define MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_INVALID_DATA                     -0x0068  /**< Data is invalid. */
54 #define MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_ALLOC_FAILED                     -0x006A  /**< Memory allocation failed */
55 #define MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_BUF_TOO_SMALL                    -0x006C  /**< Buffer too small when writing ASN.1 data structure. */
57 /* \} name */
59 /**
60  * \name DER constants
61  * These constants comply with the DER encoded ASN.1 type tags.
62  * DER encoding uses hexadecimal representation.
63  * An example DER sequence is:\n
64  * - 0x02 -- tag indicating INTEGER
65  * - 0x01 -- length in octets
66  * - 0x05 -- value
67  * Such sequences are typically read into \c ::mbedtls_x509_buf.
68  * \{
69  */
70 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_BOOLEAN                 0x01
71 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_INTEGER                 0x02
72 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_BIT_STRING              0x03
73 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_OCTET_STRING            0x04
74 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_NULL                    0x05
75 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_OID                     0x06
76 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_ENUMERATED              0x0A
77 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_UTF8_STRING             0x0C
78 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_SEQUENCE                0x10
79 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_SET                     0x11
80 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_PRINTABLE_STRING        0x13
81 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_T61_STRING              0x14
82 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_IA5_STRING              0x16
83 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_UTC_TIME                0x17
84 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_GENERALIZED_TIME        0x18
85 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_UNIVERSAL_STRING        0x1C
86 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_BMP_STRING              0x1E
87 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_PRIMITIVE               0x00
88 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED             0x20
89 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC        0x80
91 /* Slightly smaller way to check if tag is a string tag
92  * compared to canonical implementation. */
93 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_IS_STRING_TAG( tag )                                     \
94     ( ( tag ) < 32u && (                                                      \
95         ( ( 1u << ( tag ) ) & ( ( 1u << MBEDTLS_ASN1_BMP_STRING )       |     \
96                                 ( 1u << MBEDTLS_ASN1_UTF8_STRING )      |     \
97                                 ( 1u << MBEDTLS_ASN1_T61_STRING )       |     \
98                                 ( 1u << MBEDTLS_ASN1_IA5_STRING )       |     \
99                                 ( 1u << MBEDTLS_ASN1_UNIVERSAL_STRING ) |     \
100                                 ( 1u << MBEDTLS_ASN1_PRINTABLE_STRING ) |     \
101                                 ( 1u << MBEDTLS_ASN1_BIT_STRING ) ) ) != 0 ) )
103 /*
104  * Bit masks for each of the components of an ASN.1 tag as specified in
105  * ITU X.690 (08/2015), section 8.1 "General rules for encoding",
106  * paragraph
107  *
108  * Bit  8     7   6   5          1
109  *     +-------+-----+------------+
110  *     | Class | P/C | Tag number |
111  *     +-------+-----+------------+
112  */
113 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_TAG_CLASS_MASK          0xC0
114 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_TAG_PC_MASK             0x20
115 #define MBEDTLS_ASN1_TAG_VALUE_MASK          0x1F
117 /* \} name */
118 /* \} addtogroup asn1_module */
120 /** Returns the size of the binary string, without the trailing \\0 */
121 #define MBEDTLS_OID_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) - 1)
123 /**
124  * Compares an mbedtls_asn1_buf structure to a reference OID.
125  *
126  * Only works for 'defined' oid_str values (MBEDTLS_OID_HMAC_SHA1), you cannot use a
127  * 'unsigned char *oid' here!
128  */
129 #define MBEDTLS_OID_CMP(oid_str, oid_buf)                                   \
130         ( ( MBEDTLS_OID_SIZE(oid_str) != (oid_buf)->len ) ||                \
131           memcmp( (oid_str), (oid_buf)->p, (oid_buf)->len) != 0 )
133 #define MBEDTLS_OID_CMP_RAW(oid_str, oid_buf, oid_buf_len)              \
134         ( ( MBEDTLS_OID_SIZE(oid_str) != (oid_buf_len) ) ||             \
135           memcmp( (oid_str), (oid_buf), (oid_buf_len) ) != 0 )
137 #ifdef __cplusplus
138 extern "C" {
139 #endif
141 /**
142  * \name Functions to parse ASN.1 data structures
143  * \{
144  */
146 /**
147  * Type-length-value structure that allows for ASN1 using DER.
148  */
149 typedef struct mbedtls_asn1_buf
150 {
151     int tag;                /**< ASN1 type, e.g. MBEDTLS_ASN1_UTF8_STRING. */
152     size_t len;             /**< ASN1 length, in octets. */
153     unsigned char *p;       /**< ASN1 data, e.g. in ASCII. */
154 }
155 mbedtls_asn1_buf;
157 /**
158  * Container for ASN1 bit strings.
159  */
160 typedef struct mbedtls_asn1_bitstring
161 {
162     size_t len;                 /**< ASN1 length, in octets. */
163     unsigned char unused_bits;  /**< Number of unused bits at the end of the string */
164     unsigned char *p;           /**< Raw ASN1 data for the bit string */
165 }
166 mbedtls_asn1_bitstring;
168 /**
169  * Container for a sequence of ASN.1 items
170  */
171 typedef struct mbedtls_asn1_sequence
172 {
173     mbedtls_asn1_buf buf;                   /**< Buffer containing the given ASN.1 item. */
174     struct mbedtls_asn1_sequence *next;    /**< The next entry in the sequence. */
175 }
176 mbedtls_asn1_sequence;
178 /**
179  * Container for a sequence or list of 'named' ASN.1 data items
180  */
181 typedef struct mbedtls_asn1_named_data
182 {
183     mbedtls_asn1_buf oid;                   /**< The object identifier. */
184     mbedtls_asn1_buf val;                   /**< The named value. */
185     struct mbedtls_asn1_named_data *next;  /**< The next entry in the sequence. */
186     unsigned char next_merged;      /**< Merge next item into the current one? */
187 }
188 mbedtls_asn1_named_data;
190 /**
191  * \brief       Get the length of an ASN.1 element.
192  *              Updates the pointer to immediately behind the length.
193  *
194  * \param p     On entry, \c *p points to the first byte of the length,
195  *              i.e. immediately after the tag.
196  *              On successful completion, \c *p points to the first byte
197  *              after the length, i.e. the first byte of the content.
198  *              On error, the value of \c *p is undefined.
199  * \param end   End of data.
200  * \param len   On successful completion, \c *len contains the length
201  *              read from the ASN.1 input.
202  *
203  * \return      0 if successful.
204  * \return      #MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_OUT_OF_DATA if the ASN.1 element
205  *              would end beyond \p end.
206  * \return      #MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_INVALID_LENGTH if the length is unparseable.
207  */
208 int mbedtls_asn1_get_len( unsigned char **p,
209                           const unsigned char *end,
210                           size_t *len );
212 /**
213  * \brief       Get the tag and length of the element.
214  *              Check for the requested tag.
215  *              Updates the pointer to immediately behind the tag and length.
216  *
217  * \param p     On entry, \c *p points to the start of the ASN.1 element.
218  *              On successful completion, \c *p points to the first byte
219  *              after the length, i.e. the first byte of the content.
220  *              On error, the value of \c *p is undefined.
221  * \param end   End of data.
222  * \param len   On successful completion, \c *len contains the length
223  *              read from the ASN.1 input.
224  * \param tag   The expected tag.
225  *
226  * \return      0 if successful.
227  * \return      #MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_UNEXPECTED_TAG if the data does not start
228  *              with the requested tag.
229  * \return      #MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_OUT_OF_DATA if the ASN.1 element
230  *              would end beyond \p end.
231  * \return      #MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_INVALID_LENGTH if the length is unparseable.
232  */
233 int mbedtls_asn1_get_tag( unsigned char **p,
234                           const unsigned char *end,
235                           size_t *len, int tag );
237 /**
238  * \brief       Retrieve a boolean ASN.1 tag and its value.
239  *              Updates the pointer to immediately behind the full tag.
240  *
241  * \param p     On entry, \c *p points to the start of the ASN.1 element.
242  *              On successful completion, \c *p points to the first byte
243  *              beyond the ASN.1 element.
244  *              On error, the value of \c *p is undefined.
245  * \param end   End of data.
246  * \param val   On success, the parsed value (\c 0 or \c 1).
247  *
248  * \return      0 if successful.
249  * \return      An ASN.1 error code if the input does not start with
250  *              a valid ASN.1 BOOLEAN.
251  */
252 int mbedtls_asn1_get_bool( unsigned char **p,
253                            const unsigned char *end,
254                            int *val );
256 /**
257  * \brief       Retrieve an integer ASN.1 tag and its value.
258  *              Updates the pointer to immediately behind the full tag.
259  *
260  * \param p     On entry, \c *p points to the start of the ASN.1 element.
261  *              On successful completion, \c *p points to the first byte
262  *              beyond the ASN.1 element.
263  *              On error, the value of \c *p is undefined.
264  * \param end   End of data.
265  * \param val   On success, the parsed value.
266  *
267  * \return      0 if successful.
268  * \return      An ASN.1 error code if the input does not start with
269  *              a valid ASN.1 INTEGER.
270  * \return      #MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_INVALID_LENGTH if the parsed value does
271  *              not fit in an \c int.
272  */
273 int mbedtls_asn1_get_int( unsigned char **p,
274                           const unsigned char *end,
275                           int *val );
277 /**
278  * \brief       Retrieve an enumerated ASN.1 tag and its value.
279  *              Updates the pointer to immediately behind the full tag.
280  *
281  * \param p     On entry, \c *p points to the start of the ASN.1 element.
282  *              On successful completion, \c *p points to the first byte
283  *              beyond the ASN.1 element.
284  *              On error, the value of \c *p is undefined.
285  * \param end   End of data.
286  * \param val   On success, the parsed value.
287  *
288  * \return      0 if successful.
289  * \return      An ASN.1 error code if the input does not start with
290  *              a valid ASN.1 ENUMERATED.
291  * \return      #MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_INVALID_LENGTH if the parsed value does
292  *              not fit in an \c int.
293  */
294 int mbedtls_asn1_get_enum( unsigned char **p,
295                            const unsigned char *end,
296                            int *val );
298 /**
299  * \brief       Retrieve a bitstring ASN.1 tag and its value.
300  *              Updates the pointer to immediately behind the full tag.
301  *
302  * \param p     On entry, \c *p points to the start of the ASN.1 element.
303  *              On successful completion, \c *p is equal to \p end.
304  *              On error, the value of \c *p is undefined.
305  * \param end   End of data.
306  * \param bs    On success, ::mbedtls_asn1_bitstring information about
307  *              the parsed value.
308  *
309  * \return      0 if successful.
310  * \return      #MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_LENGTH_MISMATCH if the input contains
311  *              extra data after a valid BIT STRING.
312  * \return      An ASN.1 error code if the input does not start with
313  *              a valid ASN.1 BIT STRING.
314  */
315 int mbedtls_asn1_get_bitstring( unsigned char **p, const unsigned char *end,
316                                 mbedtls_asn1_bitstring *bs );
318 /**
319  * \brief       Retrieve a bitstring ASN.1 tag without unused bits and its
320  *              value.
321  *              Updates the pointer to the beginning of the bit/octet string.
322  *
323  * \param p     On entry, \c *p points to the start of the ASN.1 element.
324  *              On successful completion, \c *p points to the first byte
325  *              of the content of the BIT STRING.
326  *              On error, the value of \c *p is undefined.
327  * \param end   End of data.
328  * \param len   On success, \c *len is the length of the content in bytes.
329  *
330  * \return      0 if successful.
331  * \return      #MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_INVALID_DATA if the input starts with
332  *              a valid BIT STRING with a nonzero number of unused bits.
333  * \return      An ASN.1 error code if the input does not start with
334  *              a valid ASN.1 BIT STRING.
335  */
336 int mbedtls_asn1_get_bitstring_null( unsigned char **p,
337                                      const unsigned char *end,
338                                      size_t *len );
340 /**
341  * \brief       Parses and splits an ASN.1 "SEQUENCE OF <tag>".
342  *              Updates the pointer to immediately behind the full sequence tag.
343  *
344  * This function allocates memory for the sequence elements. You can free
345  * the allocated memory with mbedtls_asn1_sequence_free().
346  *
347  * \note        On error, this function may return a partial list in \p cur.
348  *              You must set `cur->next = NULL` before calling this function!
349  *              Otherwise it is impossible to distinguish a previously non-null
350  *              pointer from a pointer to an object allocated by this function.
351  *
352  * \note        If the sequence is empty, this function does not modify
353  *              \c *cur. If the sequence is valid and non-empty, this
354  *              function sets `cur->buf.tag` to \p tag. This allows
355  *              callers to distinguish between an empty sequence and
356  *              a one-element sequence.
357  *
358  * \param p     On entry, \c *p points to the start of the ASN.1 element.
359  *              On successful completion, \c *p is equal to \p end.
360  *              On error, the value of \c *p is undefined.
361  * \param end   End of data.
362  * \param cur   A ::mbedtls_asn1_sequence which this function fills.
363  *              When this function returns, \c *cur is the head of a linked
364  *              list. Each node in this list is allocated with
365  *              mbedtls_calloc() apart from \p cur itself, and should
366  *              therefore be freed with mbedtls_free().
367  *              The list describes the content of the sequence.
368  *              The head of the list (i.e. \c *cur itself) describes the
369  *              first element, `*cur->next` describes the second element, etc.
370  *              For each element, `buf.tag == tag`, `buf.len` is the length
371  *              of the content of the content of the element, and `buf.p`
372  *              points to the first byte of the content (i.e. immediately
373  *              past the length of the element).
374  *              Note that list elements may be allocated even on error.
375  * \param tag   Each element of the sequence must have this tag.
376  *
377  * \return      0 if successful.
378  * \return      #MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_LENGTH_MISMATCH if the input contains
379  *              extra data after a valid SEQUENCE OF \p tag.
380  * \return      #MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_UNEXPECTED_TAG if the input starts with
381  *              an ASN.1 SEQUENCE in which an element has a tag that
382  *              is different from \p tag.
383  * \return      #MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_ALLOC_FAILED if a memory allocation failed.
384  * \return      An ASN.1 error code if the input does not start with
385  *              a valid ASN.1 SEQUENCE.
386  */
387 int mbedtls_asn1_get_sequence_of( unsigned char **p,
388                                   const unsigned char *end,
389                                   mbedtls_asn1_sequence *cur,
390                                   int tag );
391 /**
392  * \brief          Free a heap-allocated linked list presentation of
393  *                 an ASN.1 sequence, including the first element.
394  *
395  * There are two common ways to manage the memory used for the representation
396  * of a parsed ASN.1 sequence:
397  * - Allocate a head node `mbedtls_asn1_sequence *head` with mbedtls_calloc().
398  *   Pass this node as the `cur` argument to mbedtls_asn1_get_sequence_of().
399  *   When you have finished processing the sequence,
400  *   call mbedtls_asn1_sequence_free() on `head`.
401  * - Allocate a head node `mbedtls_asn1_sequence *head` in any manner,
402  *   for example on the stack. Make sure that `head->next == NULL`.
403  *   Pass `head` as the `cur` argument to mbedtls_asn1_get_sequence_of().
404  *   When you have finished processing the sequence,
405  *   call mbedtls_asn1_sequence_free() on `head->cur`,
406  *   then free `head` itself in the appropriate manner.
407  *
408  * \param seq      The address of the first sequence component. This may
409  *                 be \c NULL, in which case this functions returns
410  *                 immediately.
411  */
412 void mbedtls_asn1_sequence_free( mbedtls_asn1_sequence *seq );
414 /**
415  * \brief                Traverse an ASN.1 SEQUENCE container and
416  *                       call a callback for each entry.
417  *
418  * This function checks that the input is a SEQUENCE of elements that
419  * each have a "must" tag, and calls a callback function on the elements
420  * that have a "may" tag.
421  *
422  * For example, to validate that the input is a SEQUENCE of `tag1` and call
423  * `cb` on each element, use
424  * ```
425  * mbedtls_asn1_traverse_sequence_of(&p, end, 0xff, tag1, 0, 0, cb, ctx);
426  * ```
427  *
428  * To validate that the input is a SEQUENCE of ANY and call `cb` on
429  * each element, use
430  * ```
431  * mbedtls_asn1_traverse_sequence_of(&p, end, 0, 0, 0, 0, cb, ctx);
432  * ```
433  *
434  * To validate that the input is a SEQUENCE of CHOICE {NULL, OCTET STRING}
435  * and call `cb` on each element that is an OCTET STRING, use
436  * ```
437  * mbedtls_asn1_traverse_sequence_of(&p, end, 0xfe, 0x04, 0xff, 0x04, cb, ctx);
438  * ```
439  *
440  * The callback is called on the elements with a "may" tag from left to
441  * right. If the input is not a valid SEQUENCE of elements with a "must" tag,
442  * the callback is called on the elements up to the leftmost point where
443  * the input is invalid.
444  *
445  * \warning              This function is still experimental and may change
446  *                       at any time.
447  *
448  * \param p              The address of the pointer to the beginning of
449  *                       the ASN.1 SEQUENCE header. This is updated to
450  *                       point to the end of the ASN.1 SEQUENCE container
451  *                       on a successful invocation.
452  * \param end            The end of the ASN.1 SEQUENCE container.
453  * \param tag_must_mask  A mask to be applied to the ASN.1 tags found within
454  *                       the SEQUENCE before comparing to \p tag_must_value.
455  * \param tag_must_val   The required value of each ASN.1 tag found in the
456  *                       SEQUENCE, after masking with \p tag_must_mask.
457  *                       Mismatching tags lead to an error.
458  *                       For example, a value of \c 0 for both \p tag_must_mask
459  *                       and \p tag_must_val means that every tag is allowed,
460  *                       while a value of \c 0xFF for \p tag_must_mask means
461  *                       that \p tag_must_val is the only allowed tag.
462  * \param tag_may_mask   A mask to be applied to the ASN.1 tags found within
463  *                       the SEQUENCE before comparing to \p tag_may_value.
464  * \param tag_may_val    The desired value of each ASN.1 tag found in the
465  *                       SEQUENCE, after masking with \p tag_may_mask.
466  *                       Mismatching tags will be silently ignored.
467  *                       For example, a value of \c 0 for \p tag_may_mask and
468  *                       \p tag_may_val means that any tag will be considered,
469  *                       while a value of \c 0xFF for \p tag_may_mask means
470  *                       that all tags with value different from \p tag_may_val
471  *                       will be ignored.
472  * \param cb             The callback to trigger for each component
473  *                       in the ASN.1 SEQUENCE that matches \p tag_may_val.
474  *                       The callback function is called with the following
475  *                       parameters:
476  *                       - \p ctx.
477  *                       - The tag of the current element.
478  *                       - A pointer to the start of the current element's
479  *                         content inside the input.
480  *                       - The length of the content of the current element.
481  *                       If the callback returns a non-zero value,
482  *                       the function stops immediately,
483  *                       forwarding the callback's return value.
484  * \param ctx            The context to be passed to the callback \p cb.
485  *
486  * \return               \c 0 if successful the entire ASN.1 SEQUENCE
487  *                       was traversed without parsing or callback errors.
488  * \return               #MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_LENGTH_MISMATCH if the input
489  *                       contains extra data after a valid SEQUENCE
490  *                       of elements with an accepted tag.
491  * \return               #MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_UNEXPECTED_TAG if the input starts
492  *                       with an ASN.1 SEQUENCE in which an element has a tag
493  *                       that is not accepted.
494  * \return               An ASN.1 error code if the input does not start with
495  *                       a valid ASN.1 SEQUENCE.
496  * \return               A non-zero error code forwarded from the callback
497  *                       \p cb in case the latter returns a non-zero value.
498  */
499 int mbedtls_asn1_traverse_sequence_of(
500     unsigned char **p,
501     const unsigned char *end,
502     unsigned char tag_must_mask, unsigned char tag_must_val,
503     unsigned char tag_may_mask, unsigned char tag_may_val,
504     int (*cb)( void *ctx, int tag,
505                unsigned char* start, size_t len ),
506     void *ctx );
508 #if defined(MBEDTLS_BIGNUM_C)
509 /**
510  * \brief       Retrieve an integer ASN.1 tag and its value.
511  *              Updates the pointer to immediately behind the full tag.
512  *
513  * \param p     On entry, \c *p points to the start of the ASN.1 element.
514  *              On successful completion, \c *p points to the first byte
515  *              beyond the ASN.1 element.
516  *              On error, the value of \c *p is undefined.
517  * \param end   End of data.
518  * \param X     On success, the parsed value.
519  *
520  * \return      0 if successful.
521  * \return      An ASN.1 error code if the input does not start with
522  *              a valid ASN.1 INTEGER.
523  * \return      #MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_INVALID_LENGTH if the parsed value does
524  *              not fit in an \c int.
525  * \return      An MPI error code if the parsed value is too large.
526  */
527 int mbedtls_asn1_get_mpi( unsigned char **p,
528                           const unsigned char *end,
529                           mbedtls_mpi *X );
530 #endif /* MBEDTLS_BIGNUM_C */
532 /**
533  * \brief       Retrieve an AlgorithmIdentifier ASN.1 sequence.
534  *              Updates the pointer to immediately behind the full
535  *              AlgorithmIdentifier.
536  *
537  * \param p     On entry, \c *p points to the start of the ASN.1 element.
538  *              On successful completion, \c *p points to the first byte
539  *              beyond the AlgorithmIdentifier element.
540  *              On error, the value of \c *p is undefined.
541  * \param end   End of data.
542  * \param alg   The buffer to receive the OID.
543  * \param params The buffer to receive the parameters.
544  *              This is zeroized if there are no parameters.
545  *
546  * \return      0 if successful or a specific ASN.1 or MPI error code.
547  */
548 int mbedtls_asn1_get_alg( unsigned char **p,
549                   const unsigned char *end,
550                   mbedtls_asn1_buf *alg, mbedtls_asn1_buf *params );
552 /**
553  * \brief       Retrieve an AlgorithmIdentifier ASN.1 sequence with NULL or no
554  *              params.
555  *              Updates the pointer to immediately behind the full
556  *              AlgorithmIdentifier.
557  *
558  * \param p     On entry, \c *p points to the start of the ASN.1 element.
559  *              On successful completion, \c *p points to the first byte
560  *              beyond the AlgorithmIdentifier element.
561  *              On error, the value of \c *p is undefined.
562  * \param end   End of data.
563  * \param alg   The buffer to receive the OID.
564  *
565  * \return      0 if successful or a specific ASN.1 or MPI error code.
566  */
567 int mbedtls_asn1_get_alg_null( unsigned char **p,
568                        const unsigned char *end,
569                        mbedtls_asn1_buf *alg );
571 /**
572  * \brief       Find a specific named_data entry in a sequence or list based on
573  *              the OID.
574  *
575  * \param list  The list to seek through
576  * \param oid   The OID to look for
577  * \param len   Size of the OID
578  *
579  * \return      NULL if not found, or a pointer to the existing entry.
580  */
581 mbedtls_asn1_named_data *mbedtls_asn1_find_named_data( mbedtls_asn1_named_data *list,
582                                        const char *oid, size_t len );
584 /**
585  * \brief       Free a mbedtls_asn1_named_data entry
586  *
587  * \param entry The named data entry to free.
588  *              This function calls mbedtls_free() on
589  *              `entry->oid.p` and `entry->val.p`.
590  */
591 void mbedtls_asn1_free_named_data( mbedtls_asn1_named_data *entry );
593 /**
594  * \brief       Free all entries in a mbedtls_asn1_named_data list.
595  *
596  * \param head  Pointer to the head of the list of named data entries to free.
597  *              This function calls mbedtls_asn1_free_named_data() and
598  *              mbedtls_free() on each list element and
599  *              sets \c *head to \c NULL.
600  */
601 void mbedtls_asn1_free_named_data_list( mbedtls_asn1_named_data **head );
603 #ifdef __cplusplus
604 }
605 #endif
607 #endif /* asn1.h */