@ @ @ TA x /: ] - z tee_unmap tee_invoke_supp_plugin % ) + / 5 ; = C G I O S Y a e g k m q  % 3 7 9 = K Q [ ] a g o u {  # - 3 9 ; A K Q W Y _ e i k w ) + 5 7 ; = G U Y [ _ m q s w a d - P named_value_ Can't open named object value, res = 0x%x Can't read named object value, res = 0x%x Can't create named object value, res = 0x%x Command ID 0x%x is not supported rb_state read_persist_value write_persist_value TA_InvokeCommandEntryPoint gpd.ta.singleInstance gpd.ta.multiSession gpd.ta.instanceKeepAlive gpd.ta.dataSize gpd.ta.stackSize gpd.ta.version Undefined version gpd.ta.description Undefined description %c/ %s: %0*d %*s %s:%d UEIDF(null) %08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789abcdef Invalid hint %#x TEE_Malloc Invoke PTA_SYSTEM_UNMAP: buf %p, len %#zx Invoke tee-supplicant's plugin failed: %#x init/fini: out of memory _init_iterate_phdr_cb Abort! Panic function %s, line %d: %s Panic function %s, line %d, code %d Failed to initialize memory pool Too large bigint Modulus is too short too small modulus or trying to invert zero get_mpi bigint_binary mpi_egcd _TEE_MathAPI_Init TEE_BigIntInit TEE_BigIntConvertToOctetString TEE_BigIntConvertFromS32 bigint_binary_mod TEE_BigIntShiftRight TEE_BigIntNeg TEE_BigIntDiv TEE_BigIntMod TEE_BigIntInvMod TEE_BigIntRelativePrime TEE_BigIntComputeExtendedGcd TEE_BigIntConvertFromFMM TEE_BigIntComputeFMM lib/libutee/arch/arm/tcb.c total_size >= _tls_size TCB allocation failed (%zu bytes) DTV allocation failed (%zu bytes) dl_phdr_info allocation failed __utee_tcb_init dl_iterate_phdr assertion '%s' failed at %s:%d in %s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test #1 (mul_mpi): passed 256567336059E52CAE22925474705F39A94 6613F26162223DF488E9CD48CC132C7A0AC93C701B001B092E4E5B9F73BCD27B9EE50D0657C77F374E903CDFA4C642 MPI test #2 (div_mpi): 36E139AEA55215609D2816998ED020BBBD96C37890F65171D948E9BC7CBAA4D9325D24D6A3C12710F10A09FA08AB87 MPI test #3 (exp_mod): 003A0AAEDD7E784FC07D8F9EC6E3BFD5C3DBA76456363A10869622EAC2DD84ECC5B8A74DAC4D09E03B5E0BE779F2DF61 MPI test #4 (inv_mod): MPI test #5 (simple gcd): failed at %d Unexpected error, return code = %08X lib/libutils/isoc/bget.c b_next->prevfree == b->bh.bsize b->ql.blink->ql.flink == b b->ql.flink->ql.blink == b b_alloc->bsize < 0 poolset->freelist.ql.blink->ql.flink == &poolset->freelist poolset->freelist.ql.flink->ql.blink == &poolset->freelist BH((char *)b + b->bh.bsize) == b_next rsize >= size buf != NULL b->bh.bsize < 0 BH((char *) b - b->bh.bsize)->prevfree == 0 poolset->totalloc >= 0 BH((char *) b - b->bh.prevfree)->bsize == b->bh.prevfree BH((char *) bn + bn->bh.bsize)->prevfree == bn->bh.bsize bn->ql.blink->ql.flink == bn bn->ql.flink->ql.blink == bn bn->bh.bsize < 0 osize > 0 len - sizeof(struct bhead) <= -((bufsize) ESent + 1) b->bh.bsize > 0 %s: %ld gets, %ld releases. %ld in use, %ld free, largest = %ld bp != NULL Create pool !align || !(((unsigned long)cb + hdr_size) & (align - 1)) !align || !(((unsigned long)newb + hdr_size) & (align - 1)) After allocation After release lib/libutils/isoc/bget_malloc.c p bget bgetz brel bgetr bpool bstats bget_main_test @ gen_malloc_add_pool bget_buf_size bpool_foreach_pool lib/libutils/ext/mempool.c !((vaddr_t)data & (MEMPOOL_ALIGN - 1)) v > pool->data Failed to allocate %zu bytes, please tune the pool size mempool_alloc_pool init_mpool mempool_alloc 
trace_level trace_ext_prefix __elf_phdr_info
. A H P ? ` ` | |
GCC: (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 10.2-2020.11 (arm-10.16)) 10.2.1 20201103
.shstrtab .ta_head .text .rodata .gnu.hash .ARM.extab .ARM.exidx .dynsym .dynstr .dynamic .rel.got .data .bss .comment .ARM.attributes .rel.dyn