SCTLR_EL2, System Control Register (EL2)

The SCTLR_EL2 characteristics are:


Provides top-level control of the system, including its memory system, at EL2.

When FEAT_VHE is implemented, and the value of HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} is {1, 1}, these controls apply also to execution at EL0.


AArch64 System register SCTLR_EL2 bits [31:0] are architecturally mapped to AArch32 System register HSCTLR[31:0].

If EL2 is not implemented, this register is RES0 from EL3.

This register has no effect if EL2 is not enabled in the current Security state.


SCTLR_EL2 is a 64-bit register.

Field descriptions


TIDCP, bit [63]
When FEAT_TIDCP1 is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Trap IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED functionality. Traps EL0 accesses to the encodings reserved for IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED functionality to EL2.


No instructions accessing the System register or System instruction spaces are trapped by this mechanism.


If HCR_EL2.TGE==0, no instructions accessing the System register or System instruction spaces are trapped by this mechanism.

If HCR_EL2.TGE==1, instructions accessing the following System register or System instruction spaces are trapped to EL2 by this mechanism:

  • In AArch64 state, EL0 accesses to the encodings in the following reserved encoding spaces are trapped and reported using EC syndrome 0x18:

    • IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED System instructions, which are accessed using SYS and SYSL, with CRn == {11, 15}.

    • IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED System registers, which are accessed using MRS and MSR with the S3_<op1>_<Cn>_<Cm>_<op2> register name.

  • In AArch32 state, EL0 MCR and MRC accesses to the following encodings are trapped and reported using EC syndrome 0x03:

    • All coproc==p15, CRn==c9, opc1 == {0-7}, CRm == {c0-c2, c5-c8}, opc2 == {0-7}.

    • All coproc==p15, CRn==c10, opc1 =={0-7}, CRm == {c0, c1, c4, c8}, opc2 == {0-7}.

    • All coproc==p15, CRn==c11, opc1=={0-7}, CRm == {c0-c8, c15}, opc2 == {0-7}.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

SPINTMASK, bit [62]
When FEAT_NMI is implemented:

SP Interrupt Mask enable. When SCTLR_EL2.NMI is 1, controls whether PSTATE.SP acts as an interrupt mask, and controls the value of PSTATE.ALLINT on taking an exception to EL2.


Does not cause PSTATE.SP to mask interrupts.

PSTATE.ALLINT is set to 1 on taking an exception to EL2.


When PSTATE.SP is 1 and execution is at EL2, an IRQ or FIQ interrupt that is targeted to EL2 is masked regardless of any denotation of Superpriority.

PSTATE.ALLINT is set to 0 on taking an exception to EL2.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

NMI, bit [61]
When FEAT_NMI is implemented:

Non-maskable Interrupt enable.


This control does not affect interrupt masking behavior.


This control enables all of the following:

  • The use of the PSTATE.ALLINT interrupt mask.

  • IRQ and FIQ interrupts to have Superpriority as an additional attribute.

  • PSTATE.SP to be used as an interrupt mask.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

EnTP2, bit [60]
When FEAT_SME is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Traps instructions executed at EL0 that access TPIDR2_EL0 to EL2 when EL2 is implemented and enabled for the current Security state. The exception is reported using ESR_ELx.EC value 0x18.


This control causes execution of these instructions at EL0 to be trapped.


This control does not cause execution of any instructions to be trapped.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

TCSO, bit [59]
When FEAT_MTE_STORE_ONLY is implemented:

Tag Checking Store Only.


This field has no effect on Tag checking.


Load instructions executed in EL2 are Tag Unchecked.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

TCSO0, bit [58]
When FEAT_MTE_STORE_ONLY is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Tag Checking Store Only in EL0.


This field has no effect on Tag checking.


Load instructions executed in EL0 are Tag Unchecked.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

EPAN, bit [57]
When FEAT_PAN3 is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Enhanced Privileged Access Never. When PSTATE.PAN is 1, determines whether an EL2 data access to a page with EL0 instruction access permission generates a Permission fault as a result of the Privileged Access Never mechanism.


No additional Permission faults are generated by this mechanism.


An EL2 data access to a page with stage 1 EL0 data access permission or stage 1 EL0 instruction access permission generates a Permission fault.

Any speculative data accesses that would generate a Permission fault as a result of PSTATE.PAN = 1 if the accesses were not speculative, will not cause an allocation into a cache.


The value of HCR_EL2.TGE does not change the behavior of this field.

This bit is permitted to be cached in a TLB.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

EnALS, bit [56]
When FEAT_LS64 is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Traps execution of an LD64B or ST64B instruction at EL0 to EL2.


Execution of an LD64B or ST64B instruction at EL0 is trapped to EL2.


This control does not cause any instructions to be trapped.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

A trap of an LD64B or ST64B instruction is reported using an ESR_ELx.EC value of 0x0A, with an ISS code of 0x0000002.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

EnAS0, bit [55]
When FEAT_LS64_ACCDATA is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Traps execution of an ST64BV0 instruction at EL0 to EL2.


Execution of an ST64BV0 instruction at EL0 is trapped to EL2.


This control does not cause any instructions to be trapped.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

A trap of an ST64BV0 instruction is reported using an ESR_ELx.EC value of 0x0A, with an ISS code of 0x0000001.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

EnASR, bit [54]
When FEAT_LS64_V is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Traps execution of an ST64BV instruction at EL0 to EL2.


Execution of an ST64BV instruction at EL0 is trapped to EL2.


This control does not cause any instructions to be trapped.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

A trap of an ST64BV instruction is reported using an ESR_ELx.EC value of 0x0A, with an ISS code of 0x0000000.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

TME, bit [53]
When FEAT_TME is implemented:

Enables the Transactional Memory Extension at EL2.


Any attempt to execute a TSTART instruction at EL2 is trapped, unless HCR_EL2.TME or SCR_EL3.TME causes TSTART instructions to be UNDEFINED at EL2.


This control does not cause any TSTART instruction to be trapped.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

TME0, bit [52]
When FEAT_TME is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Enables the Transactional Memory Extension at EL0.


Any attempt to execute a TSTART instruction at EL0 is trapped to EL2, unless HCR_EL2.TME or SCR_EL3.TME causes TSTART instructions to be UNDEFINED at EL0.


This control does not cause any TSTART instruction to be trapped.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

TMT, bit [51]
When FEAT_TME is implemented:

Forces a trivial implementation of the Transactional Memory Extension at EL2.


This control does not cause any TSTART instruction to fail.


When the TSTART instruction is executed at EL2, the transaction fails with a TRIVIAL failure cause.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

TMT0, bit [50]
When FEAT_TME is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Forces a trivial implementation of the Transactional Memory Extension at EL0.


This control does not cause any TSTART instruction to fail.


When the TSTART instruction is executed at EL0, the transaction fails with a TRIVIAL failure cause.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

TWEDEL, bits [49:46]
When FEAT_TWED is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

TWE Delay. A 4-bit unsigned number that, when SCTLR_EL2.TWEDEn is 1, encodes the minimum delay in taking a trap of WFE caused by SCTLR_EL2.nTWE as 2(TWEDEL + 8) cycles.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

TWEDEn, bit [45]
When FEAT_TWED is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

TWE Delay Enable. Enables a configurable delayed trap of the WFE instruction caused by SCTLR_EL2.nTWE.


The delay for taking a WFE trap is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED.


The delay for taking a WFE trap is at least the number of cycles defined in SCTLR_EL2.TWEDEL.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

DSSBS, bit [44]
When FEAT_SSBS is implemented:

Default PSTATE.SSBS value on exception entry.


PSTATE.SSBS is set to 0 on an exception to EL2.


PSTATE.SSBS is set to 1 on an exception to EL2.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

ATA, bit [43]
When FEAT_MTE2 is implemented:

Allocation Tag Access in EL2.

When SCR_EL3.ATA is 1, controls access to Allocation Tags and Tag Check operations in EL2.


Access to Allocation Tags is prevented at EL2.

Memory accesses at EL2 are not subject to a Tag Check operation.


This control does not prevent access to Allocation Tags at EL2.

Tag Checked memory accesses at EL2 are subject to a Tag Check operation.

The Tag Check operation depends on the type of tag at the memory being accessed:

  • For Allocation Tagged memory, an Allocation Tag Check operation.
  • If FEAT_MTE_CANONICAL_TAGS is implemented, for Canonically Tagged memory, a Canonical Tag Check operation.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

ATA0, bit [42]
When FEAT_MTE2 is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Allocation Tag Access in EL0.

When SCR_EL3.ATA is 1, controls access to Allocation Tags and Tag Check operations in EL0.


Access to Allocation Tags is prevented at EL0.

Memory accesses at EL0 are not subject to a Tag Check operation.


This control does not prevent access to Allocation Tags at EL0.

Tag Checked memory accesses at EL0 are subject to a Tag Check operation.

The Tag Check operation depends on the type of tag at the memory being accessed:

  • For Allocation Tagged memory, an Allocation Tag Check operation.
  • If FEAT_MTE_CANONICAL_TAGS is implemented, for Canonically Tagged memory, a Canonical Tag Check operation.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.


Software may change this control bit on a context switch.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

TCF, bits [41:40]
When FEAT_MTE2 is implemented:

Tag Check Fault in EL2. Controls the effect of Tag Check Faults due to Loads and Stores in EL2.

TCFMeaningApplies when

Tag Check Faults have no effect on the PE.


Tag Check Faults cause a synchronous exception.


Tag Check Faults are asynchronously accumulated.


Tag Check Faults cause a synchronous exception on reads, and are asynchronously accumulated on writes.

When FEAT_MTE3 is implemented

If FEAT_MTE3 is not implemented, the value 0b11 is reserved.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

TCF0, bits [39:38]
When FEAT_MTE2 is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Tag Check Fault in EL0. Controls the effect of Tag Check Faults due to Loads and Stores in EL0.

TCF0MeaningApplies when

Tag Check Faults have no effect on the PE.


Tag Check Faults cause a synchronous exception.


Tag Check Faults are asynchronously accumulated.


Tag Check Faults cause a synchronous exception on reads, and are asynchronously accumulated on writes.

When FEAT_MTE3 is implemented

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

If FEAT_MTE3 is not implemented, the value 0b11 is reserved.


Software may change this control bit on a context switch.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

ITFSB, bit [37]
When FEAT_MTE2 is implemented:

When synchronous exceptions are not being generated by Tag Check Faults, this field controls whether on exception entry into EL2, all Tag Check Faults due to instructions executed before exception entry, that are reported asynchronously, are synchronized into TFSRE0_EL1, TFSR_EL1, and TFSR_EL2 registers.


Tag Check Faults are not synchronized on entry to EL2.


Tag Check Faults are synchronized on entry to EL2.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

BT, bit [36]
When FEAT_BTI is implemented:

PAC Branch Type compatibility at EL2.

When HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} == {1, 1}, this bit is named BT1.


When the PE is executing at EL2, PACIASP and PACIBSP are compatible with PSTATE.BTYPE == 0b11.


When the PE is executing at EL2, PACIASP and PACIBSP are not compatible with PSTATE.BTYPE == 0b11.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

BT0, bit [35]
When FEAT_BTI is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

PAC Branch Type compatibility at EL0.


When the PE is executing at EL0, PACIASP and PACIBSP are compatible with PSTATE.BTYPE == 0b11.


When the PE is executing at EL0, PACIASP and PACIBSP are not compatible with PSTATE.BTYPE == 0b11.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

Bit [34]

Reserved, RES0.

MSCEn, bit [33]
When FEAT_MOPS is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Memory Copy and Memory Set instructions Enable. Enables execution of the Memory Copy and Memory Set instructions at EL0.


Execution of the Memory Copy and Memory Set instructions is UNDEFINED at EL0.


This control does not cause any instructions to be UNDEFINED.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

When FEAT_MOPS is implemented and HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} is not {1, 1}, the Effective value of this bit is 0b1.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

CMOW, bit [32]
When FEAT_CMOW is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Controls cache maintenance instruction permission for the following instructions executed at EL0.


These instructions executed at EL0 with stage 1 read permission, but without stage 1 write permission, do not generate a stage 1 permission fault.


If enabled as a result of SCTLR_EL2.UCI==1, these instructions executed at EL0 with stage 1 read permission, but without stage 1 write permission, generate a stage 1 permission fault.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

For this control, stage 1 has write permission if all of the following apply:

This bit is permitted to be cached in a TLB.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

EnIA, bit [31]
When FEAT_PAuth is implemented:

Controls enabling of pointer authentication of instruction addresses, using the APIAKey_EL1 key, in the EL2 or EL2&0 translation regime.


Pointer authentication of instruction addresses, using the APIAKey_EL1 key, is not enabled.


Pointer authentication of instruction addresses, using the APIAKey_EL1 key, is enabled.


This field controls the behavior of the AddPACIA and AuthIA pseudocode functions. Specifically, when the field is 1, AddPACIA returns a copy of a pointer to which a pointer authentication code has been added, and AuthIA returns an authenticated copy of a pointer. When the field is 0, both of these functions are NOP.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

EnIB, bit [30]
When FEAT_PAuth is implemented:

Controls enabling of pointer authentication of instruction addresses, using the APIBKey_EL1 key, in the EL2 or EL2&0 translation regime.


Pointer authentication of instruction addresses, using the APIBKey_EL1 key, is not enabled.


Pointer authentication of instruction addresses, using the APIBKey_EL1 key, is enabled.


This field controls the behavior of the AddPACIB and AuthIB pseudocode functions. Specifically, when the field is 1, AddPACIB returns a copy of a pointer to which a pointer authentication code has been added, and AuthIB returns an authenticated copy of a pointer. When the field is 0, both of these functions are NOP.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

LSMAOE, bit [29]
When FEAT_LSMAOC is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Load Multiple and Store Multiple Atomicity and Ordering Enable.


For all memory accesses at EL0, A32 and T32 Load Multiple and Store Multiple can have an interrupt taken during the sequence memory accesses, and the memory accesses are not required to be ordered.


The ordering and interrupt behavior of A32 and T32 Load Multiple and Store Multiple at EL0 is as defined for Armv8.0.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

This bit is permitted to be cached in a TLB.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES1.

nTLSMD, bit [28]
When FEAT_LSMAOC is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

No Trap Load Multiple and Store Multiple to Device-nGRE/Device-nGnRE/Device-nGnRnE memory.


All memory accesses by A32 and T32 Load Multiple and Store Multiple at EL0 that are marked at stage 1 as Device-nGRE/Device-nGnRE/Device-nGnRnE memory are trapped and generate a stage 1 Alignment fault.


All memory accesses by A32 and T32 Load Multiple and Store Multiple at EL0 that are marked at stage 1 as Device-nGRE/Device-nGnRE/Device-nGnRnE memory are not trapped.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

This bit is permitted to be cached in a TLB.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES1.

EnDA, bit [27]
When FEAT_PAuth is implemented:

Controls enabling of pointer authentication of instruction addresses, using the APDAKey_EL1 key, in the EL2 or EL2&0 translation regime.


Pointer authentication of data addresses, using the APDAKey_EL1 key, is not enabled.


Pointer authentication of data addresses, using the APDAKey_EL1 key, is enabled.


This field controls the behavior of the AddPACDA and AuthDA pseudocode functions. Specifically, when the field is 1, AddPACDA returns a copy of a pointer to which a pointer authentication code has been added, and AuthDA returns an authenticated copy of a pointer. When the field is 0, both of these functions are NOP.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

UCI, bit [26]
When HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Traps execution of cache maintenance instructions at EL0 to EL2, from AArch64 state only. This applies to DC CVAU, DC CIVAC, DC CVAC, DC CVAP, and IC IVAU.

If FEAT_DPB2 is implemented, this trap also applies to DC CVADP.

If FEAT_MTE is implemented, this trap also applies to DC CIGVAC, DC CIGDVAC, DC CGVAC, DC CGDVAC, DC CGVAP, and DC CGDVAP.

If FEAT_DPB2 and FEAT_MTE are implemented, this trap also applies to DC CGVADP and DC CGDVADP.


Any attempt to execute an instruction that this trap applies to at EL0 using AArch64 is trapped to EL2.


This control does not cause any instructions to be trapped.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

If the Point of Coherency is before any level of data cache, it is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED whether the execution of any data or unified cache clean, or clean and invalidate instruction that operates by VA to the point of coherency can be trapped when the value of this control is 1.

If the Point of Unification is before any level of data cache, it is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED whether the execution of any data or unified cache clean by VA to the Point of Unification instruction can be trapped when the value of this control is 1.

If the Point of Unification is before any level of instruction cache, it is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED whether the execution of any instruction cache invalidate by VA to the Point of Unification instruction can be trapped when the value of this control is 1.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

EE, bit [25]

Endianness of data accesses at EL2, stage 1 translation table walks in the EL2 or EL2&0 translation regime, and stage 2 translation table walks in the EL1&0 translation regime.


Explicit data accesses at EL2, stage 1 translation table walks in the EL2 or EL2&0 translation regime, and stage 2 translation table walks in the EL1&0 translation regime are little-endian.


Explicit data accesses at EL2, stage 1 translation table walks in the EL2 or EL2&0 translation regime, and stage 2 translation table walks in the EL1&0 translation regime are big-endian.

If an implementation does not provide Big-endian support at Exception levels higher than EL0, this bit is RES0.

If an implementation does not provide Little-endian support at Exception levels higher than EL0, this bit is RES1.

The EE bit is permitted to be cached in a TLB.

The reset behavior of this field is:

E0E, bit [24]
When HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Endianness of data accesses at EL0.


Explicit data accesses at EL0 are little-endian.


Explicit data accesses at EL0 are big-endian.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

If an implementation only supports Little-endian accesses at EL0, then this bit is RES0. This option is not permitted when SCTLR_EL1.EE is RES1.

If an implementation only supports Big-endian accesses at EL0, then this bit is RES1. This option is not permitted when SCTLR_EL1.EE is RES0.

This bit has no effect on the endianness of LDTR, LDTRH, LDTRSH, LDTRSW, STTR, and STTRH instructions executed at EL1.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

SPAN, bit [23]
When HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Set Privileged Access Never, on taking an exception to EL2.


PSTATE.PAN is set to 1 on taking an exception to EL2.


The value of PSTATE.PAN is left unchanged on taking an exception to EL2.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES1.

EIS, bit [22]
When FEAT_ExS is implemented:

Exception entry is a context synchronization event.


The taking of an exception to EL2 is not a context synchronization event.


The taking of an exception to EL2 is a context synchronization event.

If SCTLR_EL2.EIS is set to 0b0:

The following are not affected by the value of SCTLR_EL2.EIS:

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES1.

IESB, bit [21]
When FEAT_IESB is implemented:

Implicit Error Synchronization event enable.




An implicit error synchronization event is added:

  • At each exception taken to EL2.
  • Before the operational pseudocode of each ERET instruction executed at EL2.

If FEAT_DoubleFault2 is implemented, the PE is in Non-debug state, and the Effective value of SCTLR2_EL2.NMEA is 1, then SCTLR_EL2.IESB is ignored and the PE behaves as if SCTLR_EL2.IESB is 1 for all purposes other than direct read of the register.

When the PE is in Debug state, the effect of this field is CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE, and its Effective value might be 0 or 1 regardless of the value of the field. If the Effective value of the field is 1, then an implicit error synchronization event is added after each DCPSx instruction taken to EL2 and before each DRPS instruction executed at EL2, in addition to the other cases where it is added.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

TSCXT, bit [20]
When (FEAT_CSV2_2 is implemented or FEAT_CSV2_1p2 is implemented) and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Trap EL0 Access to the SCXTNUM_EL0 register, when EL0 is using AArch64.


EL0 access to SCXTNUM_EL0 is not disabled by this mechanism.


EL0 access to SCXTNUM_EL0 is disabled, causing an exception to EL2, and the SCXTNUM_EL0 value is treated as 0.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

The reset behavior of this field is:

When FEAT_CSV2_2 is not implemented, FEAT_CSV2_1p2 is not implemented, HCR_EL2.E2H == 1 and HCR_EL2.TGE == 1:

Reserved, RES1.


Reserved, RES0.

WXN, bit [19]

Write permission implies XN (Execute-never). For the EL2 or EL2&0 translation regime, this bit can force all memory regions that are writable to be treated as XN.


This control has no effect on memory access permissions.


Any region that is writable in the EL2 or EL2&0 translation regime is forced to XN for accesses from software executing at EL2.

This bit applies only when SCTLR_EL2.M bit is set.

The WXN bit is permitted to be cached in a TLB.

The reset behavior of this field is:

nTWE, bit [18]
When HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Traps execution of WFE instructions at EL0 to EL2, from both Execution states.

When FEAT_WFxT is implemented, this trap also applies to the WFET instruction.


Any attempt to execute a WFE instruction at EL0 is trapped to EL2, if the instruction would otherwise have caused the PE to enter a low-power state.


This control does not cause any instructions to be trapped.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

In AArch32 state, the attempted execution of a conditional WFE instruction is only trapped if the instruction passes its condition code check.


Since a WFE or WFI can complete at any time, even without a Wakeup event, the traps on WFE of WFI are not guaranteed to be taken, even if the WFE or WFI is executed when there is no Wakeup event. The only guarantee is that if the instruction does not complete in finite time in the absence of a Wakeup event, the trap will be taken.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES1.

Bit [17]

Reserved, RES0.

nTWI, bit [16]
When HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Traps execution of WFI instructions at EL0 to EL2, from both Execution states.

When FEAT_WFxT is implemented, this trap also applies to the WFIT instruction.


Any attempt to execute a WFI instruction at EL0 is trapped EL2, if the instruction would otherwise have caused the PE to enter a low-power state.


This control does not cause any instructions to be trapped.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

In AArch32 state, the attempted execution of a conditional WFI instruction is only trapped if the instruction passes its condition code check.


Since a WFE or WFI can complete at any time, even without a Wakeup event, the traps on WFE of WFI are not guaranteed to be taken, even if the WFE or WFI is executed when there is no Wakeup event. The only guarantee is that if the instruction does not complete in finite time in the absence of a Wakeup event, the trap will be taken.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES1.

UCT, bit [15]
When HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Traps EL0 accesses to the CTR_EL0 to EL2, from AArch64 state only.


Accesses to the CTR_EL0 from EL0 using AArch64 are trapped to EL2.


This control does not cause any instructions to be trapped.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

DZE, bit [14]
When HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Traps execution of DC ZVA instructions at EL0 to EL2, from AArch64 state only.

If FEAT_MTE is implemented, this trap also applies to DC GVA and DC GZVA.


Any attempt to execute an instruction that this trap applies to at EL0 using AArch64 is trapped to EL2. Reading DCZID_EL0.DZP from EL0 returns 1, indicating that the instructions that this trap applies to are not supported.


This control does not cause any instructions to be trapped.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

EnDB, bit [13]
When FEAT_PAuth is implemented:

Controls enabling of pointer authentication of instruction addresses, using the APDBKey_EL1 key, in the EL2 or EL2&0 translation regime.


Pointer authentication of data addresses, using the APDBKey_EL1 key, is not enabled.


Pointer authentication of data addresses, using the APDBKey_EL1 key, is enabled.


This field controls the behavior of the AddPACDB and AuthDB pseudocode functions. Specifically, when the field is 1, AddPACDB returns a copy of a pointer to which a pointer authentication code has been added, and AuthDB returns an authenticated copy of a pointer. When the field is 0, both of these functions are NOP.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

I, bit [12]

Instruction access Cacheability control, for accesses at EL2 and, when EL2 is enabled in the current Security state and HCR_EL2.{E2H,TGE} == {1,1}, EL0.


All instruction accesses to Normal memory from EL2 are Non-cacheable for all levels of instruction and unified cache.

When EL2 is enabled in the current Security state and HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} == {1, 1}, all instruction accesses to Normal memory from EL0 are Non-cacheable for all levels of instruction and unified cache.

If SCTLR_EL2.M is 0, instruction accesses from stage 1 of the EL2 or EL2&0 translation regime are to Normal, Outer Shareable, Inner Non-cacheable, Outer Non-cacheable memory.


This control has no effect on the Cacheability of instruction access to Normal memory from EL2 and, when EL2 is enabled in the current Security state and HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} == {1, 1}, instruction access to Normal memory from EL0.

If the value of SCTLR_EL2.M is 0, instruction accesses from stage 1 of the EL2 or EL2&0 translation regime are to Normal, Outer Shareable, Inner Write-Through, Outer Write-Through memory.

This bit has no effect on the EL3 translation regime.

When EL2 is disabled in the current Security state or HCR_EL2.{E2H,TGE} != {1,1}, this bit has no effect on the EL1&0 translation regime.

The reset behavior of this field is:

EOS, bit [11]
When FEAT_ExS is implemented:

Exception exit is a context synchronization event.


An exception return from EL2 is not a context synchronization event.


An exception return from EL2 is a context synchronization event.

If SCTLR_EL2.EOS is set to 0b0:

The following are not affected by the value of SCTLR_EL2.EOS:

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES1.

EnRCTX, bit [10]
When FEAT_SPECRES is implemented and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Enable EL0 access to the following System instructions:


EL0 access to these instructions is disabled, and these instructions are trapped to EL1.


EL0 access to these instructions is enabled.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

Bit [9]

Reserved, RES0.

SED, bit [8]
When EL0 is capable of using AArch32 and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

SETEND instruction disable. Disables SETEND instructions at EL0 using AArch32.


SETEND instruction execution is enabled at EL0 using AArch32.


SETEND instructions are UNDEFINED at EL0 using AArch32.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

If the implementation does not support mixed-endian operation at any Exception level, this bit is RES1.

The reset behavior of this field is:

When EL0 can only use AArch64 and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

Access to this field is RES1.


Reserved, RES0.

ITD, bit [7]
When EL0 is capable of using AArch32 and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

IT Disable. Disables some uses of IT instructions at EL0 using AArch32.


All IT instruction functionality is enabled at EL0 using AArch32.


Any attempt at EL0 using AArch32 to execute any of the following is UNDEFINED:

  • All encodings of the IT instruction with hw1[3:0]!=1000.
  • All encodings of the subsequent instruction with the following values for hw1:
    • 0b11xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: All 32-bit instructions, and the 16-bit instructions B, UDF, SVC, LDM, and STM.
    • 0b1011xxxxxxxxxxxx: All instructions in 'Miscellaneous 16-bit instructions'.
    • 0b10100xxxxxxxxxxx: ADD Rd, PC, #imm
    • 0b01001xxxxxxxxxxx: LDR Rd, [PC, #imm]
    • 0b0100x1xxx1111xxx: ADD Rdn, PC; CMP Rn, PC; MOV Rd, PC; BX PC; BLX PC.
    • 0b010001xx1xxxx111: ADD PC, Rm; CMP PC, Rm; MOV PC, Rm. This pattern also covers UNPREDICTABLE cases with BLX Rn.

These instructions are always UNDEFINED, regardless of whether they would pass or fail the condition code check that applies to them as a result of being in an IT block.

It is IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED whether the IT instruction is treated as:

  • A 16-bit instruction, that can only be followed by another 16-bit instruction.
  • The first half of a 32-bit instruction.

This means that, for the situations that are UNDEFINED, either the second 16-bit instruction or the 32-bit instruction is UNDEFINED.

An implementation might vary dynamically whether IT is treated as a 16-bit instruction or the first half of a 32-bit instruction.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

If an instruction in an active IT block that would be disabled by this field sets this field to 1 then behavior is CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE. For more information see 'Changes to an ITD control by an instruction in an IT block'.

ITD is optional, but if it is implemented in the SCTLR_EL2 then it must also be implemented in the SCTLR_EL1, HSCTLR, and SCTLR.

The reset behavior of this field is:

When an implementation does not implement ITD, access to this field is RAZ/WI.

When EL0 can only use AArch64 and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.


Reserved, RES0.

nAA, bit [6]
When FEAT_LSE2 is implemented:

Non-aligned access. This bit controls generation of Alignment faults under certain conditions at EL2, and, when EL2 is enabled in the current Security state and HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} == {1, 1}, EL0.

The following instructions generate an Alignment fault if all bytes being accessed are not within a single 16-byte quantity, aligned to 16 bytes for access:

If FEAT_LRCPC3 is implemented,the following instructions generate an Alignment fault if all bytes being accessed for a single register are not within a single 16-byte quantity, aligned to 16 bytes for access:


Unaligned accesses by the specified instructions generate an Alignment fault.


Unaligned accesses by the specified instructions do not generate an Alignment fault.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES0.

CP15BEN, bit [5]
When EL0 is capable of using AArch32 and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

System instruction memory barrier enable. Enables accesses to the DMB, DSB, and ISB System instructions in the (coproc==0b1111) encoding space from EL0:


EL0 using AArch32: EL0 execution of the CP15DMB, CP15DSB, and CP15ISB instructions is UNDEFINED.


EL0 using AArch32: EL0 execution of the CP15DMB, CP15DSB, and CP15ISB instructions is enabled.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

CP15BEN is optional, but if it is implemented in the SCTLR_EL2 then it must also be implemented in the SCTLR_EL1, HSCTLR, and SCTLR.

The reset behavior of this field is:

When EL0 can only use AArch64 and HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

Access to this field is RES0.


Reserved, RES1.

SA0, bit [4]
When HCR_EL2.E2H == 1:

SP Alignment check enable for EL0. When set to 1, if a load or store instruction executed at EL0 uses the SP as the base address and the SP is not aligned to a 16-byte boundary, then an SP alignment fault exception is generated. For more information, see 'SP alignment checking'.

If HCR_EL2.TGE == 0b0, the field is IGNORED for all purposes other than direct reads and writes of the register.

The reset behavior of this field is:


Reserved, RES1.

SA, bit [3]

SP Alignment check enable. When set to 1, if a load or store instruction executed at EL2 uses the SP as the base address and the SP is not aligned to a 16-byte boundary, then an SP alignment fault exception is generated. For more information, see 'SP alignment checking'.

The reset behavior of this field is:

C, bit [2]

Data access Cacheability control, for accesses at EL2 and, when EL2 is enabled in the current Security state and HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} == {1, 1}, EL0


The following are Non-cacheable for all levels of data and unified cache:

  • Data accesses to Normal memory from EL2.

  • When HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} != {1, 1}, Normal memory accesses to the EL2 translation tables.

  • When EL2 is enabled in the current Security state and HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} == {1, 1}:

    • Data accesses to Normal memory from EL0.
    • Normal memory accesses to the EL2&0 translation tables.

This control has no effect on the Cacheability of:

  • Data access to Normal memory from EL2.

  • When HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} != {1, 1}, Normal memory accesses to the EL2 translation tables.

  • When EL2 is enabled in the current Security state and HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} == {1, 1}:

    • Data accesses to Normal memory from EL0.
    • Normal memory accesses to the EL2&0 translation tables.

This bit has no effect on the EL3 translation regime.

When EL2 is disabled in the current Security state or HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} != {1, 1}, this bit has no effect on the EL1&0 translation regime.

The reset behavior of this field is:

A, bit [1]

Alignment check enable. This is the enable bit for Alignment fault checking at EL2 and, when EL2 is enabled in the current Security state and HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} == {1, 1}, EL0.


Alignment fault checking is disabled when executing at EL2.

When EL2 is enabled in the current Security state and HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} == {1, 1}, alignment fault checking disabled when executing at EL0.

Alignment checks on some instructions are not disabled by this control. For more information, see 'Alignment of data accesses'.


Alignment fault checking is enabled when executing at EL2.

When EL2 is enabled in the current Security state and HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} == {1, 1}, alignment fault checking enabled when executing at EL0.

All instructions that load or store one or more registers have an alignment check that the address being accessed is aligned to the size of the data element(s) being accessed. If this check fails it causes an Alignment fault, which is taken as a Data Abort exception.

The reset behavior of this field is:

M, bit [0]

MMU enable for EL2 or EL2&0 stage 1 address translation.


When HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} != {1, 1}, EL2 stage 1 address translation disabled.

When HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} == {1, 1}, EL2&0 stage 1 address translation disabled.

See the SCTLR_EL2.I field for the behavior of instruction accesses to Normal memory.


When HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} != {1, 1}, EL2 stage 1 address translation enabled.

When HCR_EL2.{E2H, TGE} == {1, 1}, EL2&0 stage 1 address translation enabled.

The reset behavior of this field is:

Accessing SCTLR_EL2

When HCR_EL2.E2H is 1, without explicit synchronization, access from EL2 using the mnemonic SCTLR_EL2 or SCTLR_EL1 are not guaranteed to be ordered with respect to accesses using the other mnemonic.

Accesses to this register use the following encodings in the System register encoding space:



if PSTATE.EL == EL0 then UNDEFINED; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL1 then if EL2Enabled() && HCR_EL2.NV == '1' then AArch64.SystemAccessTrap(EL2, 0x18); else UNDEFINED; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL2 then X[t, 64] = SCTLR_EL2; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL3 then X[t, 64] = SCTLR_EL2;



if PSTATE.EL == EL0 then UNDEFINED; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL1 then if EL2Enabled() && HCR_EL2.NV == '1' then AArch64.SystemAccessTrap(EL2, 0x18); else UNDEFINED; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL2 then SCTLR_EL2 = X[t, 64]; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL3 then SCTLR_EL2 = X[t, 64];

When FEAT_VHE is implemented


if PSTATE.EL == EL0 then UNDEFINED; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL1 then if EL2Enabled() && HCR_EL2.TRVM == '1' then AArch64.SystemAccessTrap(EL2, 0x18); elsif EL2Enabled() && IsFeatureImplemented(FEAT_FGT) && (!HaveEL(EL3) || SCR_EL3.FGTEn == '1') && HFGRTR_EL2.SCTLR_EL1 == '1' then AArch64.SystemAccessTrap(EL2, 0x18); elsif EL2Enabled() && HCR_EL2.<NV2,NV1,NV> == '111' then X[t, 64] = NVMem[0x110]; else X[t, 64] = SCTLR_EL1; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL2 then if HCR_EL2.E2H == '1' then X[t, 64] = SCTLR_EL2; else X[t, 64] = SCTLR_EL1; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL3 then X[t, 64] = SCTLR_EL1;

When FEAT_VHE is implemented


if PSTATE.EL == EL0 then UNDEFINED; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL1 then if EL2Enabled() && HCR_EL2.TVM == '1' then AArch64.SystemAccessTrap(EL2, 0x18); elsif EL2Enabled() && IsFeatureImplemented(FEAT_FGT) && (!HaveEL(EL3) || SCR_EL3.FGTEn == '1') && HFGWTR_EL2.SCTLR_EL1 == '1' then AArch64.SystemAccessTrap(EL2, 0x18); elsif EL2Enabled() && HCR_EL2.<NV2,NV1,NV> == '111' then NVMem[0x110] = X[t, 64]; else SCTLR_EL1 = X[t, 64]; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL2 then if HCR_EL2.E2H == '1' then SCTLR_EL2 = X[t, 64]; else SCTLR_EL1 = X[t, 64]; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL3 then SCTLR_EL1 = X[t, 64];

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