The MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL characteristics are:
Controls the MBWU monitor selected by MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.
MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL_s controls the Secure memory bandwidth usage monitor instance selected by the Secure instance of MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL. MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL_ns controls Non-secure memory bandwidth usage monitor instance selected by the Non-secure instance of MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL. MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL_rt controls the monitor configuration for the Root PARTID selected by the Root instance of MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL. MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL_rl controls the monitor configuration for the Realm PARTID selected by the Realm instance of MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.
If MPAMF_IDR.HAS_RIS is 1, the monitor instance configuration accessed is for the resource instance currently selected by MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.RIS and the monitor instance of that resource instance selected by MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.MON_SEL.
This register is present only when FEAT_MPAM is implemented, MPAMF_IDR.HAS_MSMON == 1 and MPAMF_MSMON_IDR.MSMON_MBWU == 1. Otherwise, direct accesses to MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL are RES0.
The power and reset domain of each MSC component is specific to that component.
MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL is a 32-bit register.
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
EN | Meaning |
0b0 |
The monitor instance is disabled and must not collect any information. |
0b1 |
The monitor instance is enabled to collect information according to the configuration of the instance. |
Capture event selector.
When the selected capture event occurs, MSMON_MBWU of the monitor instance is copied to MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE of the same instance. If the long counter is also implemented, MSMON_MBWU_L is also copied to MSMON_MBWU_L_CAPTURE.
Select the event that triggers capture from the following:
CAPT_EVNT | Meaning |
0b000 |
No capture event is triggered. |
0b001 |
External capture event 1 (optional, but recommended) |
0b010 |
External capture event 2 (optional) |
0b011 |
External capture event 3 (optional) |
0b100 |
External capture event 4 (optional) |
0b101 |
External capture event 5 (optional) |
0b110 |
External capture event 6 (optional) |
0b111 |
Capture occurs when a MSMON_CAPT_EVNT register in this MSC is written and causes a capture event for the Security state of this monitor. (optional) |
The values marked as optional indicate capture event sources that can be omitted in an implementation. Those values representing non-implemented event sources must not trigger a capture event.
When MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR.HAS_CAPTURE == 0, access to this field is RAZ/WI.
Reset MSMON_MBWU.VALUE after capture.
Controls whether the VALUE field of the monitor instance is reset to zero immediately after being copied to the corresponding capture register.
CAPT_RESET | Meaning |
0b0 |
MSMON_MBWU.VALUE field of the monitor instance is not reset on capture. |
0b1 |
MSMON_MBWU.VALUE field of the monitor instance is reset on capture. |
This control bit affects both MSMON_MBWU and MSMON_MBWU_L in implementations that include MSMON_MBWU_L.
When MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR.HAS_CAPTURE == 0, access to this field is RAZ/WI.
Overflow status.
Indicates whether the value of MSMON_MBWU has overflowed.
OFLOW_STATUS | Meaning |
0b0 |
MSMON_MBWU.VALUE has not overflowed. |
0b1 |
MSMON_MBWU.VALUE has overflowed at least once since this bit was last written to zero. |
Overflow status for MSMON_MBWU_L.VALUE is reported in MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.OFLOW_STATUS_L.
If MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR.HAS_CEVNT_OFLW is 1 or MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR.HAS_OFLOW_LNKG is 1, then a store to MSMON_MBWU when this field is 1 resets this field to 0.
Enable interrupt on overflow of MSMON_MBWU.VALUE.
OFLOW_INTR | Meaning |
0b0 |
No interrupt is signaled on an overflow of MSMON_MBWU.VALUE. |
0b1 |
An implementation-specific interrupt is signaled on an overflow of MSMON_MBWU.VALUE. |
Interrupt enable for overflow of MSMON_MBWU_L.VALUE is controlled by MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.OFLOW_INTR_L.
When MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.OFLOW_INTR == 0, access to this field is RAZ/WI.
Freeze monitor instance on overflow.
Controls whether MSMON_MBWU.VALUE field of the monitor instance freezes on an overflow.
OFLOW_FRZ | Meaning |
0b0 |
MSMON_MBWU.VALUE field of the monitor instance wraps on overflow. |
0b1 |
MSMON_MBWU.VALUE field of the monitor instance freezes on overflow. If the increment that caused the overflow was 1, the frozen value is the post-increment value of 0. If the increment that caused the overflow was larger than 1, the frozen value of the monitor might be 0 or a larger value less than the final increment. |
When a MSMON_MBWU.VALUE of a monitor instance is frozen it does not change until MSMON_CSU register for that instance has been written. If the monitor implements both MSMON_MBWU and MSMON_MBWU_L registers, both are frozen. A write to a frozen register unfreezes the count for just that register.
This control bit affects both MSMON_MBWU and MSMON_MBWU_L in implementations that include MSMON_MBWU_L.
Capture Monitor on Overflow.
OFLOW_CAPT | Meaning |
0b0 |
Monitor register MSMON_MBWU is not captured on an overflow or when affected by an overflow linkage event. |
0b1 | Monitor register MSMON_MBWU is captured and the MSMON_MBWU.{NRDY, VALUE} fields are copied to the monitor instance's MSMON_MBWU_CAPTURE register on an overflow or when affected by an overflow linkage event. The monitor instance treats an overflow of this monitor instance as a private capture event. If MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.CEVNT_OFLW is 1, this monitor instance also treats an overflow linkage event as a capture event. If OFLOW_FRZ is 1, the monitor does not continue to count after the overflow or overflow linkage event. If CAPT_RESET is 1, the monitor instance resets to 0. |
This bit does not control whether MSMON_MBWU_L is captured on an overflow or overflow linkage event. See MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.OFLOW_CAPT_L.
Reserved, RES0.
Subtype. Type of bandwidth counted by this monitor.
This field is not currently used for MBWU monitors, but reserved for future use.
This field is RAZ/WI.
MSMON_MBWU.VALUE Scaling Enable.
SCLEN | Meaning |
0b0 |
MSMON_MBWU.VALUE has bytes counted by the monitor instance. |
0b1 |
MSMON_MBWU.VALUE has bytes counted by the monitor instance, shifted right by MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR.SCALE. |
Capture Event performs overflow behavior.
CEVNT_OFLW | Meaning |
0b0 | On a capture event matching the CAPT_EVNT field the capture behaviors are performed. The NRDY and VALUE fields are transferred to the monitor instance's capture register. |
0b1 | On a capture event matching the CAPT_EVNT field the monitor instance treats a capture event as an overflow and the overflow behaviors are performed. The behavior is controlled by the MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.{OFLOW_FRZ, OFLOW_CAPT, OFLOW_CAPT_L, CAPT_RESET} fields. The MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.{OFLOW_STATUS, OFLOW_STATUS_L} fields are set for this monitor instance. |
Reserved, RES0.
Match PMG.
Controls whether the monitor instance only counts data transferred with PMG matching MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT.PMG.
MATCH_PMG | Meaning |
0b0 |
The monitor instance counts data transferred with any PMG value. |
0b1 |
The monitor instance only counts data transferred with the PMG value matching MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT.PMG. |
Controls whether the monitor instance counts only data transferred with PARTID matching MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT.PARTID.
MATCH_PARTID | Meaning |
0b0 |
The monitor instance counts data transferred with any PARTID value. |
0b1 |
The monitor instance only counts data transferred with the PARTID value matching MSMON_CFG_MBWU_FLT.PARTID. |
Overflow Status of MSMON_MBWU_L.VALUE of the monitor instance.
Indicates whether MSMON_MBWU_L.VALUE has overflowed.
OFLOW_STATUS_L | Meaning |
0b0 |
MSMON_MBWU_L.VALUE has not overflowed. |
0b1 |
MSMON_MBWU_L.VALUE has overflowed at least once since this bit was last written to zero. |
If MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR.HAS_LONG == 0, this bit is RES0.
Overflow status of MSMON_MBWU.VALUE is reported in MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.OFLOW_STATUS.
If MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR.HAS_CEVNT_OFLW is 1 or MPAMF_MBWUMON_IDR.HAS_OFLOW_LNKG is 1, then a store to MSMON_MBWU_L when this field is 1 resets this field to 0.
Reserved, RES0.
Overflow Interrupt for MSMON_MBWU_L.
Controls whether an MPAM overflow interrupt is generated when MSMON_MBWU_L.VALUE overflows.
OFLOW_INTR_L | Meaning |
0b0 |
No interrupt is signaled on an overflow of MSMON_MBWU_L.VALUE. |
0b1 |
An implementation-specific interrupt is signaled on overflow of MSMON_MBWU_L.VALUE. |
When MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL.OFLOW_INTR_L == 0, access to this field is RAZ/WI.
Reserved, RES0.
Capture Long Monitor on Overflow.
Controls whether MSMON_MBWU_L is copied to MSMON_MBWU_L_CAPTURE on an overflow or an overflow linkage event.
OFLOW_CAPT_L | Meaning |
0b0 |
Monitor register MSMON_MBWU_L is not captured on an overflow or when affected by an overflow linkage event. |
0b1 |
Monitor register MSMON_MBWU_L is captured on an overflow or when affected by an overflow linkage event. If OFLOW_FRZ is 1, the monitor does not continue to count after the overflow or overflow linkage event. If CAPT_RESET is 1, the monitor instance resets to 0. |
If this bit is 1, this monitor instance treats an overflow of this monitor instance as a private capture event.
If this bit is 1, this monitor instance also treats overflow linkage events for which it qualifies as a private capture event.
Reserved, RES0.
Reserved, RES0.
Overflow linkage event.
Controls signaling of a capture event on overflow of this monitor instance.
OFLOW_LNKG | Meaning |
0b000 |
Overflow of the monitor instance only affects this monitor instance. |
0b001 |
Overflow of this monitor instance signals Capture Event 1. |
0b010 |
Overflow of this monitor instance signals Capture Event 2. |
0b011 |
Overflow of this monitor instance signals Capture Event 3. |
0b100 |
Overflow of this monitor instance signals Capture Event 4. |
0b101 |
Overflow of this monitor instance signals Capture Event 5. |
0b110 |
Overflow of this monitor instance signals Capture Event 6. |
0b111 |
Reserved. |
Reserved, RES0.
Monitor Type Code. The MBWU monitor is TYPE = 0x42.
TYPE is a read-only constant indicating the type of the monitor.
Reads as 0x42.
Access to this field is RO.
This register is within the MPAM feature page memory frames.
In a system that supports Secure, Non-secure, Root, and Realm memory maps, there must be MPAM feature pages in all four address maps:
MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL_s, MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL_ns, MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL_rt, and MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL_rl must be separate registers:
When RIS is implemented, loads and stores to MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL access the monitor configuration settings for the bandwidth resource instance selected by MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.RIS and the memory bandwidth usage monitor instance selected by MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.MON_SEL.
When RIS is not implemented, loads and stores to MSMON_CFG_MBWU_CTL access the monitor configuration settings for the memory bandwidth usage monitor instance selected by MSMON_CFG_MON_SEL.MON_SEL.
Component | Frame | Offset | Instance |
Accesses on this interface are RW.
Component | Frame | Offset | Instance |
Accesses on this interface are RW.
Component | Frame | Offset | Instance |
When FEAT_RME is implemented, accesses on this interface are RW.
Component | Frame | Offset | Instance |
When FEAT_RME is implemented, accesses on this interface are RW.
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