Store Register (unprivileged) stores a word or doubleword from a register to memory. The address that is used for the store is calculated from a base register and an immediate offset.

Memory accesses made by the instruction behave as if the instruction was executed at EL0 if the Effective value of PSTATE.UAO is 0 and either:

Otherwise, the memory access operates with the restrictions determined by the Exception level at which the instruction is executed. For information about memory accesses, see Load/Store addressing modes.


32-bit (size == 10)

STTR <Wt>, [<Xn|SP>{, #<simm>}]

64-bit (size == 11)

STTR <Xt>, [<Xn|SP>{, #<simm>}]

boolean wback = FALSE; boolean postindex = FALSE; integer scale = UInt(size); bits(64) offset = SignExtend(imm9, 64);

Assembler Symbols


Is the 32-bit name of the general-purpose register to be transferred, encoded in the "Rt" field.


Is the 64-bit name of the general-purpose register to be transferred, encoded in the "Rt" field.


Is the 64-bit name of the general-purpose base register or stack pointer, encoded in the "Rn" field.


Is the optional signed immediate byte offset, in the range -256 to 255, defaulting to 0 and encoded in the "imm9" field.

Shared Decode

integer n = UInt(Rn); integer t = UInt(Rt); unpriv_at_el1 = PSTATE.EL == EL1 && !(EL2Enabled() && HaveNVExt() && HCR_EL2.<NV,NV1> == '11'); unpriv_at_el2 = PSTATE.EL == EL2 && HaveVirtHostExt() && HCR_EL2.<E2H,TGE> == '11'; user_access_override = HaveUAOExt() && PSTATE.UAO == '1'; if !user_access_override && (unpriv_at_el1 || unpriv_at_el2) then acctype = AccType_UNPRIV; else acctype = AccType_NORMAL; MemOp memop; boolean signed; integer regsize; if opc<1> == '0' then // store or zero-extending load memop = if opc<0> == '1' then MemOp_LOAD else MemOp_STORE; regsize = if size == '11' then 64 else 32; signed = FALSE; else if size == '11' then UNDEFINED; else // sign-extending load memop = MemOp_LOAD; if size == '10' && opc<0> == '1' then UNDEFINED; regsize = if opc<0> == '1' then 32 else 64; signed = TRUE; integer datasize = 8 << scale; boolean tag_checked = memop != MemOp_PREFETCH && (wback || n != 31); boolean wb_unknown = FALSE; boolean rt_unknown = FALSE; if memop == MemOp_LOAD && wback && n == t && n != 31 then c = ConstrainUnpredictable(Unpredictable_WBOVERLAPLD); assert c IN {Constraint_WBSUPPRESS, Constraint_UNKNOWN, Constraint_UNDEF, Constraint_NOP}; case c of when Constraint_WBSUPPRESS wback = FALSE; // writeback is suppressed when Constraint_UNKNOWN wb_unknown = TRUE; // writeback is UNKNOWN when Constraint_UNDEF UNDEFINED; when Constraint_NOP EndOfInstruction(); if memop == MemOp_STORE && wback && n == t && n != 31 then c = ConstrainUnpredictable(Unpredictable_WBOVERLAPST); assert c IN {Constraint_NONE, Constraint_UNKNOWN, Constraint_UNDEF, Constraint_NOP}; case c of when Constraint_NONE rt_unknown = FALSE; // value stored is original value when Constraint_UNKNOWN rt_unknown = TRUE; // value stored is UNKNOWN when Constraint_UNDEF UNDEFINED; when Constraint_NOP EndOfInstruction();


bits(64) address; bits(datasize) data; if HaveMTE2Ext() then SetTagCheckedInstruction(tag_checked); if n == 31 then if memop != MemOp_PREFETCH then CheckSPAlignment(); address = SP[]; else address = X[n]; if ! postindex then address = address + offset; case memop of when MemOp_STORE if rt_unknown then data = bits(datasize) UNKNOWN; else data = X[t]; Mem[address, datasize DIV 8, acctype] = data; when MemOp_LOAD data = Mem[address, datasize DIV 8, acctype]; if signed then X[t] = SignExtend(data, regsize); else X[t] = ZeroExtend(data, regsize); when MemOp_PREFETCH Prefetch(address, t<4:0>); if wback then if wb_unknown then address = bits(64) UNKNOWN; elsif postindex then address = address + offset; if n == 31 then SP[] = address; else X[n] = address;

Operational information

If PSTATE.DIT is 1, the timing of this instruction is insensitive to the value of the data being loaded or stored.

Internal version only: isa v33.11seprel, AdvSIMD v29.05, pseudocode v2021-09_rel, sve v2021-09_rc3d ; Build timestamp: 2021-10-06T11:41

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