ABS: Absolute value (predicated).
ADCLB: Add with carry long (bottom).
ADCLT: Add with carry long (top).
ADD (immediate): Add immediate (unpredicated).
ADD (vectors, predicated): Add vectors (predicated).
ADD (vectors, unpredicated): Add vectors (unpredicated).
ADDHNB: Add narrow high part (bottom).
ADDHNT: Add narrow high part (top).
ADDP: Add pairwise.
ADDPL: Add multiple of predicate register size to scalar register.
ADDVL: Add multiple of vector register size to scalar register.
ADR: Compute vector address.
AESD: AES single round decryption.
AESE: AES single round encryption.
AESIMC: AES inverse mix columns.
AESMC: AES mix columns.
AND (immediate): Bitwise AND with immediate (unpredicated).
AND (predicates): Bitwise AND predicates.
AND (vectors, predicated): Bitwise AND vectors (predicated).
AND (vectors, unpredicated): Bitwise AND vectors (unpredicated).
ANDS: Bitwise AND predicates, setting the condition flags.
ANDV: Bitwise AND reduction to scalar.
ASR (immediate, predicated): Arithmetic shift right by immediate (predicated).
ASR (immediate, unpredicated): Arithmetic shift right by immediate (unpredicated).
ASR (vectors): Arithmetic shift right by vector (predicated).
ASR (wide elements, predicated): Arithmetic shift right by 64-bit wide elements (predicated).
ASR (wide elements, unpredicated): Arithmetic shift right by 64-bit wide elements (unpredicated).
ASRD: Arithmetic shift right for divide by immediate (predicated).
ASRR: Reversed arithmetic shift right by vector (predicated).
BCAX: Bitwise clear and exclusive OR.
BDEP: Scatter lower bits into positions selected by bitmask.
BEXT: Gather lower bits from positions selected by bitmask.
BFCVT: Floating-point down convert to BFloat16 format (predicated).
BFCVTNT: Floating-point down convert and narrow to BFloat16 (top, predicated).
BFDOT (indexed): BFloat16 floating-point indexed dot product.
BFDOT (vectors): BFloat16 floating-point dot product.
BFMLALB (indexed): BFloat16 floating-point multiply-add long to single-precision (bottom, indexed).
BFMLALB (vectors): BFloat16 floating-point multiply-add long to single-precision (bottom).
BFMLALT (indexed): BFloat16 floating-point multiply-add long to single-precision (top, indexed).
BFMLALT (vectors): BFloat16 floating-point multiply-add long to single-precision (top).
BFMMLA: BFloat16 floating-point matrix multiply-accumulate.
BGRP: Group bits to right or left as selected by bitmask.
BIC (immediate): Bitwise clear bits using immediate (unpredicated): an alias of AND (immediate).
BIC (predicates): Bitwise clear predicates.
BIC (vectors, predicated): Bitwise clear vectors (predicated).
BIC (vectors, unpredicated): Bitwise clear vectors (unpredicated).
BICS: Bitwise clear predicates, setting the condition flags.
BRKA: Break after first true condition.
BRKAS: Break after first true condition, setting the condition flags.
BRKB: Break before first true condition.
BRKBS: Break before first true condition, setting the condition flags.
BRKN: Propagate break to next partition.
BRKNS: Propagate break to next partition, setting the condition flags.
BRKPA: Break after first true condition, propagating from previous partition.
BRKPAS: Break after first true condition, propagating from previous partition and setting the condition flags.
BRKPB: Break before first true condition, propagating from previous partition.
BRKPBS: Break before first true condition, propagating from previous partition and setting the condition flags.
BSL: Bitwise select.
BSL1N: Bitwise select with first input inverted.
BSL2N: Bitwise select with second input inverted.
CADD: Complex integer add with rotate.
CDOT (indexed): Complex integer dot product (indexed).
CDOT (vectors): Complex integer dot product.
CLASTA (scalar): Conditionally extract element after last to general-purpose register.
CLASTA (SIMD&FP scalar): Conditionally extract element after last to SIMD&FP scalar register.
CLASTA (vectors): Conditionally extract element after last to vector register.
CLASTB (scalar): Conditionally extract last element to general-purpose register.
CLASTB (SIMD&FP scalar): Conditionally extract last element to SIMD&FP scalar register.
CLASTB (vectors): Conditionally extract last element to vector register.
CLS: Count leading sign bits (predicated).
CLZ: Count leading zero bits (predicated).
CMLA (indexed): Complex integer multiply-add with rotate (indexed).
CMLA (vectors): Complex integer multiply-add with rotate.
CMP<cc> (immediate): Compare vector to immediate.
CMP<cc> (vectors): Compare vectors.
CMP<cc> (wide elements): Compare vector to 64-bit wide elements.
CMPLE (vectors): Compare signed less than or equal to vector, setting the condition flags: an alias of CMP<cc> (vectors).
CMPLO (vectors): Compare unsigned lower than vector, setting the condition flags: an alias of CMP<cc> (vectors).
CMPLS (vectors): Compare unsigned lower or same as vector, setting the condition flags: an alias of CMP<cc> (vectors).
CMPLT (vectors): Compare signed less than vector, setting the condition flags: an alias of CMP<cc> (vectors).
CNOT: Logically invert boolean condition in vector (predicated).
CNT: Count non-zero bits (predicated).
CNTB, CNTD, CNTH, CNTW: Set scalar to multiple of predicate constraint element count.
CNTP: Set scalar to count of true predicate elements.
COMPACT: Shuffle active elements of vector to the right and fill with zero.
CPY (immediate, merging): Copy signed integer immediate to vector elements (merging).
CPY (immediate, zeroing): Copy signed integer immediate to vector elements (zeroing).
CPY (scalar): Copy general-purpose register to vector elements (predicated).
CPY (SIMD&FP scalar): Copy SIMD&FP scalar register to vector elements (predicated).
CTERMEQ, CTERMNE: Compare and terminate loop.
DECB, DECD, DECH, DECW (scalar): Decrement scalar by multiple of predicate constraint element count.
DECD, DECH, DECW (vector): Decrement vector by multiple of predicate constraint element count.
DECP (scalar): Decrement scalar by count of true predicate elements.
DECP (vector): Decrement vector by count of true predicate elements.
DUP (immediate): Broadcast signed immediate to vector elements (unpredicated).
DUP (indexed): Broadcast indexed element to vector (unpredicated).
DUP (scalar): Broadcast general-purpose register to vector elements (unpredicated).
DUPM: Broadcast logical bitmask immediate to vector (unpredicated).
EON: Bitwise exclusive OR with inverted immediate (unpredicated): an alias of EOR (immediate).
EOR (immediate): Bitwise exclusive OR with immediate (unpredicated).
EOR (predicates): Bitwise exclusive OR predicates.
EOR (vectors, predicated): Bitwise exclusive OR vectors (predicated).
EOR (vectors, unpredicated): Bitwise exclusive OR vectors (unpredicated).
EOR3: Bitwise exclusive OR of three vectors.
EORBT: Interleaving exclusive OR (bottom, top).
EORS: Bitwise exclusive OR predicates, setting the condition flags.
EORTB: Interleaving exclusive OR (top, bottom).
EORV: Bitwise exclusive OR reduction to scalar.
EXT: Extract vector from pair of vectors.
FABD: Floating-point absolute difference (predicated).
FABS: Floating-point absolute value (predicated).
FAC<cc>: Floating-point absolute compare vectors.
FACLE: Floating-point absolute compare less than or equal: an alias of FAC<cc>.
FACLT: Floating-point absolute compare less than: an alias of FAC<cc>.
FADD (immediate): Floating-point add immediate (predicated).
FADD (vectors, predicated): Floating-point add vector (predicated).
FADD (vectors, unpredicated): Floating-point add vector (unpredicated).
FADDA: Floating-point add strictly-ordered reduction, accumulating in scalar.
FADDP: Floating-point add pairwise.
FADDV: Floating-point add recursive reduction to scalar.
FCADD: Floating-point complex add with rotate (predicated).
FCM<cc> (vectors): Floating-point compare vectors.
FCM<cc> (zero): Floating-point compare vector with zero.
FCMLA (indexed): Floating-point complex multiply-add by indexed values with rotate.
FCMLA (vectors): Floating-point complex multiply-add with rotate (predicated).
FCMLE (vectors): Floating-point compare less than or equal to vector: an alias of FCM<cc> (vectors).
FCMLT (vectors): Floating-point compare less than vector: an alias of FCM<cc> (vectors).
FCPY: Copy 8-bit floating-point immediate to vector elements (predicated).
FCVT: Floating-point convert precision (predicated).
FCVTLT: Floating-point up convert long (top, predicated).
FCVTNT: Floating-point down convert and narrow (top, predicated).
FCVTX: Floating-point down convert, rounding to odd (predicated).
FCVTXNT: Floating-point down convert, rounding to odd (top, predicated).
FCVTZS: Floating-point convert to signed integer, rounding toward zero (predicated).
FCVTZU: Floating-point convert to unsigned integer, rounding toward zero (predicated).
FDIV: Floating-point divide by vector (predicated).
FDIVR: Floating-point reversed divide by vector (predicated).
FDUP: Broadcast 8-bit floating-point immediate to vector elements (unpredicated).
FEXPA: Floating-point exponential accelerator.
FLOGB: Floating-point base 2 logarithm as integer.
FMAD: Floating-point fused multiply-add vectors (predicated), writing multiplicand [Zdn = Za + Zdn * Zm].
FMAX (immediate): Floating-point maximum with immediate (predicated).
FMAX (vectors): Floating-point maximum (predicated).
FMAXNM (immediate): Floating-point maximum number with immediate (predicated).
FMAXNM (vectors): Floating-point maximum number (predicated).
FMAXNMP: Floating-point maximum number pairwise.
FMAXNMV: Floating-point maximum number recursive reduction to scalar.
FMAXP: Floating-point maximum pairwise.
FMAXV: Floating-point maximum recursive reduction to scalar.
FMIN (immediate): Floating-point minimum with immediate (predicated).
FMIN (vectors): Floating-point minimum (predicated).
FMINNM (immediate): Floating-point minimum number with immediate (predicated).
FMINNM (vectors): Floating-point minimum number (predicated).
FMINNMP: Floating-point minimum number pairwise.
FMINNMV: Floating-point minimum number recursive reduction to scalar.
FMINP: Floating-point minimum pairwise.
FMINV: Floating-point minimum recursive reduction to scalar.
FMLA (indexed): Floating-point fused multiply-add by indexed elements (Zda = Zda + Zn * Zm[indexed]).
FMLA (vectors): Floating-point fused multiply-add vectors (predicated), writing addend [Zda = Zda + Zn * Zm].
FMLALB (indexed): Half-precision floating-point multiply-add long to single-precision (bottom, indexed).
FMLALB (vectors): Half-precision floating-point multiply-add long to single-precision (bottom).
FMLALT (indexed): Half-precision floating-point multiply-add long to single-precision (top, indexed).
FMLALT (vectors): Half-precision floating-point multiply-add long to single-precision (top).
FMLS (indexed): Floating-point fused multiply-subtract by indexed elements (Zda = Zda + -Zn * Zm[indexed]).
FMLS (vectors): Floating-point fused multiply-subtract vectors (predicated), writing addend [Zda = Zda + -Zn * Zm].
FMLSLB (indexed): Half-precision floating-point multiply-subtract long from single-precision (bottom, indexed).
FMLSLB (vectors): Half-precision floating-point multiply-subtract long from single-precision (bottom).
FMLSLT (indexed): Half-precision floating-point multiply-subtract long from single-precision (top, indexed).
FMLSLT (vectors): Half-precision floating-point multiply-subtract long from single-precision (top).
FMMLA: Floating-point matrix multiply-accumulate.
FMOV (immediate, predicated): Move 8-bit floating-point immediate to vector elements (predicated): an alias of FCPY.
FMOV (immediate, unpredicated): Move 8-bit floating-point immediate to vector elements (unpredicated): an alias of FDUP.
FMOV (zero, predicated): Move floating-point +0.0 to vector elements (predicated): an alias of CPY (immediate, merging).
FMOV (zero, unpredicated): Move floating-point +0.0 to vector elements (unpredicated): an alias of DUP (immediate).
FMSB: Floating-point fused multiply-subtract vectors (predicated), writing multiplicand [Zdn = Za + -Zdn * Zm].
FMUL (immediate): Floating-point multiply by immediate (predicated).
FMUL (indexed): Floating-point multiply by indexed elements.
FMUL (vectors, predicated): Floating-point multiply vectors (predicated).
FMUL (vectors, unpredicated): Floating-point multiply vectors (unpredicated).
FMULX: Floating-point multiply-extended vectors (predicated).
FNEG: Floating-point negate (predicated).
FNMAD: Floating-point negated fused multiply-add vectors (predicated), writing multiplicand [Zdn = -Za + -Zdn * Zm].
FNMLA: Floating-point negated fused multiply-add vectors (predicated), writing addend [Zda = -Zda + -Zn * Zm].
FNMLS: Floating-point negated fused multiply-subtract vectors (predicated), writing addend [Zda = -Zda + Zn * Zm].
FNMSB: Floating-point negated fused multiply-subtract vectors (predicated), writing multiplicand [Zdn = -Za + Zdn * Zm].
FRECPE: Floating-point reciprocal estimate (unpredicated).
FRECPS: Floating-point reciprocal step (unpredicated).
FRECPX: Floating-point reciprocal exponent (predicated).
FRINT<r>: Floating-point round to integral value (predicated).
FRSQRTE: Floating-point reciprocal square root estimate (unpredicated).
FRSQRTS: Floating-point reciprocal square root step (unpredicated).
FSCALE: Floating-point adjust exponent by vector (predicated).
FSQRT: Floating-point square root (predicated).
FSUB (immediate): Floating-point subtract immediate (predicated).
FSUB (vectors, predicated): Floating-point subtract vectors (predicated).
FSUB (vectors, unpredicated): Floating-point subtract vectors (unpredicated).
FSUBR (immediate): Floating-point reversed subtract from immediate (predicated).
FSUBR (vectors): Floating-point reversed subtract vectors (predicated).
FTMAD: Floating-point trigonometric multiply-add coefficient.
FTSMUL: Floating-point trigonometric starting value.
FTSSEL: Floating-point trigonometric select coefficient.
HISTCNT: Count matching elements in vector.
HISTSEG: Count matching elements in vector segments.
INCB, INCD, INCH, INCW (scalar): Increment scalar by multiple of predicate constraint element count.
INCD, INCH, INCW (vector): Increment vector by multiple of predicate constraint element count.
INCP (scalar): Increment scalar by count of true predicate elements.
INCP (vector): Increment vector by count of true predicate elements.
INDEX (immediate, scalar): Create index starting from immediate and incremented by general-purpose register.
INDEX (immediates): Create index starting from and incremented by immediate.
INDEX (scalar, immediate): Create index starting from general-purpose register and incremented by immediate.
INDEX (scalars): Create index starting from and incremented by general-purpose register.
INSR (scalar): Insert general-purpose register in shifted vector.
INSR (SIMD&FP scalar): Insert SIMD&FP scalar register in shifted vector.
LASTA (scalar): Extract element after last to general-purpose register.
LASTA (SIMD&FP scalar): Extract element after last to SIMD&FP scalar register.
LASTB (scalar): Extract last element to general-purpose register.
LASTB (SIMD&FP scalar): Extract last element to SIMD&FP scalar register.
LD1B (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load unsigned bytes to vector (immediate index).
LD1B (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load unsigned bytes to vector (scalar index).
LD1B (scalar plus vector): Gather load unsigned bytes to vector (vector index).
LD1B (vector plus immediate): Gather load unsigned bytes to vector (immediate index).
LD1D (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load doublewords to vector (immediate index).
LD1D (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load doublewords to vector (scalar index).
LD1D (scalar plus vector): Gather load doublewords to vector (vector index).
LD1D (vector plus immediate): Gather load doublewords to vector (immediate index).
LD1H (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load unsigned halfwords to vector (immediate index).
LD1H (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load unsigned halfwords to vector (scalar index).
LD1H (scalar plus vector): Gather load unsigned halfwords to vector (vector index).
LD1H (vector plus immediate): Gather load unsigned halfwords to vector (immediate index).
LD1RB: Load and broadcast unsigned byte to vector.
LD1RD: Load and broadcast doubleword to vector.
LD1RH: Load and broadcast unsigned halfword to vector.
LD1ROB (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load and replicate thirty-two bytes (immediate index).
LD1ROB (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load and replicate thirty-two bytes (scalar index).
LD1ROD (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load and replicate four doublewords (immediate index).
LD1ROD (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load and replicate four doublewords (scalar index).
LD1ROH (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load and replicate sixteen halfwords (immediate index).
LD1ROH (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load and replicate sixteen halfwords (scalar index).
LD1ROW (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load and replicate eight words (immediate index).
LD1ROW (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load and replicate eight words (scalar index).
LD1RQB (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load and replicate sixteen bytes (immediate index).
LD1RQB (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load and replicate sixteen bytes (scalar index).
LD1RQD (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load and replicate two doublewords (immediate index).
LD1RQD (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load and replicate two doublewords (scalar index).
LD1RQH (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load and replicate eight halfwords (immediate index).
LD1RQH (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load and replicate eight halfwords (scalar index).
LD1RQW (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load and replicate four words (immediate index).
LD1RQW (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load and replicate four words (scalar index).
LD1RSB: Load and broadcast signed byte to vector.
LD1RSH: Load and broadcast signed halfword to vector.
LD1RSW: Load and broadcast signed word to vector.
LD1RW: Load and broadcast unsigned word to vector.
LD1SB (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load signed bytes to vector (immediate index).
LD1SB (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load signed bytes to vector (scalar index).
LD1SB (scalar plus vector): Gather load signed bytes to vector (vector index).
LD1SB (vector plus immediate): Gather load signed bytes to vector (immediate index).
LD1SH (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load signed halfwords to vector (immediate index).
LD1SH (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load signed halfwords to vector (scalar index).
LD1SH (scalar plus vector): Gather load signed halfwords to vector (vector index).
LD1SH (vector plus immediate): Gather load signed halfwords to vector (immediate index).
LD1SW (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load signed words to vector (immediate index).
LD1SW (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load signed words to vector (scalar index).
LD1SW (scalar plus vector): Gather load signed words to vector (vector index).
LD1SW (vector plus immediate): Gather load signed words to vector (immediate index).
LD1W (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load unsigned words to vector (immediate index).
LD1W (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load unsigned words to vector (scalar index).
LD1W (scalar plus vector): Gather load unsigned words to vector (vector index).
LD1W (vector plus immediate): Gather load unsigned words to vector (immediate index).
LD2B (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load two-byte structures to two vectors (immediate index).
LD2B (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load two-byte structures to two vectors (scalar index).
LD2D (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load two-doubleword structures to two vectors (immediate index).
LD2D (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load two-doubleword structures to two vectors (scalar index).
LD2H (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load two-halfword structures to two vectors (immediate index).
LD2H (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load two-halfword structures to two vectors (scalar index).
LD2W (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load two-word structures to two vectors (immediate index).
LD2W (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load two-word structures to two vectors (scalar index).
LD3B (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load three-byte structures to three vectors (immediate index).
LD3B (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load three-byte structures to three vectors (scalar index).
LD3D (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load three-doubleword structures to three vectors (immediate index).
LD3D (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load three-doubleword structures to three vectors (scalar index).
LD3H (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load three-halfword structures to three vectors (immediate index).
LD3H (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load three-halfword structures to three vectors (scalar index).
LD3W (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load three-word structures to three vectors (immediate index).
LD3W (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load three-word structures to three vectors (scalar index).
LD4B (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load four-byte structures to four vectors (immediate index).
LD4B (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load four-byte structures to four vectors (scalar index).
LD4D (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load four-doubleword structures to four vectors (immediate index).
LD4D (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load four-doubleword structures to four vectors (scalar index).
LD4H (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load four-halfword structures to four vectors (immediate index).
LD4H (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load four-halfword structures to four vectors (scalar index).
LD4W (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load four-word structures to four vectors (immediate index).
LD4W (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load four-word structures to four vectors (scalar index).
LDFF1B (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load first-fault unsigned bytes to vector (scalar index).
LDFF1B (scalar plus vector): Gather load first-fault unsigned bytes to vector (vector index).
LDFF1B (vector plus immediate): Gather load first-fault unsigned bytes to vector (immediate index).
LDFF1D (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load first-fault doublewords to vector (scalar index).
LDFF1D (scalar plus vector): Gather load first-fault doublewords to vector (vector index).
LDFF1D (vector plus immediate): Gather load first-fault doublewords to vector (immediate index).
LDFF1H (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load first-fault unsigned halfwords to vector (scalar index).
LDFF1H (scalar plus vector): Gather load first-fault unsigned halfwords to vector (vector index).
LDFF1H (vector plus immediate): Gather load first-fault unsigned halfwords to vector (immediate index).
LDFF1SB (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load first-fault signed bytes to vector (scalar index).
LDFF1SB (scalar plus vector): Gather load first-fault signed bytes to vector (vector index).
LDFF1SB (vector plus immediate): Gather load first-fault signed bytes to vector (immediate index).
LDFF1SH (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load first-fault signed halfwords to vector (scalar index).
LDFF1SH (scalar plus vector): Gather load first-fault signed halfwords to vector (vector index).
LDFF1SH (vector plus immediate): Gather load first-fault signed halfwords to vector (immediate index).
LDFF1SW (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load first-fault signed words to vector (scalar index).
LDFF1SW (scalar plus vector): Gather load first-fault signed words to vector (vector index).
LDFF1SW (vector plus immediate): Gather load first-fault signed words to vector (immediate index).
LDFF1W (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load first-fault unsigned words to vector (scalar index).
LDFF1W (scalar plus vector): Gather load first-fault unsigned words to vector (vector index).
LDFF1W (vector plus immediate): Gather load first-fault unsigned words to vector (immediate index).
LDNF1B: Contiguous load non-fault unsigned bytes to vector (immediate index).
LDNF1D: Contiguous load non-fault doublewords to vector (immediate index).
LDNF1H: Contiguous load non-fault unsigned halfwords to vector (immediate index).
LDNF1SB: Contiguous load non-fault signed bytes to vector (immediate index).
LDNF1SH: Contiguous load non-fault signed halfwords to vector (immediate index).
LDNF1SW: Contiguous load non-fault signed words to vector (immediate index).
LDNF1W: Contiguous load non-fault unsigned words to vector (immediate index).
LDNT1B (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load non-temporal bytes to vector (immediate index).
LDNT1B (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load non-temporal bytes to vector (scalar index).
LDNT1B (vector plus scalar): Gather load non-temporal unsigned bytes.
LDNT1D (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load non-temporal doublewords to vector (immediate index).
LDNT1D (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load non-temporal doublewords to vector (scalar index).
LDNT1D (vector plus scalar): Gather load non-temporal unsigned doublewords.
LDNT1H (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load non-temporal halfwords to vector (immediate index).
LDNT1H (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load non-temporal halfwords to vector (scalar index).
LDNT1H (vector plus scalar): Gather load non-temporal unsigned halfwords.
LDNT1SB: Gather load non-temporal signed bytes.
LDNT1SH: Gather load non-temporal signed halfwords.
LDNT1SW: Gather load non-temporal signed words.
LDNT1W (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous load non-temporal words to vector (immediate index).
LDNT1W (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous load non-temporal words to vector (scalar index).
LDNT1W (vector plus scalar): Gather load non-temporal unsigned words.
LDR (predicate): Load predicate register.
LDR (vector): Load vector register.
LSL (immediate, predicated): Logical shift left by immediate (predicated).
LSL (immediate, unpredicated): Logical shift left by immediate (unpredicated).
LSL (vectors): Logical shift left by vector (predicated).
LSL (wide elements, predicated): Logical shift left by 64-bit wide elements (predicated).
LSL (wide elements, unpredicated): Logical shift left by 64-bit wide elements (unpredicated).
LSLR: Reversed logical shift left by vector (predicated).
LSR (immediate, predicated): Logical shift right by immediate (predicated).
LSR (immediate, unpredicated): Logical shift right by immediate (unpredicated).
LSR (vectors): Logical shift right by vector (predicated).
LSR (wide elements, predicated): Logical shift right by 64-bit wide elements (predicated).
LSR (wide elements, unpredicated): Logical shift right by 64-bit wide elements (unpredicated).
LSRR: Reversed logical shift right by vector (predicated).
MAD: Multiply-add vectors (predicated), writing multiplicand [Zdn = Za + Zdn * Zm].
MATCH: Detect any matching elements, setting the condition flags.
MLA (indexed): Multiply-add to accumulator (indexed).
MLA (vectors): Multiply-add vectors (predicated), writing addend [Zda = Zda + Zn * Zm].
MLS (indexed): Multiply-subtract from accumulator (indexed).
MLS (vectors): Multiply-subtract vectors (predicated), writing addend [Zda = Zda - Zn * Zm].
MOV: Move logical bitmask immediate to vector (unpredicated): an alias of DUPM.
MOV: Move predicate (unpredicated): an alias of ORR (predicates).
MOV (immediate, predicated, merging): Move signed integer immediate to vector elements (merging): an alias of CPY (immediate, merging).
MOV (immediate, predicated, zeroing): Move signed integer immediate to vector elements (zeroing): an alias of CPY (immediate, zeroing).
MOV (immediate, unpredicated): Move signed immediate to vector elements (unpredicated): an alias of DUP (immediate).
MOV (predicate, predicated, merging): Move predicates (merging): an alias of SEL (predicates).
MOV (predicate, predicated, zeroing): Move predicates (zeroing): an alias of AND (predicates).
MOV (scalar, predicated): Move general-purpose register to vector elements (predicated): an alias of CPY (scalar).
MOV (scalar, unpredicated): Move general-purpose register to vector elements (unpredicated): an alias of DUP (scalar).
MOV (SIMD&FP scalar, predicated): Move SIMD&FP scalar register to vector elements (predicated): an alias of CPY (SIMD&FP scalar).
MOV (SIMD&FP scalar, unpredicated): Move indexed element or SIMD&FP scalar to vector (unpredicated): an alias of DUP (indexed).
MOV (vector, predicated): Move vector elements (predicated): an alias of SEL (vectors).
MOV (vector, unpredicated): Move vector register (unpredicated): an alias of ORR (vectors, unpredicated).
MOVPRFX (predicated): Move prefix (predicated).
MOVPRFX (unpredicated): Move prefix (unpredicated).
MOVS (predicated): Move predicates (zeroing), setting the condition flags: an alias of ANDS.
MOVS (unpredicated): Move predicate (unpredicated), setting the condition flags: an alias of ORRS.
MSB: Multiply-subtract vectors (predicated), writing multiplicand [Zdn = Za - Zdn * Zm].
MUL (immediate): Multiply by immediate (unpredicated).
MUL (indexed): Multiply (indexed).
MUL (vectors, predicated): Multiply vectors (predicated).
MUL (vectors, unpredicated): Multiply vectors (unpredicated).
NAND: Bitwise NAND predicates.
NANDS: Bitwise NAND predicates, setting the condition flags.
NBSL: Bitwise inverted select.
NEG: Negate (predicated).
NMATCH: Detect no matching elements, setting the condition flags.
NOR: Bitwise NOR predicates.
NORS: Bitwise NOR predicates, setting the condition flags.
NOT (predicate): Bitwise invert predicate: an alias of EOR (predicates).
NOT (vector): Bitwise invert vector (predicated).
NOTS: Bitwise invert predicate, setting the condition flags: an alias of EORS.
ORN (immediate): Bitwise inclusive OR with inverted immediate (unpredicated): an alias of ORR (immediate).
ORN (predicates): Bitwise inclusive OR inverted predicate.
ORNS: Bitwise inclusive OR inverted predicate, setting the condition flags.
ORR (immediate): Bitwise inclusive OR with immediate (unpredicated).
ORR (predicates): Bitwise inclusive OR predicates.
ORR (vectors, predicated): Bitwise inclusive OR vectors (predicated).
ORR (vectors, unpredicated): Bitwise inclusive OR vectors (unpredicated).
ORRS: Bitwise inclusive OR predicates, setting the condition flags.
ORV: Bitwise inclusive OR reduction to scalar.
PFALSE: Set all predicate elements to false.
PFIRST: Set the first active predicate element to true.
PMUL: Polynomial multiply vectors (unpredicated).
PMULLB: Polynomial multiply long (bottom).
PMULLT: Polynomial multiply long (top).
PNEXT: Find next active predicate.
PRFB (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous prefetch bytes (immediate index).
PRFB (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous prefetch bytes (scalar index).
PRFB (scalar plus vector): Gather prefetch bytes (scalar plus vector).
PRFB (vector plus immediate): Gather prefetch bytes (vector plus immediate).
PRFD (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous prefetch doublewords (immediate index).
PRFD (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous prefetch doublewords (scalar index).
PRFD (scalar plus vector): Gather prefetch doublewords (scalar plus vector).
PRFD (vector plus immediate): Gather prefetch doublewords (vector plus immediate).
PRFH (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous prefetch halfwords (immediate index).
PRFH (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous prefetch halfwords (scalar index).
PRFH (scalar plus vector): Gather prefetch halfwords (scalar plus vector).
PRFH (vector plus immediate): Gather prefetch halfwords (vector plus immediate).
PRFW (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous prefetch words (immediate index).
PRFW (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous prefetch words (scalar index).
PRFW (scalar plus vector): Gather prefetch words (scalar plus vector).
PRFW (vector plus immediate): Gather prefetch words (vector plus immediate).
PSEL: Predicate select between predicate register or all-false.
PTEST: Set condition flags for predicate.
PTRUE: Initialise predicate from named constraint.
PTRUES: Initialise predicate from named constraint and set the condition flags.
PUNPKHI, PUNPKLO: Unpack and widen half of predicate.
RADDHNB: Rounding add narrow high part (bottom).
RADDHNT: Rounding add narrow high part (top).
RAX1: Bitwise rotate left by 1 and exclusive OR.
RBIT: Reverse bits (predicated).
RDFFR (predicated): Return predicate of succesfully loaded elements.
RDFFR (unpredicated): Read the first-fault register.
RDFFRS: Return predicate of succesfully loaded elements, setting the condition flags.
RDVL: Read multiple of vector register size to scalar register.
REV (predicate): Reverse all elements in a predicate.
REV (vector): Reverse all elements in a vector (unpredicated).
REVB, REVH, REVW: Reverse bytes / halfwords / words within elements (predicated).
REVD: Reverse 64-bit doublewords in elements (predicated).
RSHRNB: Rounding shift right narrow by immediate (bottom).
RSHRNT: Rounding shift right narrow by immediate (top).
RSUBHNB: Rounding subtract narrow high part (bottom).
RSUBHNT: Rounding subtract narrow high part (top).
SABA: Signed absolute difference and accumulate.
SABALB: Signed absolute difference and accumulate long (bottom).
SABALT: Signed absolute difference and accumulate long (top).
SABD: Signed absolute difference (predicated).
SABDLB: Signed absolute difference long (bottom).
SABDLT: Signed absolute difference long (top).
SADALP: Signed add and accumulate long pairwise.
SADDLB: Signed add long (bottom).
SADDLBT: Signed add long (bottom + top).
SADDLT: Signed add long (top).
SADDV: Signed add reduction to scalar.
SADDWB: Signed add wide (bottom).
SADDWT: Signed add wide (top).
SBCLB: Subtract with carry long (bottom).
SBCLT: Subtract with carry long (top).
SCLAMP: Signed clamp to minimum/maximum vector.
SCVTF: Signed integer convert to floating-point (predicated).
SDIV: Signed divide (predicated).
SDIVR: Signed reversed divide (predicated).
SDOT (indexed): Signed integer indexed dot product.
SDOT (vectors): Signed integer dot product.
SEL (predicates): Conditionally select elements from two predicates.
SEL (vectors): Conditionally select elements from two vectors.
SETFFR: Initialise the first-fault register to all true.
SHADD: Signed halving addition.
SHRNB: Shift right narrow by immediate (bottom).
SHRNT: Shift right narrow by immediate (top).
SHSUB: Signed halving subtract.
SHSUBR: Signed halving subtract reversed vectors.
SLI: Shift left and insert (immediate).
SM4E: SM4 encryption and decryption.
SM4EKEY: SM4 key updates.
SMAX (immediate): Signed maximum with immediate (unpredicated).
SMAX (vectors): Signed maximum vectors (predicated).
SMAXP: Signed maximum pairwise.
SMAXV: Signed maximum reduction to scalar.
SMIN (immediate): Signed minimum with immediate (unpredicated).
SMIN (vectors): Signed minimum vectors (predicated).
SMINP: Signed minimum pairwise.
SMINV: Signed minimum reduction to scalar.
SMLALB (indexed): Signed multiply-add long to accumulator (bottom, indexed).
SMLALB (vectors): Signed multiply-add long to accumulator (bottom).
SMLALT (indexed): Signed multiply-add long to accumulator (top, indexed).
SMLALT (vectors): Signed multiply-add long to accumulator (top).
SMLSLB (indexed): Signed multiply-subtract long from accumulator (bottom, indexed).
SMLSLB (vectors): Signed multiply-subtract long from accumulator (bottom).
SMLSLT (indexed): Signed multiply-subtract long from accumulator (top, indexed).
SMLSLT (vectors): Signed multiply-subtract long from accumulator (top).
SMMLA: Signed integer matrix multiply-accumulate.
SMULH (predicated): Signed multiply returning high half (predicated).
SMULH (unpredicated): Signed multiply returning high half (unpredicated).
SMULLB (indexed): Signed multiply long (bottom, indexed).
SMULLB (vectors): Signed multiply long (bottom).
SMULLT (indexed): Signed multiply long (top, indexed).
SMULLT (vectors): Signed multiply long (top).
SPLICE: Splice two vectors under predicate control.
SQABS: Signed saturating absolute value.
SQADD (immediate): Signed saturating add immediate (unpredicated).
SQADD (vectors, predicated): Signed saturating addition (predicated).
SQADD (vectors, unpredicated): Signed saturating add vectors (unpredicated).
SQCADD: Saturating complex integer add with rotate.
SQDECB: Signed saturating decrement scalar by multiple of 8-bit predicate constraint element count.
SQDECD (scalar): Signed saturating decrement scalar by multiple of 64-bit predicate constraint element count.
SQDECD (vector): Signed saturating decrement vector by multiple of 64-bit predicate constraint element count.
SQDECH (scalar): Signed saturating decrement scalar by multiple of 16-bit predicate constraint element count.
SQDECH (vector): Signed saturating decrement vector by multiple of 16-bit predicate constraint element count.
SQDECP (scalar): Signed saturating decrement scalar by count of true predicate elements.
SQDECP (vector): Signed saturating decrement vector by count of true predicate elements.
SQDECW (scalar): Signed saturating decrement scalar by multiple of 32-bit predicate constraint element count.
SQDECW (vector): Signed saturating decrement vector by multiple of 32-bit predicate constraint element count.
SQDMLALB (indexed): Signed saturating doubling multiply-add long to accumulator (bottom, indexed).
SQDMLALB (vectors): Signed saturating doubling multiply-add long to accumulator (bottom).
SQDMLALBT: Signed saturating doubling multiply-add long to accumulator (bottom × top).
SQDMLALT (indexed): Signed saturating doubling multiply-add long to accumulator (top, indexed).
SQDMLALT (vectors): Signed saturating doubling multiply-add long to accumulator (top).
SQDMLSLB (indexed): Signed saturating doubling multiply-subtract long from accumulator (bottom, indexed).
SQDMLSLB (vectors): Signed saturating doubling multiply-subtract long from accumulator (bottom).
SQDMLSLBT: Signed saturating doubling multiply-subtract long from accumulator (bottom × top).
SQDMLSLT (indexed): Signed saturating doubling multiply-subtract long from accumulator (top, indexed).
SQDMLSLT (vectors): Signed saturating doubling multiply-subtract long from accumulator (top).
SQDMULH (indexed): Signed saturating doubling multiply high (indexed).
SQDMULH (vectors): Signed saturating doubling multiply high (unpredicated).
SQDMULLB (indexed): Signed saturating doubling multiply long (bottom, indexed).
SQDMULLB (vectors): Signed saturating doubling multiply long (bottom).
SQDMULLT (indexed): Signed saturating doubling multiply long (top, indexed).
SQDMULLT (vectors): Signed saturating doubling multiply long (top).
SQINCB: Signed saturating increment scalar by multiple of 8-bit predicate constraint element count.
SQINCD (scalar): Signed saturating increment scalar by multiple of 64-bit predicate constraint element count.
SQINCD (vector): Signed saturating increment vector by multiple of 64-bit predicate constraint element count.
SQINCH (scalar): Signed saturating increment scalar by multiple of 16-bit predicate constraint element count.
SQINCH (vector): Signed saturating increment vector by multiple of 16-bit predicate constraint element count.
SQINCP (scalar): Signed saturating increment scalar by count of true predicate elements.
SQINCP (vector): Signed saturating increment vector by count of true predicate elements.
SQINCW (scalar): Signed saturating increment scalar by multiple of 32-bit predicate constraint element count.
SQINCW (vector): Signed saturating increment vector by multiple of 32-bit predicate constraint element count.
SQNEG: Signed saturating negate.
SQRDCMLAH (indexed): Saturating rounding doubling complex integer multiply-add high with rotate (indexed).
SQRDCMLAH (vectors): Saturating rounding doubling complex integer multiply-add high with rotate.
SQRDMLAH (indexed): Signed saturating rounding doubling multiply-add high to accumulator (indexed).
SQRDMLAH (vectors): Signed saturating rounding doubling multiply-add high to accumulator (unpredicated).
SQRDMLSH (indexed): Signed saturating rounding doubling multiply-subtract high from accumulator (indexed).
SQRDMLSH (vectors): Signed saturating rounding doubling multiply-subtract high from accumulator (unpredicated).
SQRDMULH (indexed): Signed saturating rounding doubling multiply high (indexed).
SQRDMULH (vectors): Signed saturating rounding doubling multiply high (unpredicated).
SQRSHL: Signed saturating rounding shift left by vector (predicated).
SQRSHLR: Signed saturating rounding shift left reversed vectors (predicated).
SQRSHRNB: Signed saturating rounding shift right narrow by immediate (bottom).
SQRSHRNT: Signed saturating rounding shift right narrow by immediate (top).
SQRSHRUNB: Signed saturating rounding shift right unsigned narrow by immediate (bottom).
SQRSHRUNT: Signed saturating rounding shift right unsigned narrow by immediate (top).
SQSHL (immediate): Signed saturating shift left by immediate.
SQSHL (vectors): Signed saturating shift left by vector (predicated).
SQSHLR: Signed saturating shift left reversed vectors (predicated).
SQSHLU: Signed saturating shift left unsigned by immediate.
SQSHRNB: Signed saturating shift right narrow by immediate (bottom).
SQSHRNT: Signed saturating shift right narrow by immediate (top).
SQSHRUNB: Signed saturating shift right unsigned narrow by immediate (bottom).
SQSHRUNT: Signed saturating shift right unsigned narrow by immediate (top).
SQSUB (immediate): Signed saturating subtract immediate (unpredicated).
SQSUB (vectors, predicated): Signed saturating subtraction (predicated).
SQSUB (vectors, unpredicated): Signed saturating subtract vectors (unpredicated).
SQSUBR: Signed saturating subtraction reversed vectors (predicated).
SQXTNB: Signed saturating extract narrow (bottom).
SQXTNT: Signed saturating extract narrow (top).
SQXTUNB: Signed saturating unsigned extract narrow (bottom).
SQXTUNT: Signed saturating unsigned extract narrow (top).
SRHADD: Signed rounding halving addition.
SRI: Shift right and insert (immediate).
SRSHL: Signed rounding shift left by vector (predicated).
SRSHLR: Signed rounding shift left reversed vectors (predicated).
SRSHR: Signed rounding shift right by immediate.
SRSRA: Signed rounding shift right and accumulate (immediate).
SSHLLB: Signed shift left long by immediate (bottom).
SSHLLT: Signed shift left long by immediate (top).
SSRA: Signed shift right and accumulate (immediate).
SSUBLB: Signed subtract long (bottom).
SSUBLBT: Signed subtract long (bottom - top).
SSUBLT: Signed subtract long (top).
SSUBLTB: Signed subtract long (top - bottom).
SSUBWB: Signed subtract wide (bottom).
SSUBWT: Signed subtract wide (top).
ST1B (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store bytes from vector (immediate index).
ST1B (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store bytes from vector (scalar index).
ST1B (scalar plus vector): Scatter store bytes from a vector (vector index).
ST1B (vector plus immediate): Scatter store bytes from a vector (immediate index).
ST1D (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store doublewords from vector (immediate index).
ST1D (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store doublewords from vector (scalar index).
ST1D (scalar plus vector): Scatter store doublewords from a vector (vector index).
ST1D (vector plus immediate): Scatter store doublewords from a vector (immediate index).
ST1H (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store halfwords from vector (immediate index).
ST1H (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store halfwords from vector (scalar index).
ST1H (scalar plus vector): Scatter store halfwords from a vector (vector index).
ST1H (vector plus immediate): Scatter store halfwords from a vector (immediate index).
ST1W (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store words from vector (immediate index).
ST1W (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store words from vector (scalar index).
ST1W (scalar plus vector): Scatter store words from a vector (vector index).
ST1W (vector plus immediate): Scatter store words from a vector (immediate index).
ST2B (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store two-byte structures from two vectors (immediate index).
ST2B (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store two-byte structures from two vectors (scalar index).
ST2D (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store two-doubleword structures from two vectors (immediate index).
ST2D (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store two-doubleword structures from two vectors (scalar index).
ST2H (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store two-halfword structures from two vectors (immediate index).
ST2H (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store two-halfword structures from two vectors (scalar index).
ST2W (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store two-word structures from two vectors (immediate index).
ST2W (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store two-word structures from two vectors (scalar index).
ST3B (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store three-byte structures from three vectors (immediate index).
ST3B (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store three-byte structures from three vectors (scalar index).
ST3D (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store three-doubleword structures from three vectors (immediate index).
ST3D (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store three-doubleword structures from three vectors (scalar index).
ST3H (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store three-halfword structures from three vectors (immediate index).
ST3H (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store three-halfword structures from three vectors (scalar index).
ST3W (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store three-word structures from three vectors (immediate index).
ST3W (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store three-word structures from three vectors (scalar index).
ST4B (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store four-byte structures from four vectors (immediate index).
ST4B (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store four-byte structures from four vectors (scalar index).
ST4D (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store four-doubleword structures from four vectors (immediate index).
ST4D (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store four-doubleword structures from four vectors (scalar index).
ST4H (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store four-halfword structures from four vectors (immediate index).
ST4H (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store four-halfword structures from four vectors (scalar index).
ST4W (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store four-word structures from four vectors (immediate index).
ST4W (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store four-word structures from four vectors (scalar index).
STNT1B (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store non-temporal bytes from vector (immediate index).
STNT1B (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store non-temporal bytes from vector (scalar index).
STNT1B (vector plus scalar): Scatter store non-temporal bytes.
STNT1D (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store non-temporal doublewords from vector (immediate index).
STNT1D (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store non-temporal doublewords from vector (scalar index).
STNT1D (vector plus scalar): Scatter store non-temporal doublewords.
STNT1H (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store non-temporal halfwords from vector (immediate index).
STNT1H (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store non-temporal halfwords from vector (scalar index).
STNT1H (vector plus scalar): Scatter store non-temporal halfwords.
STNT1W (scalar plus immediate): Contiguous store non-temporal words from vector (immediate index).
STNT1W (scalar plus scalar): Contiguous store non-temporal words from vector (scalar index).
STNT1W (vector plus scalar): Scatter store non-temporal words.
STR (predicate): Store predicate register.
STR (vector): Store vector register.
SUB (immediate): Subtract immediate (unpredicated).
SUB (vectors, predicated): Subtract vectors (predicated).
SUB (vectors, unpredicated): Subtract vectors (unpredicated).
SUBHNB: Subtract narrow high part (bottom).
SUBHNT: Subtract narrow high part (top).
SUBR (immediate): Reversed subtract from immediate (unpredicated).
SUBR (vectors): Reversed subtract vectors (predicated).
SUDOT: Signed by unsigned integer indexed dot product.
SUNPKHI, SUNPKLO: Signed unpack and extend half of vector.
SUQADD: Signed saturating addition of unsigned value.
SXTB, SXTH, SXTW: Signed byte / halfword / word extend (predicated).
TBL: Programmable table lookup in one or two vector table (zeroing).
TBX: Programmable table lookup in single vector table (merging).
TRN1, TRN2 (predicates): Interleave even or odd elements from two predicates.
TRN1, TRN2 (vectors): Interleave even or odd elements from two vectors.
UABA: Unsigned absolute difference and accumulate.
UABALB: Unsigned absolute difference and accumulate long (bottom).
UABALT: Unsigned absolute difference and accumulate long (top).
UABD: Unsigned absolute difference (predicated).
UABDLB: Unsigned absolute difference long (bottom).
UABDLT: Unsigned absolute difference long (top).
UADALP: Unsigned add and accumulate long pairwise.
UADDLB: Unsigned add long (bottom).
UADDLT: Unsigned add long (top).
UADDV: Unsigned add reduction to scalar.
UADDWB: Unsigned add wide (bottom).
UADDWT: Unsigned add wide (top).
UCLAMP: Unsigned clamp to minimum/maximum vector.
UCVTF: Unsigned integer convert to floating-point (predicated).
UDIV: Unsigned divide (predicated).
UDIVR: Unsigned reversed divide (predicated).
UDOT (indexed): Unsigned integer indexed dot product.
UDOT (vectors): Unsigned integer dot product.
UHADD: Unsigned halving addition.
UHSUB: Unsigned halving subtract.
UHSUBR: Unsigned halving subtract reversed vectors.
UMAX (immediate): Unsigned maximum with immediate (unpredicated).
UMAX (vectors): Unsigned maximum vectors (predicated).
UMAXP: Unsigned maximum pairwise.
UMAXV: Unsigned maximum reduction to scalar.
UMIN (immediate): Unsigned minimum with immediate (unpredicated).
UMIN (vectors): Unsigned minimum vectors (predicated).
UMINP: Unsigned minimum pairwise.
UMINV: Unsigned minimum reduction to scalar.
UMLALB (indexed): Unsigned multiply-add long to accumulator (bottom, indexed).
UMLALB (vectors): Unsigned multiply-add long to accumulator (bottom).
UMLALT (indexed): Unsigned multiply-add long to accumulator (top, indexed).
UMLALT (vectors): Unsigned multiply-add long to accumulator (top).
UMLSLB (indexed): Unsigned multiply-subtract long from accumulator (bottom, indexed).
UMLSLB (vectors): Unsigned multiply-subtract long from accumulator (bottom).
UMLSLT (indexed): Unsigned multiply-subtract long from accumulator (top, indexed).
UMLSLT (vectors): Unsigned multiply-subtract long from accumulator (top).
UMMLA: Unsigned integer matrix multiply-accumulate.
UMULH (predicated): Unsigned multiply returning high half (predicated).
UMULH (unpredicated): Unsigned multiply returning high half (unpredicated).
UMULLB (indexed): Unsigned multiply long (bottom, indexed).
UMULLB (vectors): Unsigned multiply long (bottom).
UMULLT (indexed): Unsigned multiply long (top, indexed).
UMULLT (vectors): Unsigned multiply long (top).
UQADD (immediate): Unsigned saturating add immediate (unpredicated).
UQADD (vectors, predicated): Unsigned saturating addition (predicated).
UQADD (vectors, unpredicated): Unsigned saturating add vectors (unpredicated).
UQDECB: Unsigned saturating decrement scalar by multiple of 8-bit predicate constraint element count.
UQDECD (scalar): Unsigned saturating decrement scalar by multiple of 64-bit predicate constraint element count.
UQDECD (vector): Unsigned saturating decrement vector by multiple of 64-bit predicate constraint element count.
UQDECH (scalar): Unsigned saturating decrement scalar by multiple of 16-bit predicate constraint element count.
UQDECH (vector): Unsigned saturating decrement vector by multiple of 16-bit predicate constraint element count.
UQDECP (scalar): Unsigned saturating decrement scalar by count of true predicate elements.
UQDECP (vector): Unsigned saturating decrement vector by count of true predicate elements.
UQDECW (scalar): Unsigned saturating decrement scalar by multiple of 32-bit predicate constraint element count.
UQDECW (vector): Unsigned saturating decrement vector by multiple of 32-bit predicate constraint element count.
UQINCB: Unsigned saturating increment scalar by multiple of 8-bit predicate constraint element count.
UQINCD (scalar): Unsigned saturating increment scalar by multiple of 64-bit predicate constraint element count.
UQINCD (vector): Unsigned saturating increment vector by multiple of 64-bit predicate constraint element count.
UQINCH (scalar): Unsigned saturating increment scalar by multiple of 16-bit predicate constraint element count.
UQINCH (vector): Unsigned saturating increment vector by multiple of 16-bit predicate constraint element count.
UQINCP (scalar): Unsigned saturating increment scalar by count of true predicate elements.
UQINCP (vector): Unsigned saturating increment vector by count of true predicate elements.
UQINCW (scalar): Unsigned saturating increment scalar by multiple of 32-bit predicate constraint element count.
UQINCW (vector): Unsigned saturating increment vector by multiple of 32-bit predicate constraint element count.
UQRSHL: Unsigned saturating rounding shift left by vector (predicated).
UQRSHLR: Unsigned saturating rounding shift left reversed vectors (predicated).
UQRSHRNB: Unsigned saturating rounding shift right narrow by immediate (bottom).
UQRSHRNT: Unsigned saturating rounding shift right narrow by immediate (top).
UQSHL (immediate): Unsigned saturating shift left by immediate.
UQSHL (vectors): Unsigned saturating shift left by vector (predicated).
UQSHLR: Unsigned saturating shift left reversed vectors (predicated).
UQSHRNB: Unsigned saturating shift right narrow by immediate (bottom).
UQSHRNT: Unsigned saturating shift right narrow by immediate (top).
UQSUB (immediate): Unsigned saturating subtract immediate (unpredicated).
UQSUB (vectors, predicated): Unsigned saturating subtraction (predicated).
UQSUB (vectors, unpredicated): Unsigned saturating subtract vectors (unpredicated).
UQSUBR: Unsigned saturating subtraction reversed vectors (predicated).
UQXTNB: Unsigned saturating extract narrow (bottom).
UQXTNT: Unsigned saturating extract narrow (top).
URECPE: Unsigned reciprocal estimate (predicated).
URHADD: Unsigned rounding halving addition.
URSHL: Unsigned rounding shift left by vector (predicated).
URSHLR: Unsigned rounding shift left reversed vectors (predicated).
URSHR: Unsigned rounding shift right by immediate.
URSQRTE: Unsigned reciprocal square root estimate (predicated).
URSRA: Unsigned rounding shift right and accumulate (immediate).
USDOT (indexed): Unsigned by signed integer indexed dot product.
USDOT (vectors): Unsigned by signed integer dot product.
USHLLB: Unsigned shift left long by immediate (bottom).
USHLLT: Unsigned shift left long by immediate (top).
USMMLA: Unsigned by signed integer matrix multiply-accumulate.
USQADD: Unsigned saturating addition of signed value.
USRA: Unsigned shift right and accumulate (immediate).
USUBLB: Unsigned subtract long (bottom).
USUBLT: Unsigned subtract long (top).
USUBWB: Unsigned subtract wide (bottom).
USUBWT: Unsigned subtract wide (top).
UUNPKHI, UUNPKLO: Unsigned unpack and extend half of vector.
UXTB, UXTH, UXTW: Unsigned byte / halfword / word extend (predicated).
UZP1, UZP2 (predicates): Concatenate even or odd elements from two predicates.
UZP1, UZP2 (vectors): Concatenate even or odd elements from two vectors.
WHILEGE: While decrementing signed scalar greater than or equal to scalar.
WHILEGT: While decrementing signed scalar greater than scalar.
WHILEHI: While decrementing unsigned scalar higher than scalar.
WHILEHS: While decrementing unsigned scalar higher or same as scalar.
WHILELE: While incrementing signed scalar less than or equal to scalar.
WHILELO: While incrementing unsigned scalar lower than scalar.
WHILELS: While incrementing unsigned scalar lower or same as scalar.
WHILELT: While incrementing signed scalar less than scalar.
WHILERW: While free of read-after-write conflicts.
WHILEWR: While free of write-after-read/write conflicts.
WRFFR: Write the first-fault register.
XAR: Bitwise exclusive OR and rotate right by immediate.
ZIP1, ZIP2 (predicates): Interleave elements from two half predicates.
ZIP1, ZIP2 (vectors): Interleave elements from two half vectors.
Internal version only: isa v33.11seprel, AdvSIMD v29.05, pseudocode v2021-09_rel, sve v2021-09_rc3d ; Build timestamp: 2021-10-06T11:41
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